12 Bray Shaman

"What are you all tarrying for?! Pick up the spears and blades to defend yourselves!!" Mark shouted in a loud voice as he pointed his open palm towards the coming Beastmen and released a watermelon sized fireball. This made the charging Ungors stop instantly as they screamed.

"Mage!!" this scream made the group scatter but it was too late as the fireball arrived and killed three of them in the explosion while others were injured. Mark saw this chance to see the town's situation, just the time he spent fighting was enough for about 24 people to gather behind him. His Manor was just two blocks away behind him and saw his Golem still fighting about four Ungors with four more dead on his feet.

Mark then went to pick up a sword stuck on a dead Ungor nearby, maybe from a soldier but there was no body nearby. He looked towards the Ungors who were getting their ranks in shape as a larger Gor has arrived an took charge of the rabble. Mark went back to the peasants who still looked lost.

"Which of you knows how to hold a sword?" Mark looked around until his eyes landed on a 50 year old man with only one arm, but he knew from the scars and the way he stood tells him of experience.

"You, take this sword and lead these people to my Manor near the edge of the Town. Make then carry spears and have them hold their position, the rest of you listen to his orders or I'll have you beheaded." Mark said no more as he turned to the Ungor pack that now carefully gathered to him. They were careful because they thought he was a mage thus did not dare charge over.

The old man surprised at being appointed by the noble looking man, hearing his words he remembered that there was indeed a manor own by a family of knights that was said to have rode along with Landuin. He gripped the sword and felt a long lost feeling fill him up, he felt courage and hope.

"You heard his Lordship!!! Pick up spears and got to his manor! Those able bodied help the weak ones while others guard our flanks and I'll guard the rear!" the old man suddenly went from a beggar into an experienced soldier in a second. The other peasant though afraid still followed otherwise, they looked back and saw the stalwart back of the nobleman who helped them in their need.

They have seen the town lord flee earlier saying he should warn the Lord Rachard of the Beastmen herd but in truth he was just running away with his personal guards. Only a few soldiers were left to face the three hundred Beastmen outside. With only five dozen men, how could such a small town survive, but seeing the brave noble still fight against such odds made them feel emboldened. When they arrived at the manor they saw another Knight with eleven corpses under his feet and stood there menacingly.

"Sir Knight, his Lordship has given orders we go to this manor for safety." The Old man was tense as he could feel the knight in front of him seem more colder and unfeeling than the undead. The Butler Knight just looked in alert but loosened up as he moved aside to let the other peasants in. The Old man stayed along with eight men who held the spears of the dead Ungors.

Mark on the other hand was steadily weeding out the Ungors until the Gor became inpatient and charge towards him Horn pointed at his direction. Mark slash as he felt that the Gor would be ready for that, he only side stepped and attacked the deadliest weakness of all men. The Gor tripped and became silent as its eyes saw the eradication of its future.

The Ungors shivered at the sight but Mark didn't give them time as he slashed at the unguarded Gor. He then went on a killing spree as his cold eyes scan the scene everywhere he went. Old, young and weak innocents were not spared by these children of chaos that Mark felt no remorse killing these beast. As he finished up the last one Mark went to look for more Ungors inside the town.

But he was met with the sight of a Grey Horse with bloody hooves, he went the energetic horse and rode it to sweep the town one last time. This enabled him to kill a dozen more Ungors and gather about a hundred peasants that were hiding and running from the beast. He similarly told them to gather to his manor along with the children and old. He also made them pick up the spears of the beastmen so they can make a spear wall just in case.

Mark looked at the horizon and knew that there was another battle outside town which the other wounded guards he met said to have started two hours ago. He also learned that only fifty Ungors went into town while the rest face the two dozen garrisoned soldiers here. But Mark knew they would not last long if this goes on.

"What the hell man, this is my beginners town but it is on hell mode already." Mark was starting to feel winded but kept on. He bought some Red Bull in the shop when he was back at the Manor for a second, after he downed one can he then rode the horse towards the hills in the east.

When he was near the edge of the town he slowed down to observe the situation. There he saw about forty men in a tight formation defending against over two hundred Ungors who seemed to have been playing with the soldiers. Mark noticed that there was another group just atop the tallest hill. He took out a pair of binoculars he bought earlier because he knew he needed to assess the situation to know what to do.

Seeing what was happening in the hill gave Mark the idea of what they were planning, no wonder Khorne was able to influence his easily here. It was a Blood sacrifice which was led by that Bray Shaman Mark just saw. But he couldn't wait as there were innocents in the hill being dragged by Gors. Mark pulled out the two Colt 45 in his inventory and loaded them with bullets mentally using the inventory.

This means he can fire indefinitely unless the guns break or the ammo run out. Mark galloped past the hundreds of Ungors and went straight to the Bray Shaman. Without him this group of rabbles would rout in a moment's notice. He was only noticed by the guards of the Shaman when he went past the Encirclement. He rode fast as his horse neighed so loud the battle field turned their eyes to him.

"Kill him!! Khorne would love his skull on his throne!!" The Shaman declared as he sneered seeing the lone rider run towards him. The 20 Gors besides him ran towards the mortal that dared interrupt his sacred ritual, he laughed in a deep creepy voice that would silence even the unruliest of children as the thought of making this Brayherd commit to the purpose of Khorne. Once the hearts and gizzards of this helpless people are given to the blood god their charge would be unstoppable!


An explosion was heard as combust in flames when the lone rider sent forth a watermelon-sized fireball. This broke the formation the Gors were going to do to the lone rider. They were stunned as they remembered the Shaman say there were no Mages or Wizards in this town thus it was chosen for the Blood Sacrifice. Mark used their distraction to his advantage as he cut down three of the Gors in a few seconds.

He then went down the horse and ordered it to go to the Golem to have him as back-up, he was not sure if he is strong enough to face the Bray Shaman. If worst comes to worst he'll drink the Enhancement serum right here and now. Besides, the horse would be too big a target for the Gors in case they surround him. Better fight in close quarters which Mark did as he slashed down two more.

"GRoaR!!!" The Gors were red eyed seeing their kin die in the hands of puny humans. Mark didn't use the guns as he felt it was not yet time to use it, he'll wait for the Bray Shaman to let his guard down so he could deliver a finishing blow. He skill fully integrated footwork from martial arts to dodge the attacks of the manic Gors and killed them with utmost precision using his swordsmanship.

The twenty Gors were cut down to seven within five minutes, this was seen by the struggling Defenders and they cheered as a renewed vigor filled their bloods. They bravely defended as well as cut down any Ungor that gets too close. Then a loud cry was heard in the as the peasants in the town picked up the stout shields and short spears of the dead Ungors and charged towards the encirclement.

They were led by a heavily armored knight on top of the Steed of the nobleman earlier. Some peasants even went to get their hunting bows to help providing range attackers. The charge of the Mounted Golem was devastating as a dozen Ungors were sent flying by the Horse. This made the Bray Shaman stunned as he never thought that the small town he picked would become such a thorn.