89. Rat being beaten up...

(A/N: I think it is official... the world really hates me. Just when my life could not go any worse ha! The world was like 'Here's a tropical storm passing through your town!'

When I wanted to spend the time in the internet the world was like 'Oh you want to watch tiktok? Hah! Here's a tree falling on you front yard taking the cable and wifi with it!'.

Oh I wanted to buy some food the world will be like 'Oh you want to cross the road? Hah! It's a river now... swim you crippled fuck!'.

So I spent my weekend trapped our house with little food, no wifi and apparently a flooded road. I spent a day in darkness also as the powerlines were affect so I guess that's my first week of summer. Wet and lonely... that felt wrong to say somehow, anyways here's a new chapter.)


Thousands of beast and deamons charge towards the high walled keep as they found that the small pass they intend to destroy was not so easily broken. It has been a few days already and tens of thousands fell yet from what the deamon commander could see, they have not yet taken at least a hundred souls with them to the depths of hell.

And even then somehow the souls of the dead they killed did not get pulled by their God's powers but was protected by another God that they have no knowledge on.

And after every night they retreat the next day the corpses wounded of theirs were nowhere to be seen. But it matters not for the commander, he knew that what has come here were merely just a drop of the real army that marches behind them.

And by the end of the week they will see and feel terror at the sight of the horde of deamons of the four great old ones. The Commander was just a deamon worshipping chaos undivided and looked over to the still fighting keep.


Suddenly a large explosion happened as tens of spells rained down on the deamonic troops. Mark could see it while watching through the system produced map while he is in his Astral Avatar form.

His count of fallen soldiers now reached about 76 men and women. They were mostly the newly inducted recruits saved from slavery and found from poor conditions but they still fought down to their last moments.

One Dhampir was also taken down as she fought off a chaos troll by herself and was wounded after she defeated the being. But was then stormed by many chaos worshippers from every sides.

It was then some knights also tried to charge in the first climbers of the top of the walls but they were too late to save the Dhampir once they had pushed back the forces of chaos.

But it was this time Mark was able to realize he was able to bring the souls of the dead with him and might now be able to create an afterlife for his fallen.

He could feel it deep inside, how to make the dimension within him to keep the souls of his warriors safe and not tainted by the chaos. So Mark did that, but he was having trouble doing so since his body is also being attacked by Brainiac.

But he persisted in the end, he used his newly boosted divine powers to give blessings here and there to key fighters in the defense and it helped greatly in staving off the attacks.

Mark looked back and could see that the Kislev army is now one day march away from the keep. He knew that it was time he should bring out the other Battalions of soldiers he has so the other people arriving might not find something weird at how they have unlimited supple of fighters.

Mark also made sure to fill all food stores in the keep that could last three thousand men about four years in supply. But that was for the normal operations and now five thousand men and women are now defending the tight pass that he had built his Keep on.

Mark also has about another five thousand heavy cavalry coming from Brettonia in his fleet of about 200 ships. 100 were warships and the others were mostly cargo ships and large fishing vessels.

But it was being led by ten Ice breakers Mark had hidden from the world and produced the past few years. He had planned for this force to come from the frozen sea and launch a pincer attack but the ships are still about 4-5 days until they arrive.

Until then Mark has to lead the five thousand defending to defend the keep till then. There were also non-combatants about a thousand in number but they were mostly the healers, cooks, servants, smiths, cleaners, builders and other workers that kept the state of the keep as best as they could.

Even now about three hundred smiths kept producing arrows and repairs swords as well as armor in an organized manner.

There are also about two hundred healers tending to the wounded and making salves as well as poultices to heal warriors.

A hundred Servants cleaning the keep as well as the armors of those resting while the other soldiers fight.

A hundred builders to repair the damages as soon as possible in the first wall of the keep as well as reinforce it to hold longer from sieges.

Fifty cooks to feed all the mouths of people fighting the battles.

And the rest were keeping the chain of command able to render orders in a fast and orderly fashion.

Mark was proud of the force he had raised and this was his chance to solidify his foothold within the world as it will show many that had been disgruntled at him building a keep here that he had proper reason to do so.

He had staves some rumors from reaching ears of certain people but he could only do so much without having the attention of others lords noticing his spy network.

From the Empire and the eastern parts of Kislev many nobles had taken notice of his fast expansion of influence and had already planned to delay many of his businesses as they felt their interest are being harmed.

But Mark knew that even with his large force he could not go out and suddenly intimidate the people. He knew that there were many powerful people in this world two and most of them has a chance to even wound him in his strongest forms.

His Battle with Drachenfels and Belak'or was mere luck, he had seen their strengths and amount of damage they could do. He was just able to catch them off guard since they do not know how he fights but he could see that if given a chance they might have been able to turn the battle around.

His luck is in the fact they still have very large Egos even when Mark had shown considerable amount of power in his hands.

But if he could show the world that even his own army and forces are something they cannot easily ignore then he might be able to operate without bother for the next years to come.

"Urghh!!" Mark suddenly felt stifled in his chest part as his body received heavy damage from the beating from Mongul and Zod. But he did not take back his divine powers as he needed to watch over his soldiers's souls as the battle now reaching its peak.

"Heh…I can do this." Mark's Astral Avatar sighed as he felt the body of his now broken in many parts but he held on using his other powers.

[Outside Gotham]

"WHY?!" Mark looked at Dr. Fate in anger as he saw how Brainiac was teleported away along with the other time displaced people. The Rival was still in cuffs and surprisingly the other person that did not get taken away was Power Girl.

"Feel the stability of space and time around us, if he stays here for one more minute then the timeline would have change drastically with their presence here. It would have already been broken but your spell kept it so, yet it also gave then more leeway to fight you." Dr Fate said as he waved his hand showing the invisible cracks in space.

"Well you said one more minute can't you at least have given me a few more seconds to obliterate the fool?" Mark said in anger.

"How did they even get to know where to arrive in time anyways? I know I can travel through time but how did they not get punished by the black racer?" Jay Garrick said as he looked at Rival still unconscious.

"Forget about that! You did not hear what that egg head said? The thingy you destroyed held the dimensions where he stored the large amounts of energy mean to kill me and not it is going to erupt!" Mark said as he let his body heal while using Lore of Life magic to hasten his recovery.

"I can divert the energies but I cannot send it to other dimensions, I would need to find a vessel where the energies could be stored." Dr. Fate said as he floated down towards his team that is now converging to where Mark is.

'System, do we have anything like that around? A force that could erase a quarter of a galaxy huh, they sure prepared a lot for me.' Mark wondered as he healed his heavily wounded body.

[Host has indeed has something that could store the amount of energy.]

'Really? Which item do I have that can do that?' Mark looked to his shoulder and could see Cookie sitting there looking at its owner worrying about him.

[It is not an item Host, but something already inside you]

'You mean?' Mark sat down as his butt cheeks are now healed making him not feel pain in sitting down. He pulled out a towel and covered his privates that Diana and Donna was staring at.

[Yes host, the system could take the energy and even convert some for your use. But only about 12% could be used for your cultivation host.]

'Really? Only 12?' Mark waved his hands and a panel appeared as he pulled out a set of clothes for him to wear.

[Most of the force stored are tied to the Speed force, so the system would have to release most of it back to the source or else the Speed Force might send it's emissary to take it back]

'I see… and what could I use the 12% for?' Mark conjured some water to wash himself in the middle of nowhere outside Gotham and changed clothes like the JSA was not waiting outside the small stall he placed up.

[Anything the host wants, it could be used for the improvement for the Backyard but there is already another power source much larger being used. You could convert it into points, points are mostly energy in another form that the system uses to conjur or create what the host wanted.]


"I can store it…" Mark said as he put on his pants and shoes then coming out while putting on a shirt. The others could see the various bruises and wound on Mark's upper body making them frown a bit.

"Shit man, how can you still walk alright with all of that done to you?" Ray asked as he looked at Mark.

"I'm a god, anyways Lord of Order. Send all that energy to me, since it is not directed in a small point to form a beam it will not kill me. Just funnel it all on me then I'll forget you took away my kill from me." Mark said as he looked at Kent Nelson in the eye.

"Very well, but this will hurt very much so. This amount of Volatile energy is going to hurt you in many ways than one." Dr Fate then waved his hands as a large Ankh appeared on top of Mark and there a waterfall-like energy fell on top of him and was now being pulled in by the system.

"Is giving that amount of energy alright Kent? Would he not use that energy for himself in the end?" Carter walked to Dr. Fate looking at Mark who was meditating as he used some of the residual energy to heal and transfer it to his Astral Avatar.

"It is too dangerous to leave the large amount of volatile energy in an unstable dimension Carter, and if he really said the truth then maybe he is a god and might be able to hold the vast amount of power inside his body." Kent said but inside he was talking to Nabu who was trying to scan Mark as to where he is putting the energy away.

But all he could see was Mark giving back the excess energy to the Speed Force but some stayed behind in his body which Nabu could not detect where it went.

"Aww, you're so cute!!" Judy was fawning all over Bart who looked at Judy and Jay with both his eyes making him look left and right at the same time.

"Woof!" Bart barked and wagged his small tail as he was being petted by Judy.

"I can't feel any speed force on the creature but it sure hell is fast earlier." Jay said to Ray who told Garrick about the Pug.

"Hello there beautiful lady, would you like to spend a steamy night in the quarters of my master? He is a very passionate lover and will take care of you very dearly." Reepicheep said as he looked at Diana who was looked weirdly at the muscular bipedal Rat.

"Meow!" then a large boulder suddenly hit the rat and Cookie appeared then let himself land on Diana's arms who instinctively held the cat.

"Oh, aren't you a very nice gentlecat?" Diana said as he petted cookie.

"That rat has issues…" Donna said as he looked at Mark who was meditating far from them.

"What are we going to do about her?" Carter looked at the still conscious power girl then towards Kent Nelson.

"She'll be sent back to where she has been, I did not account for the fact that she is already time displaced so my spell did not take her back with the other guest we have." Kent said as he looked at Power Girl then took his focus back in guiding the energy to Mark.

"I see, you lied though…" Carter said as he looked at his old friend.

"It is not technically a lie. Space was indeed getting cracks all over due to their fight and this unstable dimensions." Kent said.

"No I meant you lied that the world is in danger, you know something that made you send them back before they got killed. Ever since he talked to you in that small house he has you've been in deep thought Kent…" Carter looked at Kent then sighed taking off his helmet.

"It's that obvious huh?" Kent smiled as he looked at Carter.

"What did he tell you that made you act very much different for hours Kent?" Carter asked sincerely as he looked at Kent.

"One day I might be able to tell you, but this is not that day." Kent then looked back at Mark.

Meanwhile Mark was using the last of his focus on shaping something with his mind as he had already started to use the energy he got. He is not making an inner dimension in his body to act as some sort of Valhalla for his fallen soldiers.

The large amounts of energy as well as the assistance of the System he was able to make the dimension grow in a very fast manner and made a vast dimension for the souls of the dead.

Mark also connected this dimension to his backyard and to his domain so that it could also function as a underworld of sorts for the dead believers of his.

He also divided the pocket dimension into three layers, one for the souls that'll be judged, another for the damned and sinners and lastly the other is the heaven of his.

This whole dimension was made using the energies of another reality so no other gods from the mission world would influence it without his permission.

But it is still in its embryonic stage, but it was enough as foundation for the future of his rule. Mark then left the rest of work for the system as it said it will handle the process itself.

Mark opened his eyes and saw a confusing scene, Kent was still sending the energies to him but Carter, Ray and Jay was looking at Judy chasing Bart all around the area.

Cookie was in a hammock made of grassed weaved together with Diana petting him. Donna was punching Reepichep in the face as the Rat struggled to run away from the Amazonian.

Meanwhile Power Girl was still unconscious but has some drawings in her face making Mark realize Reepichep might have done it. Seeing that there was a marker near the foot of Donna as she beat the rat up.
