13 Blood Bull

[Back at the Manor]

"That Horse! Isn't that the nobleman's steed? How come it is here?" A peasant spoke as he saw the Grey Horse trot over and neigh towards the Silent Knight. The Golem understood as it also received Mark's orders so it went to ride the Horse.

"He's leaving? Where is he going?" A scared mother asked as she felt unsure seeing the Knight leave.

"He is going to help the Lord, You men follow me!! Pick up the stout shields and short spears!! We're helping our brothers outside!!" The one handed Old man said as he ran towards the leaving knight. The other felt brave and also went to follow the old man.

"We'll help too! We have bows in our hut, it's near the town borders by the hills!" two men who worn hunter outfits volunteer too, they quickly said goodbye to their wives and children as they too followed behind. Other hunters also said they'll get their bows to help.

When they reached the plains near the hills they saw the struggling defenders as well as the nobleman who is now near the top of the hill. They saw his brave visage as he fought alone to kill the enemy leader. The defender shouted in deafening roars as they fought more bravely against the herd of beastmen.

They then saw the Silent Knight charge which made them scream loudly catching the Ungors off guard. They then saw another blast in the hills which meant the Nobleman is still fighting bravely.

"Charge!" The old one handed man shouted as he ran first to the enemy. The other peasants followed him in fervor and boiling blood.

Soon another blast was heard as another Fireball was thrown by Mark towards the Gors surrounding him. Two were caught in the blast as Mark threw it in the middle group, then he went to kill the two separated Gors on his right before the other three could help. Mark panted as he cut down the last Gor with his sword, which was now soaked red in beastmen blood.

Mark stood straight as he looked at the eyes of the Bray Shaman who looked like he ate shit, well they are really ugly that they look like they have indeed eaten shit in their lives. Mark smiled smugly as he walked slowly towards the Shaman when in fact he was taking precautions of other factors in the field.

"You have proven worthy to be put in the throne of Khorne! Blood for the Blood GOD!!!" As the Bray shaman screamed something stirred behind him and this made Mark pause in alert as a deep roar full of blood thirst reverberated throughout the hills. The Ungors who were shaken now looked like their savior has come and now was able to reform their ranks.

"Well damn, it's a Bloodbull." Mark felt he should finish the Shaman first so he would not be double teamed. He saw the fanatical expression of the Shaman who let all of his guard down now their trump card appeared, this gave him an idea.

The Defenders and the peasants all felt a shill run down their spine as they heard the bray of a creature favored by chaos. A large lumbering figure appeared at the top blood soaked as well with crimson red fur and bronze casted Horns that could snap a man in half. Mark felt things were getting to get harder that the sheathed his sword and took out one of the Colt 45.

"So you despair now human!! But it is too late for the blood go-" a bang was heard as the right eye of the Bray Shaman exploded as the bullet met the skull of the foul beast. This still the battle field as the body of the bray shaman slowly knelt and lay limp on the cold bloody ground. Mark used the instant distraction to cast two fireballs towards the ranks of the Ungors.



Due to being clumped together a dozen Ungors were killed in their daze, the reforming ranks were now broken. Now Mark was left alone to face the large Bull that seemed to not care of the fate of its kind, only with the fact that blood shall flow down the ground no matter who's. The action only happened within ten seconds that even the defenders were not able to react.

"To the MAGE!! For the Lady!!" The old one handed man screamed as he charge first as vigor and courage filled his chest. He felt he had seen the Lady of the Lake that he screamed her name. This gave the Defenders and the peasants a new charge of vigor as they too shouted the name of the Lady. The scattered Ungors were not able to defend as the scene of their shaman dying instantly made them think the Human mage was quite powerful.

Mark hid the pistol again as he was sure small caliber bullets won't faze the large Blood Red Minotaur. His steel blade would surely do jack shit with that thick hide, so he drew a dagger he made from titanium alloyed with small amounts of Aluminium, Iron and small traces of Vanadium. It was the closest to a Grade 5 Titanium Mark ever made, this he fashioned the few amounts he made into daggers and spear heads as there was not enough to make a proper sword.

Mark took of his cape as he acted like a matador to taunt the Bloodbull who somehow started to eat the Bray Shaman. Which was still alive as it awoke from its state when its neck was being held by the Bloodbull, but it was too late and the beast pulled his spine out and drank the blood of the Shaman. It then turned its head towards the hateful enemy of the blood god.

Mark just finished drinking a can of Red Bull (ironically) and sneered towards the big lump of muscles then waved the blood soaked cape in his back. Mark was more pumped up as he had received a mission just after he killed the Bray Shaman.


[Capture the Bloodbull]

[Rewards: 5x Cleansing Orbs, Skill Book(Mana Arrows), 5000 gold coins]

[Time Limit: 2 Hours]

[Failure: Host will be severely injured]

[Remarks: You mess with the bull, you'll get the horns!]

That was why took out the dagger and opted for the matador approach. The Bloodbull crouched down in madness and charge towards Mark who calmed himself down as the presence of the Bull was quite stifling. He waved the caped in front to distract the Minotaur and gracefully pass beneath the 10 feet mass of muscles. He stabbed the dagger in its armpits quickly as he spun to avoid any collision then delivered a roundhouse kick on the knees of the large brute.

This caused the beast to lose balance and tumble forward but Mark grimaced as he felt that he had just kicked a large piece of stone. The Beast was maddened and charge again towards Mark who did the same thing again, this made the eyes of the bull shine blood red as its anger took its conscience. It didn't charge anymore as it swung its large hand around which Mark skillfully dodge as he stabbed in various places to bleed the bull out.

Their fight was seen by the defenders who cheered more and more seeing the noble fight toe to toe against the large beast. Their fear vanishing as they too started to increase in fervor, while some Ungors wanted to reinforce the Minotaur. Which was stopped by the Golem who kept whittling down their numbers and slay any Ungors that dared to go to his Master.

Minutes passed and Mark was getting winded but so did the Minotaur. He kept dodging the thundering blows that swept the winds up, he knew one hit would mean the end for him. Mark's mind focused more as details were being sent to his brain in hyperspeed, he realized he just needed to keep going and they would win. The Minotaur was getting weaker and weaker by the minute as it kept losing a lot of blood.

Soon with a last roundhouse kick sent towards the side of the Minotaur's left knee, the large brute finally went down kneeling as it breathed heavily. It soon lied down still as it has lost to much blood and couldn't fight the annoying human anymore. Mark stood there panting looking at the down beast, he soon heard the loud cheers of the peasants who were emboldened much more by the sight.

The Ungors and some remaining Gors faltered seeing their strongest fighters taken down by that one man. They soon routed and ran for their lives towards the forest while the defenders take care of the stragglers. Mark stood there calming himself down as he thought how his supposed to be vacation turned into a life and death battle.

He might not have been wounded but he knew if the Bloodbull was given time he would certainly die. He realized that the beast never slowed down even if liter of blood has already been spilled. This meant the Beast has not yet accustomed with his true strength and Mark was lucky that it just happened to have been newly transformed.