"Today, as I felt your hand as it fit mine perfectly, I understood that what between you and me happened was more than love, it was more than any strength, because it was not only our hands that joined, if not our hearts."
Today is one of those nights where those memories weigh, invade my mind, my chest. Those painful memories came to light again. I thought they were gone, that it would no longer hurt to think about them, but I realized that they were only hiding in a corner of my heart, but at night they always come to light and with much more presence. Every night is the same, every night tears run down my face, tears that make me understand that you are not here.
I find myself remembering from the first kiss, every caress, every hug, every "I love you" the happy moments we spent and also the bad ones and how we were able to move forward after them.
But there was a day when I couldn't take it anymore, the happy days were over, the "we" was over, it was just me trying to overcome that bad moment....
But it is true that this "bad moment" will hurt for the rest of your life.