90. Back into the Light

"So are we going to let him go like that?" Carter said as he looked at Mark's receding figure in the horizon.

"Well, we cannot do much can we Carter. You've seen how much he can fight and he already showed that he does not want to be known at all when he used that spell he did." Kent said as he sat on a wooden chair that Mark had made earlier.

"Yeah, he was like very strong and fast too. He even transformed into that gigantic Ultraman looking being and stopped all that much energy from destroying everything around us!" Judy said as she still seemed excited.

"But do we really have to add these things to the team though? I could get the Dog and the Cat but this Rat has something wrong in his brain." Donna said as she gave Reepicheep another punch.

"My word! How dare you insult me-urgh!- young lady!! I am a gent-*bonk!*gentlerat! I will not have my honor defiled! *Thud!*" Reepicheep kept talking while being used as a punching bag by Donna.

"Well it would help us a bit though…" Ray Palmer said as he held Cookie in his arms.

"It seems like things are going to be interesting here too." Jay Garrick smiled as he looked at his teammates especially Diana who was still silent since the conversation earlier.

[30 minutes earlier]

"So you mean to say you are a God? Like a god in religion god?" Carter asked skeptically as he looked at Mark who was resting after the dangerous fight.

"God with a small 'g', I still could not make life yet but I did change a whole species to be tied with me by fate." Mark said as he found no reason to be secretive to the JSA, it was not like he was afraid they could kill him as he had just shown he was not something easy to fight against.

"Whoa, that's so cool." Judy said from the sides.

"I really would like to talk more with all of you but my land is in an emergency right now…" Mark sighed as he willed his tired aching body to stand up, he is already healed but he pain from the fight is still there.

"What kind of God are you?" Diana said as she had been thoughtful since she looked at Mark. She could feel it, the familiar feeling she felt when she first entered the so called shop of Mark.

But this time the feeling is now present in Mark's very being unlike last time she met him. And this familiarity she sensed seems to bring back some bad memories she had in the past.

"What kind of God am I? Well I have many titles but the mains ones are being the Patron God of the Dhampirs in my world…" Mark said as he casted another healing spell on his ribs, the one where the God Metal has stabbed him and is healing a bit slower.

"Dhampirs?" Ray asked as he picked up Cookie who was snuggling towards him at his feet.

"Half-humans and half-vampires, that's what they are right? Like in DnD or World of Warcraft!" Judy asked enthusiastically making the others look at her.

"That's right, I had broken their curse for hungering with Blood and weakness to sunlight effectively taking them out from their life of undeath. So now they worship me as their Lord and savior, another is God of Wisdom, Peace and Life… lastly is that I am also the God of Battles and War." Mark then looked at Diana imperceptibly as he noticed her micro reactions.

"Do not lump me in the bloodthirstiness of Ares lady Diana, not all God of Wars wanted endless carnage but in my world I have no choice in the matter. There are four dangerous eldritch Gods as my enemies and I can barely fight off the corruption they bring upon my people…" Mark then stood up as he stretched a bit gaining a few cracks and pops here and there in his body.

"…war is the only way I can make sure the people in my lands live in peace as the chaos tends to want to devour the souls of my believers. Not just mine but the people of the other gods in my dimension as well." Mark then looked at the three pets that has helped him greatly in repelling the ambush.

"Now I would have to return as soon as I am needed, more and more of my men die every second as we speak. You three stay here and help them out, behave." Mark then stood up and flew as fast as he could to where the door was but the others were left behind.


"I'll go help him." Diana said suddenly as she took her lasso and jumped in the air to go where Mark was heading.

"Huh?" Donna stopped punching Reepicheep and looked at Diana going away in stunned silence.

"Wait where are you going?" Judy shouted as she held Bart in her hands in a tight hug.

"To where he is." Diana said to her teammates before she vanished after swinging her Lasso to the clouds.

"But you don't even know where he is going…" Atom said as he looked at his teammates around him.

"Dad can I go?" Judy asked as she looked at Jay Garrick.

"No." the Flash answered immediately.

"But dad, Wonder Woman will be there and I'm pretty sure she'll protect me." Judy said as she gave puppy eyes to her father.

"I'll go after her, I still don't trust this dude." Carter said as he opened his wings to fly away.

"See dad, Hawkman will be there too so can I please?" the Boom looked at her father in anticipation.

"Judy, if what he said is true then he'll be going to fight a war that includes other gods and you might get in their way." Donna said as she tossed the muscular Rat far away.

"Let her go Jay, she'll be alright." Kent said as he looked at the flash.

"Are you sure? She'll be in another dimension entirely and we can't go to help if they are in danger." Jay Garrick still has glimpses of the event that transpired in Palma and deep inside he is afraid of Mark.

"She'll manage Jason, beside she'll promise to run away if trouble that she can't handle appears won't you?" Kent said as he smiled towards the eager young speedster.

"Yes!! I promise!" Judy smiled as she jumped in glee around the group then zoomed very far to follow behind Wonder Woman and Hawkman. This time Bart looked around looking for Judy then got her scent making him follow behind too as the Pug vanished from the eyes of the group.

"Why did you agree Kent?" Jay asked, Dr Fate had been the most wise of the group and sometimes they just trust his arrangements since he has the experience of the past Masters of Order.

"Let us call it a hunch Jay, something tells me that Judy needs to follow them as somehow I am seeing something not right in the future." Kent said as he just saw a future where Jay Garrick and his wife Joan does not know of Judy's existence.

"A hunch huh?" Donna said as she now held Cookie in her arms.

"Did Carter forget that he has a date tomorrow with Kendra right?" Atom said as he controlled their Jet to land nearby their location.

"He totally did." Jay Garrick nodded but his mind was in Kent's words as well as what he had remembered during the split second the world stilled.


Mark now stood at the empty alleyway as he focused his senses, the System said that the door of the shop had been erased as certain parts of the system was gone after the 'update' happened.

"System, tell me how could I go back again?" Mark said as he looked serious.

[Host only needs to concentrate and think of the Mansion, this will enable you to access the Mansion and its facilities anywhere you want as well as go to the two other worlds connected to the Mansion.]

"Really? How the hell does that work?" Mark was skeptical as he stood there waiting.

[The Mission world that the Mansion has anchored to was not a solid foothold when the system failures happened. Thus the nearest realities within the seas of chaos were needed for the Mansion to have a tether.]

"How come the story changed a bit here System?" Mark looked confused as he listened.

[That is because the System is no longer a prison for the criminal inside you and now is functioning as a normal contracted system to the host.]

"Normal? Contracted? I don't follow…" Mark squinted as he felt the connection to the Mansion strengthen and focused on manifesting the door in front of him.

[That is because the System was just being used as an administrator before. Once you have returned to the Mansion there you will find a letter from the prisoner near your desk.]

"You keep calling myself a prisoner why aren't you calling him Mark like me?" Mark then stopped focusing as he felt the presence of Wonder Woman and two others nearing his position.

[Because you are you Host, you are nothing similar to the prisoner before. In simple words, you are a past made present and he is a future of your past.]

"I'm sorry my brain lagged a bit there, what?" Mark was confused for a bit at the system's response but before the system could answer the three that followed him arrived as well as Bart who arrived panting and eyes looking in every direction.

"Why are you three here? Haven't I already established certain boundaries didn't we? I promised I won't bother you all as you won't bother me." Mark stood defensively as he looked at Carter and Diana as well as the Boom.

"We have come to help, you said that you were rushing home to help you people and since we have delayed you greatly I feel that we have to compensate you for a bit." Diana said as she looked at Mark in the eyes.

"Huh, I don't believe you." Mark said as he looked towards Carter.

"And I don't trust you but we did cause you to get delayed in your way so we're making things square between us." Carter snorted annoyance as he said this to Mark.

"I want to see your world!" Judy only answered as she felt more curious about this new Dimension.

"Hmm… okay I'll let you follow me for now. But be warned, a day in this world is about thirty days in mine." Paul said as he looked at the trio.

"So that was it, no wonder you feel very different when I last saw you. So it has been years for you already?" Diana said as she understood the changes in Mark.

"Yes, your highness. So I'll only allow you all to stay in about maximum six months, after that I'll have you all sent back to your world. Not most of us here is immortal like me." Mark said as he was now able to connect to the mansion and a door appeared in front of him.

"Whoa! Where did that come from!?" Judy wowed as she held the tired Pug who was now eating a few pieces of meat that came out of nowhere.

"Follow me." Mark said as he opened the door, he was impatient as the Kislev army already arrived and helped in the defenses. There he saw how effective the cavalry of the northern country in the snowy battlefield.

[Bearsonling's Keep, Kislev]

"Release the stones!!!" Hans shouted as he signaled for the trebuchets to send their payload to the staggering army of Chaos in front of them.



Gears and whiplash of the ropes that held the boulders sounded out as five dozens of Trebuchet fire all together in unison.

Hans had followed Mark's orders to also arrive about a day and a half after the Kislevites arrive.

Some forces are also marching north which were those from the nearby Empire as well as the other armies of the other provinces in Kislev.

The first to arrive were the forces of Praag led by some Boyars and now the fight is being done in the field as the famous cavalry, the winged lancers are delaying the charges so the ballistae and walls could be repaired before letting the siege of enemies charge again.

There Hans saw how coordinated the Kossars of the northern Kingdom of the Bear.

But he did not let himself be outdone as two battalions of Knights rode out to help in pushing back the enemies as they bought time for the walls to be reinforced again.

About a hundred already had fallen and Hans felt that there will be more. But for every fallen soldier they brought down at least a dozen enemies.

Yet Hans could not smile as he knew these were but Fodder they were fighting. Some of the gifted Elves in their group had used their scouting abilities to see how far the main force of the enemies were and from reports indicate it would have about a day until the real deamons arrive.

For now they were fighting were the Northern Barbaric tribes that were making the fight chaotic as they have no formal training whatsoever.

Hans felt they could not take more prisoners as the Dungeon would he full once they go and capture stragglers in the retreating foes after this.

"How goes the fight Commander?" Francine walked in the highest Tower where the command of the battle field takes place.

"We are holding on my Lady, for the past week we have defeated about 4000 in number of the enemies. And captured about 3000 more and now being held in the dungeons." Hans reported as he looked at the women behind Francine.

Others might not know it but these five were the ones that are kept as trump cards in case something large or a strong warrior appears in the enemy ranks.

Hans and some elites are handling the best warriors of the enemies for now but if there is a situation that they cannot move in then they will need to call the mistresses of their Master.

They had seen the powers of the five and all Hans could say was that they were all deadly and should not be messed with. Then it was there a pack of mammoths could be seen in the horizon making Hans frown a bit.

"I'll be off for a bit My Lady." Hans then took his helmet on the side and walked down towards the bailey where his squire awaits with his horse ready.

"When will we release our own war beast?" Paris looked over the balcony and watched as Hans called for his squad to ride out with him.

"Soon, it'll take a day for the main force to arrive and then we will release the herd of armored Rhinoxen and the Great Hawks. We will need them if the messenger says is true, all of the four great chaos armies are banded together." Neferata said as she frowned looking into the Horizon.

"Did they feel our Husband's ascendancy? It seems the forces of chaos deem our man as a threat to eliminate." Francine said as she looked serious as well.

"Isn't that enough to speak true of the man we are bound to? They are afraid of him…" Neferata smiled evilly as she also called for other forms of reinforcement to attack another front. "…they are scared that he will become greater than they are and knock them down of their high seats in the divine game!"

"It would seem so, but let us survive this first and watch his rise together by his side." Francine smiled as she felt emboldened to win this war no matter what.

In the fields the knights and Boyars also noticed the Mammoths charging towards them making them pause in their onslaught a bit. But it was then the Knight Captain as well as the commander of the Boyars saw Hans in his armor riding down again to face the larger foes.

"The Guardian is here!! Ride with me brothers!" the knight captain shouted sonorously as he led his knights to reform ranks.

"With me sons of Kislev! For the Motherland!!" the Boyar leading the charge shouted his orders making the ones following him encouraged as they roared in unison.

"HRaaah!!!!" the cavalry then charge to make sure the large beast not interrupt the repairs and reinforcing of the walls.

Hans drew his sword then pointed it up and there a beam of golden light landed on the tip then the golden aura spread amongst the ones that charge making them feel refreshed and alert.

The Kislevites looked in awe at the empowerment and looked back to the large statue of Mark that was giving off an aura dome so wide that protects the ones inside the area of effect.

"For the love of all that is good, Chaos begone!!" Hans then pointed his glowing sword which made a golden laser like attack to decimate the first four Mammoths in front making a cascade of falls like a domino within the charge of the large beast.

"Kill them!!" the Boyar then charged ahead as he slashed his sword to the Marauders that wanted to stop their charge. He had discarded his lance earlier already but this did not slow down the might of the Boyar.

"For the Tzar!!" another Winged Lancer shouted.

"Die heathens!" the battlefield was in disarray but somehow Hans was still able to command his men to fight together making their defense iron clad even if the charge slowed down.

Soon the elites with his took down the mammoth riders and tranquilized the mammoths into sleep using small darts. The Kislevites had been observing the weird behavior of these new neighbors of theirs to capture and knock down their enemies in battles.

It seemed to be very rehearsed and practiced to perfection that the enemy fell on droves as they did not know what hit them.

But the Battle continued on until the clouds parted and showed the sun's light into the blighted lands. The enemy retreated sooner without a choice as the blessings of their gods are not strong within the shine of the sun.

There it was found that at least a dozen riders fell in the battle making many sad but they still found time to carry back the captured enemies.

"Oye, mind telling me what do you all plan to do with all that prisoners? I have seen your dungeon and they are now almost full after you add in even the large beast you have all captured." The Boyar asked as he was curious as for what the reason was.

"That my friend is so I could show them the way back into the light." It was then Mark's voice sounded out making the others look towards the keep.

"My Lord!!" the people of Mark suddenly addressed him an knelt in unison.

(A/N: This chapter and the next I had planned to slowly reveal the changes in the System and also have the characters of the DC universe able to see the dangers of Mark's world. But this is just a start as I have planned something like a joint team like the Avengers of Justice like kind of thing.

The MC's actions will totally change the timeline and stories of many characters and I will try to take in as much information as possible to understand the mannerisms of many characters from now on.

I mostly base this on what I read and how I see the characters and not like some fanfics that just forcefully change the characters disposition for fun like making a certain bald guy in a wheel-chair unlikeable.

To me that is just too biased and I plan spend a lot of time researching the characters I intend to put in this fanfic so I could at least make them not too animated in behavior.

Like Carter Hall, I had read some comics about him and he is really a good leader and member but sometimes his actions seems to show how impatient he is sometimes. He is strong but sometimes I cannot understand his arrogance in some moments in cartoons and comics when in the next few panels he gets whooped like a bitch.

He has been saved so many times before and it was not him doing the saving mostly, he is useful in fights but sometimes impulsive. But that is just my thoughts, if any of you have opinions and thoughts on how a character might act in mannerisms and thoughts feel free to comment it and maybe I can gain more insight.

So hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading.)