29 Small talk

It's been a week since the mission of gaining as much profit from his prisoners and news finally came in as two groups arrived to ask for an audience with Mark. Though he was still shook from the sudden visit of the two most powerful beings he knows of and was still speculating from the limited words he remembered from their visit. He had been thinking for days but he always came out unsure of why he is here in this world.

But Mark shook that thought away from his mind as he has a mission to complete, he dressed himself in a regal manner with a more of a militaristic attire. He doesn't want to appear to gaudy but still has enough presence that would attract attention to him. He had learned from old Hans the political climate of the surroundings thus he has a vague idea who would come today.

From the Van Daleen was a commander from the Baron of the Westerlands private army. It was a middle aged man whose appearance screamed Soldier to the extreme. Mark felt that the Baron sent this man as a warning as even if they were far away they could still send someone this significant to them here on Brettonia's countryside.

From the Beaumanior family which Mark learned to be the current Liege Lord of mostly the region of Lyonesse, but lately it has been seen that most nobles don't respect this house as the current Duke is rumored to be a indolent yet belligerent ruler of this land. No wonder the place is getting worse every generation, it could be seen as he sent the first daughter of their house who Mark thought to be a spoiled little lady but from what he can see in her eyes, there is more to this drama.

"Lady Francine Blanch of house Beaumanior and Commander Garvin of the Westerland 3rd Infantry division seeks an audience to the Lord of the Manor, Mark of house Johnson." The man following the commander announced. Mark couldn't help but notice the slight mismatch of order in the announcement. This proved the rumors of the Duke favoring sons over daughters as it was heard that he only had one son borne from a woman from the whore house.

The official wife of the Duke has birthed two daughters and no son thus lost favor from the Duke. From what Mark could tell the girl in front of him is just a pawn or a bargain chip to gain the support of the Baron of the Westerland. Seeing the discontent of the young girl who also noticed the slight of the soldier besides the commander made Mark feel he could gain more if he played his cards right.

"I see." Mark didn't try to speak much as he stood up and walked slowly towards the commander who stood like a proud rooster looking down on everyone. As Mark slowly walked the atmosphere tensed as he radiated a dangerous aura staring indifferently towards the Commander. The guy frowned as he never thought that a country side town could have such a strong person hiding here.

He was skeptical at the rumors surrounding this town that he heard on his way here but as a veteran soldier he knew this pressure came from a strong warrior. Someone he couldn't afford to take lightly, he also put on a serious face which made Mark nod in approval in his mind but he didn't stop as he passed by the commander and went straight to the announcer.

"Tell me, which is higher, a Baron or a Duke?" Mark asked in a cold voice. The commander was stunned at the blatant disregard of ignoring him but before he could say anything Mark repeated his question to the announcer.

"Which is higher, a Baron or a Duke?" Mark's face went more frigid as the soldier in question felt cold all over.

"Ughh, a Duke milord." The soldier answered unsurely as he saw Mark nod slowly.

"I see, so which is more important, a daughter of a Duke or a commander born of low origins? I am no expert but I quite remember that you must announce in ascending order when it comes to ranks and titles isn't it?" Mark asked. He could see from the periphery the expression of the Young miss and her guards ease at his actions. Meanwhile the commander was red in anger but he knew that if he acted in anger the small slight he orders would be questioned.

Sure their land is more rich and powerful that this declining Ducal house but even if their place is in the Empire it would look bad upon the nobles of Brettonia someone disrespecting a Ducal House with just a Barony at his back. Even if their military and economic power is strong it would still come out bad for their lord as the Beaumanior family is an old ally through marriage.

"Surely you jest Seigneur Mark, my man is just a bit uneducated that's all. I chose him as he is my current adjutant and his voice is quite clear. I hope this does not give displeasure to the Young Lady." The Commander was shrewd and instantly pulled himself out of trouble with a few sentences. Mark scoffed at this but he couldn't press any further as it was common that soldiers mostly come from commoners families thus lacked proper education when it comes to etiquette.

Mark glared at the soldier but everybody present knew he was addressing the commander while also showing disrespect to him. After a few seconds of silence Mark turned his head and looked at the eyes of the commander who looked like he was about to blow his fuse. But with the presence of the Young Lady he couldn't as that would bring trouble.

"Is that so commander? Then I hope this won't happen again. Please my Lady take a seat." Mark pulled back and walk to the young girl to assist her himself in sitting. Such small gestures gives Mark a few points as he subtly shown that he was more respectful to the side of the Ducal house. While also showing disregard towards the side of the Baron of Westerland.

"I thank Seigneur Johnson for your hospitality." Lady Francine said as she curtly bowed as a sign of respect to the host. Even if she is the daughter of the Duke, she is still trained to show proper manners, even towards their house's vassals. She looked at the handsome lord that had been the talk of some peasants and other nobles.

She may be a bargaining ship for political reasons but she was still educated by her mother on how to tell between a trust worthy person and a greedy one. She could feel this local noble of theirs which somehow showed great talents in handling his domain has ulterior motives but she couldn't feel any malice or ill will towards her. But it seemed he was quite aggressive towards those from the empire, she did feel comforted after Mark's confrontation with the soldier.

"It is my pleasure my lady, would you like some refreshments? It seems the journey here took a bit of toll on you." Mark made small talk whilst ignoring the other party and not giving permission to sit. Displeased as they are they couldn't complain as Mark is still a noble of Brettonia no matter if he belongs to the minor nobles. The young miss saw Mark's intentio0n so she too engaged in the conversation talking about random things.

She too had been dissatisfied of her father's decision of marrying her to the Van Daleen family. Her impression worsened when she heard rumors of the third son going to fetch her who was a famous wastrel even in Brettonia. Also the fact that the first son was also heard to have frequented the whore houses of Marienberg's various ports. All three sons were infamous throughout the neighboring provinces, a pervert, a sadist and a wastrel.

"Ahem!!" the commander coughed hard as he was getting impatient, knowing these two in front of him are wasting his time he decided to make his presence known.

"Is there a problem commander?" Mark nonchalantly looked towards the man who looked like he was fed up as well as the soldiers behind him. Mark was calm as he had the Shadows placed in many hidden places around the Meeting hall of the town.

"It seems Seigneur Mark has taken hold of the third son of the Baron, would you explain why is that?" the commander went on the offence but Mark's answer stumped him.

"He came inside my place un-announced while getting fooled by an ambitious greedy priest saying they would kill my slaves without my consent. And before you say anything about me enslaving it was a group of beastmen who I made work day and night to repair this town as well as improve it. Yet he didn't care if they were my prisoners or whatever and came inside demanding like an entitled piece of sh*t he is. So I killed the priest who fooled him and had him imprisoned for trespassing my place. Does that explain it enough for you?"

Mark smiled coldly as he knew in noble tradition that not greeting the local lord whilst doing such transgressions would not go unnoticed and would gain the ire of many traditionalist people who always care about the honor of nobility and such. Lady Francine as well as her entourage also looked serious as they were not told of this. All they heard was the supposed to be guest to her name day was not present as they were held by their own vassal lord.

The content of the letter they received by raven was that the Baron was demanding explanation of this transgression thus they sent the first daughter to handle this while her father revel in his parties and debauchery. Francine was sad inside at how her father think poorly of her because she was a girl so she also agreed to this as to prove she was also a talent to be taken note of.

"Why was this not mentioned in your letter commander, does the Baron know of this or he too is oblivious of his son's offence." As a part of her family's vassal she must at least show support to Mark as he has shown that it was not his intention to delay the third son in attending her name day but it was because of having his honor as this town's new lord disrespected. Her father did sign him to be approved as the new town lord when he heard the feat breaking a growing warherd of beastmen.