
There was war.

Everywhere the man turned death prevailed; from comrade to foe, death prevailed.

"You dare get distracted during battle!?" A mighty warrior said with disdain.

"Pointless." He muttered.

His eyes glazed over flashing a cold light.

"What?" The warrior asked the him

"It's pointless. All this death for what? For some land that was never yours to begin with?"

His conviction stirred as I arrived at his conclusion.

"If I don't end this war today then my name is not Samson of Zorah, one of the twelve mighty judges of Israel."

His body flashed in gold light; in an instant, he arrived in front of his foe.

"Warrior of philistine, today the blood of you and your comrades will flow like a river and nourish these lands.

For all the death you've brought to our doorstep, I will repay it tenfold."

"W..wait!" Fear rose in the heart of the phillisitne general.

His aura spiked as his fist connected with the warriors solar plexus sending him flying twenty feet.


A guttural war cry eacaped the boys lips as blood splattered across his face.

"Father, give me strength!" He called out to his God.

As if responding to his call, his calamitous aura kept rising explosively.

"It's over." The boy muttered.

The boy gathered his strength and kicked off the ground.

His speed unmatched; not a soul on the battlefield had the capabilities of following his movements.

In a split second, he arrived in front of his opponent.

"Meet your end."

That was the last thing the warrior of Philistine heard before he perished.


The battlefield went silent; all fighting ceased as every soldier directed their attention toward the noise.

As the dust cleared, a giant crater was revealed.

A man, with waist length hair tied into a singular braid, stood at the centre.

The general of the Philistine army lay at his feet lifeless.

His corpse missing a head.


In the heavenly court, one of the Lord's angels could be seen prostrating before the throne of God.

His eyes daren't move upward.

Meeting the gaze of his Lord, without being told to rise, was a sin in his heart.

The prescence of the throne of God was immeasurable; the Angel would not be able to bare even a fraction of his presence if the father so willed it.

"Rise my son." A voice so pure, a voice that could command the very fabric that held the cosmos together, escaped the divine one's lips.

All of the angel's nerves vanished after hearing his fathers command; love and reverence replaced any apprehension he had before.

The Angel slowly rose up from the ground; he lifted up his head and gazed at the almighty.

"Glory Be To The Holy One!" The Angel soluted firmly, his chest raised high and his hands behind his back.

A blinding white humanoid silhouette, 10,000 cubic metres tall, sat on his throne and gazed back at the Angel.

Flying above the throne of God four angels, with six wings each that covered their eyes and feet, could be seen circling the throne declaring the glory of God.

"Praises be to him!" They cheered relentlessly.

"I have a task for you." The domineering voice brought the Angel out of his stupor.

"Yes my lord!"

"There is a mortal couple living in Israel; they have been without child for many years.

I have chosen them to birth Samson.

He shall be the mighty one to break the shackles of Israel and free them from their chains.

Go to these mortals and inform them that they will bare child.

The child will be born a Nazarite: he must not cut his hair, drink wine or eat any unclean foods.

If these commandments are broken the strength that I have kept for him will vanish."

"Yes my lord! I will be sure to inform them propely." The Angel wasted no time and departed.

The titanic doors closed behind him as he left…

*On Earth*

A middle aged woman, adorned with a brown headscarf and a basket, could be seen plucking ripe green apples off a tree with a smile on her face.

The woman, ever since a child, had dreams of starting a family.

Unfortunately, her and her husband Manoah have been unable to bear child for many years.

She was born and raised in village named Zorah in Israel where she found her husband.

Their love was pure from the beginning; it felt like the heavens themselves had ordained their union.

A long time had passed since their marriage but her and her husband had been unable to bare child.

She had accepted her fate and become content with what the lord had blessed her with.

The summer days went by slowly and the nights passed as quick as they came but the lady never blamed the lord.

She felt blessed to live such a peaceful life with her husband whome she loved.

"That should be enough apples for the week." She smiled to herself.

She almost couldn't wait to see her husbands face when she surprises him with his favourite desert.

"Lily of Zorah." And apethetic voice called out her name.

"Ahh!" The lady screamed.

Startled, the lady dropped her basket and the ripe apples quickly became bruised an unedible.

"The lord has allowed you to bear a child." The apethetic voiced called out again.

"W..ho are you and what do you want!" The normally calm lady exclaimed.

"The lord has tasked me to give you his mesage.

He has allowed you to bare a child.

Your child will be the man to lead Israel and free them from the war with the philistines."

The Angel finally revealed himself. He wore a plain white robe that covered his eyes.

Lily couldn't even begin to process what was unfolding.

A strong silence prevailed for more than a few moments as she tried to gather her thoughts.

'Is he actually sent from the lord? If he isn't what would he even want from me? And why does he know my name?'

These thoughts rattled Lily's brain as the Angel of the lord allowed her to collect her bearings.

"How do you expect me to believe you? I've been without child for a decade now." She finally gathered enough courage to reply.

"Have you not prayed for this day? Do you think that the Father has a time limit to answer prayers?

He has heard your prayer before even the foundation of this world had been laid."

Lily had a weird look on her face.

Something in her spirit was stirring and she felt within the very fabric on her being that this man's words were the truth.

"I…I think I believe you sir." Lily responded.

"Good, your child will be born a nazarite: you are not allowed to cut his hair, allow him to drink any wine as you must also not drink any wine during your pregnancy and you are not allowed to eat any unclean foods.

These are strict rules that must not be broken.

If they are to break, the power the Lord has kept for your child will vanish.

His name will be Samson and he will lead Israel to peace….