I slowly drag my eyes from the shadowed archway I'm standing at and watch as the groups of people interact loudly in the brightly lit hall.
Everything is so bright in there, the chandeliers sparkle from their places hanging above everyone's head and it just feels like the kind of light that reminds me that I don't belong among these people.
River and I separated the moment we walked in because he had to go meet the founding board of the charity organisation we were attending and promised to seek me out in the crowd once he was done.
As if to keep true to his promise, he left me with his Royal ring and a badge that all pure blood royals wore whenever they were out as a sign of power and status. I am now clutching them both in my hand so tightly and I am almost positively sure that if any of them had been sharp, I'd be bleeding all over the plush red carpet laid down on the floor.