Kisses Amidst Storms

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the historic streets of Prague. A gentle breeze carried the aroma of freshly brewed coffee as Shawn and Emma found themselves seated at a quaint outdoor café. The ambience was a symphony of soft chatter, the clinking of cutlery, and the distant hum of the city. The fading sunlight painted the buildings with warm hues, creating a backdrop of timeless beauty.

Amidst this picturesque setting, Shawn's fingers tapped lightly on the worn map spread across the table, his gaze fixed in concentration. "We need a lead," Emma stated, her brow furrowing as she studied the map with intensity. "Something that might guide us in the right direction."

Shawn leaned in, his eyes narrowing as he examined the map's intricate details. "It's not just about the map, Emma. We need to unlock the memories, to remember where you hid it."

Emma's eyes met his, a mixture of determination and frustration in her gaze. "Do you think they still operate from their headquarters here? I doubt it."

"After the incident, they wouldn't dare. Even that safe house, the one from years ago, is heavily fortified now."

Emma's eyes flickered with a spark of determination. "So what's our plan? Are we retracing our steps?"

Shawn hesitated for a moment, his eyes meeting hers as he considered his words. "Emma, the safe house is dangerous. We can't be reckless. I can't lose you again."

Emma's lips curved into a wistful smile. "You've always been protective. But I'm not that lost girl anymore, Shawn. At least, the past few days helped me a lot."

He sighed, his gaze softening as it met hers. "I know. But I can't help but worry. This mission—it's personal."

Emma's hand found his across the table, a gesture of reassurance. "I understand that. But I need to know, Shawn. I need answers."

"You need answers? Okay, follow me." Shawn stood up and started to walk. Which led them to an empty alley.

"I did it for us, okay?" Shawn's voice was raw, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

Emma's gaze held a mixture of confusion and anger. "How does setting me up for your staged death, while you were very much alive, look like a step for our well-being?"

"I thought… I thought it was the only way. To keep you safe, to protect us," Shawn's voice wavered as he tried to explain himself.

"By betraying WOLVES? By betraying me? By risking everyone's life, you thought you could buy yourself peace?" Emma's voice was edged with a hurt that cut deep.

"I-I-" Shawn stumbled over his words, his eyes pleading for understanding.

"No, Shawn. Because of your actions, I lost everything," Emma's voice quivered, tears pooling in her eyes. "If you wanted a better life, if you wanted me in that picture, why did you orchestrate my downfall?"

Shawn's breath caught in his throat as he recalled that painful memory—a memory that had haunted him for years.


Emma lay on the cold ground, surrounded by a pool of her blood. Her eyes, once filled with trust and love, were now clouded with a sea of betrayal. Shawn knelt beside her, his heart breaking as he held her tightly, whispering apologies and promises in a desperate attempt to mend what had been shattered.

HIVE agents emerged from the shadows, their presence sending a chill down Shawn's spine. They circled the scene with calculated detachment, their masks concealing any hint of remorse.

"Your precious partner will never be at your side again," the masked figure taunted, his words a cruel echo of Shawn's torment.

Present moment—

Tears welled up in Shawn's eyes as he relived that moment, the pain and helplessness washing over him anew. "I pleaded with them, begged for them to spare you. But they turned on me, claiming you were a pure WOLVES and could never be trusted as I could. They denied my pleas. I had to leave you, Emma. Otherwise, they would have killed me."

Emma's anger seemed to waver as she took in his words, the raw emotion etched on his face. "You were trapped, Shawn. I can't even imagine what you went through."

An intense silence settled between them, heavy with the weight of their shared history. Then, without warning, their emotions ignited, sparking a fierce argument that echoed through the confined space.

Emma's voice edged with frustration, cut through the air. "You've always been self-centred, Shawn. You talk about protecting me, but you never considered what I wanted or what I was capable of."

Shawn's voice rose in defence. "I never wanted this life, Emma. I never wanted to be a spy. But you chose this path willingly."

Emma's eyes blazed with anger. "I chose to fight for justice, for what's right. And you left me to fight alone."

The intensity of their emotions seemed to collide, their words fuelled by years of pain and regret. And then, as if the storm within them demanded release, their lips crashed together in a kiss that was equal parts fury and longing—a kiss that captured the complexities of their history and the fire that had always burned between them.

As their lips parted, their breaths ragged, they stood there, as Shawn rest his forehead on hers, he whispered-

"I am sorry, I left you to suffer, I will make it up to you. I love you." Shawn confessed.

"You- spiked my drink, yet I woke up, followed you and heard you inform the HIVE that you got the disc. I-" She tries to remember but her head hurts so bad. Shawn holds her and calms her down. "We will get there, Sshh, we will rest for the night and first thing in the morning we will head to the Safehouse. "