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"What are you? That's what is going on in our heads at the moment. What are you really?" Carter asked as Mark sat down while Diana and Judy were sitting nearby curious as well.


"To be honest, I don't know anymore. I thought I knew but recent events seem to make me think that there are a lot of things that I have no idea about." Mark was thoughtful as he sat there with a musing expression.


"To me it don't matter who or what you are, I think it is important to just know if you have ill will towards us." Diana said as she looked at the man in front, she had seen the debauched side of him but also saw his leadership in the field when he fought to reduce the casualties of his men.


She cannot tell if Mark was on the good side or at the other end, so she asked this to him as she knew that she does not want to face Mark as an enemy.


"Ill Will? I seem to remember a saying of your world, it roughly goes like this, 'don't do unto others what you do not want done to you'. To me as long as I am not treated as an enemy then I will not treat you the same. I cannot guarantee to the others in your world but please don't put me in a single strata of your categorization of good or bad." Mark said as he vaguely understood that even now they seem wary of him.


He does not mind, he knew his power now intimidates a lot but for the bigger picture he is not that much of a large threat compared to the other planet destroying beings within their world.


"That does not sound optimistic to me, how can we be sure you won't go evil and kill a lot of innocents when you are in our world? If you can't make a promise then we would rather have a close eye on you whenever you are present on Earth." Carter said as he was thinking of worse case scenarios in his mind.


"You can't, because I too can't be sure if one day someone stronger that all of you be able to find a way to brainwash you or mind control you. I know you are wary of me but I too am wary towards the JSA…" Mark said as he looked serious staring at Carter in the eyes.


"…but I won't go out of my way and be treated like a criminal every time I visit earth when you too have powers that are dangerous to the normal populace. You may call yourself heroes and take responsibility towards protecting the weak but who could guarantee that it will stay that way…" Mark lifted his hand to stop Carter and Diana from talking as he wanted to finish his piece.


"… you may think you are powerful and that villains are to be defeated by you in the end but there are more to your world than meets the eyes. So let us just leave it to a neutral way of not getting in each other's ways. I invited you here so you can see my actions as well as how much trouble I already have…" Mark's words made them think as well as realize that he is a Duke of a large land.


"… I have my hands full so why would I try to look into your world's resources. If I want to earn something I could just sell some gold here and start a company in your world. Like hell I'll waste my time robbing banks for some pocket change." Mark looked a bit offended thinking himself going to small banks and robbing money when he has a lot of innovative gadgets that he could make to earn billions.


"Hahaha!! That's so true, your house alone is like a castle and you are a noble! I can't imagine you robbing banks when you seem richer than most of the people in our world!" Judy laughed realizing this as she had seen a large extent of Mark's lands when she took a quick peek of the city they were in.


"I guess that does seem likely, also from what I can hear from your citizens many nobles of your neighboring territories seem to detest you." Diana looked towards the window where she can see the silhouette of the city.


"Yeah, what's up with that? I saw you fight and it seems that even nukes can't kill you, seemingly you are a Duke as well. I saw that you have magic here too but that doesn't seem to faze you." Carter noticed this as he too got acquainted with some of the knights in the party earlier.


"Nothing much, just typical politics. We are a feudalistic country and most of the nobles that hate me are the ones that lost their peasants who moved into my domain because I give much better tax benefits. I'm feeling a bit parched, rum or vodka?" Mark stood up and opened a liquor cabinet on the side taking three glasses and asked his guest which one they would drink.


"Other world Vodka? Now I would like to taste that." Diana answered as she looked at the bottle in Mark's hands.


"Can I taste the rum?" Judy asked as she looked at Carter.


"Hmmm, just a little bit. Your dad is going to kill me if you got drunk okay?" Carter may be hard on others but when it comes to the side kicks of the JSA he was a total softie. Mark was surprised seeing the kind uncle vibes on him when he was so uptight ever since he met the guy.


"Anyways, reason I can't take over is like I said before, Gods are active in my world unlike yours who hid in their dimensions for unknown reasons. And there are a few pantheons that are quite powerful in this world, especially the human's side. *Gulp* Ahh…" Mark took a whole glass of vodka as he sat back down.


"…but the patron god of this area other than me is not a human's deity. To be honest I found many similar scriptures in your world that mirrors mine in many ways. One of such is the legend of King Arthur which the Lady of the Lake chose to be the King of whatever…"


"Whoa! So you have some Excalibur kind of sword here too!!" Judy was wide eyed as she asked this.


"…Hmmm, kind of. But it is not King Arthur that was similar, it was the Lady of the Lake. We have a Lady of the Lake as well, her chosen champion is named Morgiana le Fey. Sounds familiar to you?" Mark smiled as he saw the eyes of his guest shine.


"The Lady of the Lake is a goddess?" Diana asked as she picked up on this part instantly.


"Yes, but she only appears to the Fey Enchantress. Who is duty bound to choose the next King of this Kingdom of Brettonia, does the name also sound similar?"


"Hahaha! So do people speak like a 'bo'ah o wo'ah'?" Judy laughed but Carter went and knocked her head for her antics.




"Continue…" Carter was listening intently as he was getting a lot of info in this foreign world.


"Yes, this place sounded like your country Britain. And No, people here does not sound like that…mostly but what matters is that I cannot become King as I am now a Deity to my people. And I alone cannot rule such a vast land myself as that would just breed more conflict…" Mark took another shot as he talked.


"…But I do plan to unite every other race with the other kings and queens, Emperors or Empresses of the world to destroy the gods of chaos. But that would be for later, too many things to deal with right now. Another reason for me inviting you in is that I might need to call upon your help in the future, which I will compensate for appropriately. Even heroes needs funds to operate…" Mark said making Carter and Diana look at each other.


"You know we are being funded by the United States of America right? So why can't you just ally with us and we'll help you if you agree to trade with us which I think will bring more profits." Carter said as he thought there are many things that Earth could get in this place.


Food especially which might help in many ways seeing that the whole Duchy as well as the people were mostly farms that produce a lot of wheat and vegetables.


"No, I won't make contact with your government. I would like it if you don't tell much about my world to the people of Earth especially the government leaders." Mark put down his glass as he looked into the three in front of him.


"Why not? We can get a lot of food here and you can buy many things on earth you can use for the protection of your people." Judy asked curiously as she cannot understand why Mark would refuse.


"*Sigh* You are really optimistic aren't you young Judy. But the greed of men cannot be quenched if they heard of the things I have in here. And I do not want to push too much technological advancements in my world as it will cause a cascade of problems too hard to deal with…" Mark said in a solemn tone as he explained why he refused.


"…I refuse because I know there are a lot of things your government hide from you. Even now I cannot understand why you let yourself be tied to their petty laws that just hinder your job as heroes. You might see my world full of dark creatures but at least the darkness here is plain to see but your world's? The darkness there is just too seeped in human hearts turning it pitch black…"


Mark's words made the three in front of them frown but he did not stop explaining.


"…rather than an unsheathed blade killing you upfront it would be more like a veiled knife stabbing you under a smile. I cannot have your politicians even set foot inside my domain for a moment. And technological advancements are not ideal, who knows when a repetition of Japan's misfortune would happen in my world due to showing weapons too advanced for the people here…"


Mark knew that there were already guns here as Dwarves was able to invent them. He has some too in stock but that was kept for a later date when he is sure he has the technological advantage over everybody.


Even when the battle in the north of Kislev in his Bearsonling's Keep he did not have his men use automatic rifles as well as advanced cannons. Mortars and Howitzers can be used since they are not too different from the cannons dwarves already has.


His was just a bit longer in range and accurate but that does not push the technological advancement too fast. He was sure because his network of spies are the best in the whole world.


Only the Lahmian Vampires of Naggaroth have not arrived and converted by Mark but soon they will be turned into Dhampirs. Even if Neferata was quite rebellious from time to time she does not seem to be able to ignore the orders he put on her Slave collar.


"… So this is what I can offer for now as I have no trust in your own political leaders. I think it would be better for all of you to be able to be an independent entity but also have a responsible outlook in case consequences happen. But hey, your group not mine." Mark poured another glass as he looked at the window of Carter's room.


"I see. Then we will help you if we can, but I do hope we can call upon you for help as well." Diana said as she stood up and offered Mark a handshake.


"If situation permits then I shall. I guess I shall take my leave then…" Mark was about to go out but Diana stopped him not letting go of his hands.


"Wait…about the amazons of your world, that water they drink…" Diana asked as she thought that maybe she can asks for some to bring to her home. Mark understood her thoughts but he shook his head.


"Wait, do amazons even procreate? I thought you were all immortal and unaging so there was no need to have kids on a small island with limited resources." Mark asked as he looked at Diana who seemed to want to give the waters to her fellow amazonians.


"…" Diana was silent as Mark realized her intentions.


"Hmm… other than you have there been another child raised along with you in your island?" Mark asked as he was trying to guess which plot Wonder Woman is in.


"Hmmm? Well I did grow up with some sisters but my mother said the Amazons went out a bit to copulate with mortal men and come back to the island." Diana said making Mark thoughtful.


"Only Sisters?" Mark asked again as he looked at Diana with a thoughtful expression.


"Yes, my mother said the Island makes the women only give birth to girls." Diana said without hesitation.


'Hmmm, not sure if it's that plot but there is a high chance it is.' Mark thought as he was musing on how to come with something to tell her.


"Do you not know anything else?" Mark asked as he seemed to think how was there no male birthed if the amazonians copulated as such.


"Know what?' Diana asked confusedly but seeing Mark's expression made her think he knows something.


"Hmmm, you do know about X and Y chromosomes right?" Mark asked as he looked at Diana who nodded but her eyes did not seem to show realization.


"I know that, but all the children born are girls in the Island. I have seen them all and knew their mothers but the amazonians stopped doing that as the world outside became more dangerous during the world wars." Diana said as she looked down and silent as there were no more young girls being raised in her home.


"Also, there was a time in our history that many of us died thus the Island is still able to provide us with abundance even if we triple our numbers." Diana said this but her mind went to the moment when she saw Mark 'cleaning' the insides of one of his wives.


She subconsciously looked down and thought how he hid such a large equipment as she vividly remember it seemed to be as large as her fore arm. But she kept calm in her outside appearance that Mark did not notice it.


"Darkseid… I seem to have found such obscure records in some history books and notes when I was in your world. It talked about how the heavens, land and the sea united to repel a demon from the skies. Though vague I can tell from some of the descriptions that there were amazons that fought in that war." Mark's words made Diana widen her eyes as she did remember her mother talk about this.


As well about the motherboxes that is being kept by three sides who fought in the war. It was one of the reasons the amazonians are trying to repopulate the Island so as princess Diana hoped they could just use the miracle waters of their Amazonian copies in this world when she heard about it.


"Those waters were blessed by their patron Goddess, so why not ask for one from Hera or Aphrodite so you could make more. And it would be a pure genetical clone so no genes from weaker humans." Mark suggested since he was not the one doing it so why should he care if the goddesses ignore Themyscira.


"I see, that makes sense. I shall talk to this to my mother the Queen once I go back home, thank you for your hospitality Duke Johnson." Diana said as she gave a curtsy that made Mark stare a bit seeing the deep ravine on the warrior princess' chest.


'Think dark thoughts! Think dark thoughts! Punching a baby! Punting a hamster to space! Kicking a puppy to the curb! Haaahhh…. Yes calming down.' Mark was totally getting heated deep inside and he thought it might be from the new aspect he earned from the offshoot clone of Slaanesh.


"Well if you would like to you can sight see around my lands, I can have my servants prepare an identity plaque so you could wander tomorrow and maybe buy some souvenirs back. But I will still inspect the things you bring back in case some pathogens in my world affect your world. I always do such things to prevent any outbreak that might endanger many." Mark said as he stood outside the door and called for a dhampir to accompany the three to wander around Mousillon.


"Really?! Thank you! But what will we use to buy stuff with?" Judy asked as she felt excited to wander out more in the large medieval city.


"Don't worry, you can ask for some coins from my servant. She will be your guide in case you want to go somewhere specific." Mark said but he already told the Dhampir telepathically to only allow public places and not the restricted zones.


After that he went back to his room and finally able to take a long awaited rest. Mark plopped down on the bed like a wet noodle and let the soft feathered mattress bring him to sleep.


The three JSA members were also resting as they too felt tired. But even when the main players were asleep, the whole world was in an uproar.


Mages from Kislev used a special method to send messages back to their capital and share the news and it shook the whole country.


An army of millions successfully repelled and five Chaos Princes appeared yet were defeated by the God-like Mark who is rumored to be the patron god of the people of Mousillon in Brettonia.


Many were talking about these events and even the Army from the Empire that arrived only to participate in the last clash were buzzing like flies in their talks.


A God walked among them, many were happy such a powerful person fighting for their world and proved to have defeated the Deamon Princes himself as well as talks about a warrior woman who beheaded a Vermin lord that sought to ambush the keep.


The various feats in the battle was spread like wildfire like how an angel with golden wings striking down the foul deamons of the skies. His fury was heard to be no less than and angered gryphon as he smashed the enemies with his mace.


Another is the girl who ran so fast the wind does not even know she had passed by already. A savior of thousands of lives that enable the Keep to hold on for much longer.


Then there is the appearance of the Forrest God that stood high like the tallest mountains and said to have dwarfed the Sky Titans of old. His punches bring ruin and defeat to the land as his roots entangle and devour the darkness.


Many even claimed that the God of Forest was allied with the God of Kislev Ursun who brought his sons to fight with ferocity towards the creeping darkness.


Even Gigantic beast of the lush Forest of Lustria were there as their cold scales deflect the claws of chaos beast, their fangs rend and rip apart the heathens, horns pierce the spawns of darkness and their charge leave behind no intact corpses.


Historians, Bards and even curious merchants were like flies drawn to the stench of rumors that some even started their journey north to confirm these claims.


A cascade of events now has brought Mark into the eyes of the various powers in the old world, especially the Empire.

(A/N: Helloooo.... Welp it's been a while and may I aske, have there been any of you experience that seething feeling when your professor gives your class another activity when the last week's activity has not yet even finished or started by you and your classmates?

I have that feeling, and boy I am glad my arms still hurt a bit or else I might have gone Muhamad Ali on my bald headed demon of a professor. I swear I am getting PTSD every time he goes saying "Class, I have gift for you...".

Gift my ass!! If that guy had more hair I would have started to pull it out until he was bald!

He's not even the Vin Diesel 'Family' bald! He looks more like a legendary japanese yokai the Kappa! Even the Kappa looks more handsome that he is!! WAGGHHH!! DEZ BALD HUMIES BE GE'ING ON MA NURVS!!

Anyways here's a chapter, hope you enjoy what I can push out of my tired brain. Past weeks been a chore that me and my class looked like zombies from the walking dead as we tread on the hallways.

So god bless you and I hope a certain professor gets his nuts kicked, his toe stumble on a corner of a bed, drop his sandwich jam-side down, have his dog step on a bee, gets mistaken by ET as his father, exorcised by Shinto priest and run over by Truck-kun isekaid to the forge of souls, Amen.)