28 Welcome Gift

It's been two days since they were in this jail of this small town but they have never experienced any slight that harmed them at all. In fact it seemed like they were just resting in a comfortable hut to be honest. The third son however was quite a problem for them as he kept threatening the people here that they'll be executed once he comes out here.

The Guards were now staring daggers at the son of their liege as they felt they would lose a lot if this goes on. The wizard made the spoil brat behave as he was more valued by their lord than this wastrel. Such a simple mission made this idiot feel like his father was now giving him responsibilities but in reality he was just a glorified mailman as he carries the Van Daleen name with him.

The guards knew what was written in the letter of the third son is probably a marriage proposal for the hand of the young miss of the Beaumanior Family. But the one being engaged is not him at all but one of his older brother, thus other that anger they also looked at the young man in pity. At least the local lord released two of them to ride and deliver a message to their liege about the offense this idiot did.

Also they felt like they were not even imprisoned at all and was quite impressed at how sturdy and the jail was. It was not even built underground but at the top, they did here a place called the black box which was the place where most of the major offenders were sent for two days only coming out broken.

They saw one yesterday where a man who was claimed to be believer of the Chaos gods was captured and got interrogated by the local lord himself. The disheveled gambler in the cell besides them said he heard the guy was found with a glass jar full of eyeballs which the Lord said to be children's eyes. He also acted arrogantly towards the local lord saying his time was numbered for the sins he made stopping the warherd.

Thus he was sent to the Black box and came out blind as he gouged his eyes out as well as pulling off his ears when he came out. The guards as well as the noble behaved since then, they were also amazed at the security of the place. There was even a thief who tried to unlock to jail doors with some tools he smuggled but couldn't unlock it as Mark installed modern locks on it.

They also get to eat at least three times a day with a decent meal of porridge with soft white bread as well as a medium piece of rabbit meat. They were lucky as they were not subjected to manual labor but they could see that the other prisoners were not reluctant as it was just simple farm work, chopping wood, moving stones as well as digging holes.

They were not sure why does this town treat their prisoners as such so they asked the town guards. All they got was this was the will of their Town Lord, the third son was also confused as the quality of the food they get was not something a peasant could afford to eat three times a day but all the prisoners were given such a treatment.

The noble sneered at this saying that their town was going bankrupt if this goes on even calling the town lord stupid which almost got all of them killed at the anger of the town guards. Thus their young master was deprived of meals and was only served water this lunch. Their meals were served in an enclosed building so the guards let the others go first before giving the noble any water.

But the Wizard saw something else, he saw the loyalty of the towns guard. He saw the belief as well as the confidence they have towards the Town Lord. Their smiles and carefree personalities which was not found on any peasants he met on other places. The wizard shivered at the thought that they might have offended someone with a great future. So he kept quiet and observed as the day ends.

[In the Mansion]

Mark was not able to meet the prisoners as he felt that making them wait a few more days was a type of power move. So he had two guards released to send word of what happened here as well as a letter for the Baron of Westerland demanding an envoy to discuss terms of the release of his son as well as the others. He also saw the letter that was supposed to be addresses to the Beaumanior family which he never heard of.

But from what he can tell it was the current prominent family here in Mousillon. Maybe this is also where Future Duke Merovech is gonna be born from. Mark didn't open the letter but it was easy to see the insides with a light passing through the letters. He wrote it down and read the words written inside, it was a marriage proposal for the hand of the Young miss of the Beaumanior family as well as a congratulations for her 14th name day.

Mark pondered as he worked on a book where he wrote the various knowledge he has including the things he learned in the Craftsman ship skill. He did this as he wanted to build a very large library inside the backyard. It was where the Minotaur and Torgu the Giant Child was working, he also had the Golem Knight help but it was mostly him driving the golem. He is planning to build the library on top of a mountain so he had the two strong muscles flatten the place first. They did so by practicing Martial arts there that Mark made for them.

He had them punching boulders as well as do stuff like carrying two tons of soil from the top of the mountain towards the bottom of it. They were another experiment of Mark as he had now the two trained to be great fighters in the end. He mostly had them practice a close combat technique mostly similar to modern day boxing but with lesser restrictions like the sport.

Days passed by as Mark led a monotonous life but one day something different happened as a bell was heard all over the backyard. It was not loud but it was clear to the ears of the inhabitants, Mark frowned as this never happened before but he knew that was the bell of the shop. He teleported to the room living room near the shop, so he could see as to why that happened.

As soon as he opened the door he was instantly stunned as he saw two figures looking around the shop. What stunned him was the faces of the two which he found familiar but also quite unfamiliar like he could not see clearly. Yet he knew who they were and that is why he is currently stunned, especially when one of them turned around and smiled at him.

"Well, about time we get to meet young man. It's been sometime since you came here but we haven't shown you any hospitality as good host." The man was like a kind old grandpa in a white collared shirt as well as a green sweater with a white mustache and a tinted pair of glasses.

"Indeed, we had to deal with some problem children so they would not see you so it took some time." The other guy also turned but he still browsed around the shop. He looked like an old gentleman in bowler hat with a short stature carrying an umbrella and a walrus mustache

"Hahaha, we both have those don't we. Well young lad you can rest easy for now as we made sure they would not bother you for the meantime. But for the others that you might be able to handle for now we won't interfere." The kind Old man said as he put his arms on Mark's shoulders.

"Don't scare the kid, you can see that he's been tense at our presence." Said the old gentleman.

"That's why I am acting friendly, but it is still fun making a person like this tense while he still doesn't remember yet." The gentle old man laughed while Mark was suddenly confused at those words but something suddenly made him forget those in s second.

"Don't speak to much, I'm sure he won't mind it but revealing too much would aw@&#n #!m s#%@3r" The last words of the old gentleman came out as garbled gibberish to Mark but somehow he didn't mind much. He was just busy processing the fact that the two creators of the universes he is connected two in present at his shop.

"Hahaha, he sure would. But hey we can't spend too much time here so here's welcome gift to you kid. Got this from another universe when I was out gambling with other cre@&04$. Ciao young man, keep going upward and onward on your journey." the kind old man said after tapping Mark in his shoulders before disappearing.

[Gained: Welcome Giftpack]

"Well I won't have that guy get ahead won't we. This would serve you well in your journey." The old gentleman said as he tapped the tip of his umbrella at Mark's chest.

[Skill Gained: Hidden Variable- let's host be hidden to the prying eyes of various powers like seers, prophets, time travelers and any possible ways of looking into the host future and past. This includes beings with omniscient powers and all they could see is a predetermined vision made by the system.]

"It seems the four troublesome beings on the other side are taking notice but before they see you I'll give you this. Also we have made sure that there would be no instances of our two universes become an amalgamation. Good luck." The old gentleman also disappeared after giving Mark a good look and smiled in farewell.