The Expulsion

Lin Fan made random guesses and couldn't wait to verify his guesses.

"Forget it! Now is the time to look for a chance to be resurrected. I've to think of a way to kill the remaining 90 zombies."

[Ding! Hidden quest triggered!]

[Quest: Kill 100 zombies. Reward: Emperor's Resurrection. Penalty: Cannot be resurrected until killing 1000 zombies.]

Seeing the notification that suddenly appeared on his retina, Lin Fan's eyebrows twitched.

"This system really has a keen sense of smell. However, it has since been detected by the system, I'm afraid hunting 100 zombies won't be easy. Last time I was helped by Shen Yue. But this time? Who knows?!" Lin Fan wasn't sure about the mission this time.

In the end, he decided to say goodbye to Doctor Yu and left the hospital looking up at the sky. The sight before him completely astonished him.


"Hey, catch the thief!"

"Hey idiot! Why did you let go!"

"He must be in cahoots with the thief!"

"Hit him first! We'll drag him to the guards and make him confess!"

Without being given a chance to fight back, Lin Fan was already being judged by the masses.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Lin Fan didn't even know what his fault was. How could he, who just got out of the hospital, be accused of being a burglar? In the end, Lin Fan was dropped to the ground, beaten and trampled on without having time to act.

"Aargh! Hey, I'm not their gang! I just got out of the hospital. I'm a sick person recovering! Are your eyes blind!"

However, when he wanted to fight and explain, the system ringer sounds.

[Ding! Congratulations Host! You won The Hurting One Title. Reward: Increases endurance by 10 points. Message: Host, do you know all my hidden missions?]

Lin Fan wanted to cry.


A man with a handsome face and young looks was sitting on a chaise longue. Currently, several people were kneeling before him.

"Young Master, we've done everything as you said, all that's left is murder," said one of those who knelt down.

The person, who was called young master, slowly opened his eyes, briefly staring at the ceiling of the house.

"Did you take him to the guard?"

"Yes, Young Master."

"Then, what was the guard's response?"

The lazily lying body slowly stood up with the teacup in hand.

"He was expelled from China City and blacklisted from our Hunter Guild, just as you had planned."

"You can go. Remember, split up and don't make people suspect you! Then, do the next plan," said the handsome man.

"All right, Young Master!"

After giving his young master a satisfactory report, the subordinates left and disappeared as if they had never appeared at all.

The young master stared into the large and transparent glass window. He stared at the thick darkness above the sky as he held his teacup and took a sip from time to time.

"Shen Yue ... One day, I'll definitely conquer you on the splendor of my bed!"

Holding back his nearly overflowing anger, the teacup in his hand shattered into pieces. But the young master's hand was not injured at all.

He was Bai Ye, one of the suitors rejected by Shen Yue. Since 30 years ago, Bai Ye kept an eye on Shen Yue and waited for her to weaken before then tying her to the bed. But Sword Goddess Shen is so powerful, even ordinary zombies are incapable of killing her.

In the end, his strength continued to grow and Bai Ye felt critical. With no choice, he was forced to plunge into the zombie battlefield and kill 100 zombies to resurrect. However unfortunately, he resurrected as a Tanker.

At first, Bai Ye was happy, to be resurrected as a tanker because he thought that his chance to approach Sword Goddess Shen was wide open. However, Bai Ye didn't expect Sword Goddess Shen's words to break his heart, "With my strength, killing these little cockroaches doesn't require a tanker at all. I'm already too strong, none can help me."

At first, Bai Ye accepted it, but when he saw that Sword Goddess Shen brought a man to the hospital, he felt angry.

Everyone knew that the Sword Goddess Shen Yue was a cold woman, even when her relatives were attacked by zombies, she was indifferent and simply said, "Run to the hospital, they'll help you!" After saying that, she just walked away.

So, Sword Goddess Shen's peculiarity that day made him believe, this man was special to her.

Bai Ye then planned. Making use of his connections. He managed to remove one barrier for him to get closer to the Sword Goddess Shen.


In front of China City gate.

Lin Fan looked at the tall and sturdy walls that surrounded the city. Then, Lin Fan looked at the small gate below him, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

"What happened? Why did I who just got out of the hospital suddenly get kicked out of this human city?"

Lin Fan was momentarily confused. Then, he could only leave with a helpless face.

"Well, forget it! I've to get stronger and find a bed first. Ugh! I haven't had lunch at the hospital because I'm in a rush. Where should I look for this?"

By holding back his hunger, Lin Fan walked in a daze as he squeezed the air.

He was looking at the change in his status.


[Host: Lin Fan

Title: The Hurting One (+10 resistance)

Level: 1

Attribute: 5 (Do you want to add a new attribute? (Yes/No))


Dragon Blade]

Finally, Lin Fan has time to take care of the description of its attributes.

"Can attributes be added as desired?"

Lin Fan was confused at first, but soon he had a great idea.

"Because I'm starving. Umph, what attribute can withstand hunger?"

Lin Fan thought hard, between whether this attribute will add immunity to hunger or is this sentence a type of attribute?

"Aargh! I'm dizzy! Just try it!"

In the end, Lin Fan gave up thinking and decided to give it a go. Clicking the attribute panel, he got a follow-up question.

[Would you like to add attributes?]


Lin Fan clicked 'Yes'.

Next, follow-up questions arise.

[Please write down the attribute you want to add!]

Lin Fan started clicking in the air on the transparent keyboard that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sufficiency, agility!"

He spelled the name as his hand typed, then he hit enter. A new command appeared on his retina.

[Would you like to add the Fill and Agility attributes to your stats?]

Lin Fan quickly pressed 'Yes'.

The white light shattered like shards of glass and the status bar reappeared.

[Congratulations! A new attribute has been added. You can allocate attribute points to new attributes.]


[Host: Lin Fan

Title: The Hurting One (resistance +10)

Level: 1


Pleasure (+)

Agility (+)

Attribute points: 5


Dragon Blade]

Lin Fan immediately added 2 satiety attribute points and 3 agility points. Instantly, his stomach improved, and he didn't feel hungry any more.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Indeed, having a system is a good thing. Now, before I feel hungry again, I've to find a food source first."

Lin Fan immediately took a leisurely pace and wandered in the wilderness not far from China Town. But he didn't find a hunting target.

"What happened? Isn't the forest theoretically a place for beasts? Then, why did they disappear?"

Lin Fan was confused, so he could only shift his focus and find a cave to sleep in while looking for firewood.

"Wait, how do I light the fire?"

Lin Fan suddenly felt that traveling outside the house really had to prepare everything. But now he had no fire, no beasts, and no food to eat.


A terrifying roar was heard from within the cave as Lin Fan had just arrived at the entrance.

Lin Fan shuddered in horror.