The Murder

Lin Fan wanted to turn around and leave when he heard the sound of that ferocious roar. He could be sure that there was at least a big, hideous bear there.

How would he know? Of course, from the films, he had seen.

Leaving the firewood behind, he immediately ran back. But his steps stopped because 5 people were already standing in front of him.

"Hey, Dude! Did you miss us?"

Lin Fan looked around and stared at them in disbelief.

"You guys! Are you here to arrest me again? I told you that I'm not a gang of thieves! Look! Because of you, I was kicked out, and I've no food."

Lin Fan explained to them rushing. He was afraid that this person would take the law into his hands and distrust him.

They looked at Lin Fan with playful smiles, then one of them threw a bag full of dry food on the ground.

"Hey, Buddy! I've some food here. Would you like it?"

One of them took off his black hood and revealed his face, then smiled. But to Lin Fan, that smile was like a devil's smile.

"Y-you ... you are the thief! Hey, Guys, catch the thief! He's a thief on the run!"

However, the atmosphere around them was quiet and Lin Fan realized that they were looking at him with stupid looks. Finally, he realized that from the start this was a scheme.

"Ugh! Looks like I really ran into a villain this time. It wasn't me who conspired, it was you guys. Well, what a shame!"

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fan put on a fire robe and a dragon knife attached to his waist. Furthermore, by channeling Qi, the sword instantly shot out of his storage ring and his hand immediately grasped it.

All of his moves looked very cool and dazzling, but to the assassins who surrounded him, they were just ordinary moves.

"Dude, are you trying to scare us with your reckless style? Don't you realize that we won by numbers? Besides, are you trying to kill us with just a scrap sword? Ha! Ha! Ha! Even our swords are much better than yours!"

The assassin sneered and mocked Lin Fan for using the sword against them. They didn't realize was that Lin Fan was starting to move his Qi energy based on the Yin Yang Cultivation Manual plus the 3-point agility blessing they didn't have. Lin Fan was running towards them very fast.

One of them immediately shouted, "Damn! This boy's hiding his strength! Shoot him now!"

However, by the time everyone pulled out their weapons and shot randomly at the afterimage Lin Fan had formed, he was already standing behind the thief, who framed him.


His sword went straight through the thief's ribs from behind.


Hearing his friend's screams, they immediately discovered that his friend had died from a stab in Lin Fan's sword.

Without a second thought, the shot went straight to where Lin Fan was.

A fierce battle scene occurred, holding the dead thief's neck, Lin Fan used the thief's body as a shield against enemy fire. After the enemy's reload time arrived, he pulled the knife from the thief's waist and threw it straight at one of the assassins.


"2 has been overcome."

Then, Lin Fan glanced at the remaining 3 enemies. They panicked and immediately finished the reload quickly.

They pointed their gun muzzles at Lin Fan.


The bullets shot out quickly from the muzzle of the weapon, but the dragon blade was already in Lin Fan's left hand.

The knife was very sharp. Lin Fan's left hand swung the knife quickly and in slow motion, it was seen that the bullet was split into 2.

Lin Fan jumped up and stabbed forward. 1 enemy is lying while holding his chest. The sword is pulled out, and the dragon blade is thrown at another enemy.


Drawing his sword, Lin Fan spun 360 degrees and stabbed the last enemy.

"Aarrgh! Y-you ...."

But the sentence was cut off because the enemy had died. Within 10 minutes, Lin Fan managed to finish off a total of 5 assassins.

Lin Fan looked up at the bright blue sky, then looked at the corpses of 5 people covered in blood on the ground.

"Did I kill 'em?"

Lin Fan wondered, was he the one, who carried out all the assassination operations just now?

Recalling all the cool moves he made earlier, Lin Fan found it hard to believe.

"What system am I doing all these killings? How do I do it? Shouldn't I be running scared? How can I fight back and even kill 'em?"

[Ding! Host, those are all effects of the Hurt title. The effect of this title will tend to have a strong power to take revenge against those, who hurt the previous Host. In the case that the Host experienced, all the murderers present in this place were people, who had beaten the Host.]

Lin Fan was still listening to the system's explanation carefully. He tried to understand what the system was telling him.

[Ding! Host, the degree effect is automatically fulfilled. And the title of Hurt One will automatically execute the delusion the Host's brain is thinking. As a result, the killing can be achieved. If the slightest fear is in the Host's heart, then the effect of the title will be canceled halfway and the Host will die.]

Hearing the system description, Lin Fan realized that this is a 3 edged sword. He said, "This title may seem extraordinary, but the main condition is to have been beaten. Second, the enemy's the one who defeats. Third, if I'm afraid, then I'll become a corpse. What a useless title!"

Lin Fan wanted to have the system change the title description and give him some comfort. Like, what if he didn't need to be beaten? You know, being beaten hurts!

Lin Fan looked up at the sky and mumbled, "Looks like my life will change from now on. Well, since it's already happened, then just have to deal with it."

Lin Fan looked at the corpses that were scattered on the ground. Then his eyes focused on the assassin storage ring.

"Well, the dead aren't good at carrying valuables, are they? To emulate your brave knight attitude, let me inherit your fortune."

Furthermore, with immorality, Lin Fan took all the assassins' storage rings and left quietly.

But suddenly, his steps stopped, and he immediately hid in the bushes. A small orange animal jumped out of the cave sneakily.