An Old Friend

Emma and Shawn are on the run from the Agents of HIVEtech, a secret organization that is after them. As they flee down a busy city street, Emma begins to have flashes of memories from her past as a spy. However, her memories are not clear, and she can't quite piece together the details.

Suddenly, the Agents catch up to them and Emma's training as a spy kicks in. She instinctively grabs Shawn's arm and pulls him down an alleyway, knowing that they need to get away quickly.

They emerge from the alley onto a rooftop and continue their escape, jumping from one building to the next.

As they run, Emma's memories become clearer and she realizes that it was her agency that brainwashed her, not HIVEtech. She feels a sense of betrayal and confusion but knows that she needs to focus on the present situation.

'They wiped my memory twice. Why the hell I can't remember, why they wiped it."

Emma and Shawn are crouched behind a dumpster, catching their breath after narrowly avoiding the latest wave of HIVEtech agents. Emma's mind is racing as she tries to piece together the new information she just received from her former colleague.

"So, you're telling me that the Director himself ordered my brainwashing?" Emma asks, still in disbelief.

Shawn nods solemnly. "Yes, he was convinced that you had turned on us and killed me."

"We have to keep moving," Emma says.

But as they start to put their plan into action, Emma's memories take a dark turn. She remembers being accused of killing Shawn, the very person is now trying to protect her. The memory is hazy and incomplete, but Emma knows that she needs to confront it to move forward. With a heavy heart, Emma shares her memory with Shawn. His reaction surprises her - he doesn't seem angry or afraid, but instead offers a strange sense of calm. He tells Emma that he knows the truth about what happened that day and that she is innocent. Confused and overwhelmed, Emma demands to know how Shawn knows the truth. He reveals that he faked his death to go undercover and gather evidence against HIVEtech. Emma is shocked and relieved and feels a sense of betrayal towards Shawn for not doing what he did.

As Emma's memories start to piece together, she remembers the day when she was accused of killing Shawn. The memory is vivid, but it doesn't make sense. She remembers being ambushed by HIVEtech agents and then waking up in a hospital with no memory of what happened.

"How am I going to trust you?" Emma asks.

"I am sorry about what happened. But for now, we can go to a place where we can get all answers." Shawn says with a calm voice.

Emma and Shawn make their way through the woods, both deep in thought about the shocking revelation of Shawn's involvement in Emma's memory loss and fake death. As they continue to navigate through the trees, Emma can't help but feel a sense of betrayal from the person she once trusted most.

After what feels like hours of walking, they finally reach a small cabin in a clearing. It's rundown and in disrepair, but Emma can tell that it's the safe house where she was trained as a spy. She looks around, trying to piece together any more memories that may help her understand what's going on.

"I know this place," Emma says.

They step forward and it unveils a number pad.

"I think we need passwords and only you know it, Emma."

As on cue, Emma's hand deliberately presses across the keypad.

'ECHO 28570773'

"Welcome Agent Fleur." an AI-operated voice says.

As Emma steps inside the cabin, memories start flooding back to her. She recalls training sessions with a man, who taught her everything she knows about being a spy. She can see the training dummies and weapons scattered around the cabin, as well as old photos of herself and other agents she worked with.

She goes near one of the pictures. It was her when she was twelve. With her father. She gets more confused.

"So, they all are-"

"Agents? Yes," A voice cuts her words.

A man appears, he is in his mid-fifty.

Ronald Payne steps forward, looking at Emma with concern. "I've been waiting for you to come back," he says. "I knew this day would come eventually."

Emma feels emotionally weak, 'Why does it feel like this.' She thought.