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"This is unacceptable!! THIS IS BLASPHEMY!! HOW DARE THIS UPSTART NOBLE DARE CLAIM HE IS A GOD?! ONLY HIS DIVINE HOLINESS SIGMAR IS THE TRUTH!! ONLY HIM!" an old lanky man slammed his wine cup as he heard the rumors that spread.


"It is as they say your eminence, this being they call the Forest God is nothing but a Flamboyant wizard of life that fooled the soldiers of the empire with a gaudy performance. I heard that he claimed to have killed three deamon princes while making two retreat in fear." A middle aged Bishop said with condescension in his voice as he did not believe the reports at all.


"As I thought! Send a warning to this False God that dared claim he is a being of divine right! I'll show the world only Sigmar can lead us into salvation!" the man who was furious is the current Grand Theogonist of the Cult of Sigmar.


"I am afraid that will lead to troublesome matters Your Eminence, I think it would be better for those foolish Wolf Emperors try and claw at this rumored false God. I heard they are desperate to find allies as of late and even the moronic Ottilans are making a hasty move." The Bishop bowed to the Grand Theogonist as he dviced.


"Hmph, what have we to fear? Sigmar is with us and our word is just! Order that Emperor to send a regiment to capture this heretic and we'll have him hanged in front of the people of the Empire!!" the Grand Theogonist did not care as he waved his hand making the paladins nearby go and follow his will.


The Bishop just followed behind the old man and smiled imperceptibly as he looked pleased at the decision of the old man.




"He… quite arrogant for this man to claim he is a god. This report is just pure drivel brought by a confused man, Chaos makes the mind muddled and surely what he saw was but an exaggeration of what happened." A tall stalwart man sat on a throne said in annoyance as he had been thinking of how to recover from the recent debacle that the Wolf Emperor has brought upon them.


Losing the support of the Ar-Ulric did delay his plans to strike against the heretic Sigmarites. So hearing of the victory in the far north he did not think of it much, he thought that Chaos Hordes are not so easily defeated.


Even the Boyars of Kislev fight a very prolonged war to kick out the chaos invaders so no way did a horde of millions get repelled in a short amount of time.


"But your Majesty, many have said rumors about this man the rebirth of Sigmar. Those foolish heretics will surely call upon him and if they gain the support of this Duke who I've heard to have a great amount of force under his banner, it would mean a great deal to us and might tilt the favor of war to those heretics." A high priest of Taal said towards the man in front who was the Ottilan Emperor Frederik V.


"Hmm, what you say holds merit. Very well, go send the best witch hunters to kill this rumored false god. We'll have his head on a pike as we parade it to our people to show Taal's mercy and blessing that we are right to rule the Empire!" Frederik V said with great piety not realizing the sinister smirk of the High Priest who knelt in front of him.




"Your Majesty, I think it is best we do not partake in such actions. I have met the current Duke and he is a proper noble through and through." The Baron of Westerland said as he knelt in front of the Wolf Emperor Siegfried.


"No we cannot your majesty! A mere unknown noble rising to the rank of Duke in the past few years then claiming to be a god is straight out Blasphemous! This is surely a ploy of the Sigmarite Heretics! I heard rumors them claiming this man to be Sigmar reborn, a totally obvious ploy I must say!" an old Archbishop of the Ar-Ulric spoke in indignation as he persuaded Siegfried of Middenland to not sit still.


"Enough! I have heard from the Baron, it seems his skill in battle is not small matter. Even if the war in the north seems to be overly exaggerated, we cannot deny this new Duke of Mousillon is a formidable warrior on his own right." Wolf Emperor Siegfried said in a somber manner as he thought about the words he just heard.


He had declared war on the Ottilan Emperor since he was supported by the Cult of Ulric so he does not want to me dismissive of their opinions but on the other hand the information brought to him by the Baron of Westerland who has met the current Duke mentions that Mark was not an enemy you should gain.


"Your Majesty, if we let such actions of heretics continue then it will make your right as Emperor be questioned by fools! Commoners have been whispering and it does not bode well for us if his Majesty not take any preemptive actions. But worry not, we of Ar-Ulric will give you our pious warriors to bring this heathen to our doors in chains!" the Archbishop said this making the Baron as well as the Wolf Emperor narrow their eyes.


They understood the subtle threat of the archbishop saying that it was the Cult of Ulric that placed him on his throne. As much as Siegfried wanted to rage in anger he held himself in as he waved his hand in acceptance.


"So be it, I did hear the Heretics of Sigmar made a move so your words might have truth in them." The Wolf Emperor did not care anymore of this matter but the Baron of Westerland was giving the Archbishop a side-eye not realizing that one of the acolytes behind the old clergy man smirking in victory as he led the old man out the Great hall.




"Are you sure that great bears of Ursun came to help in the wars?" the first Tzarina and last Khan Queen Shoika asked as she looked at the recently returned boyars that fought in the fields of what now to be called the "Deamon's Demise".


"I swear on my honor Tzarina, it was such a beautiful memory I shall cherish and tell my children every night. I have heard his great Ursun's roar and I…no, we have understood that it is that Brettonian God that will help in making Kislev prosper along with our God's guidance!" the middle aged bearded boyar was entranced as he explained to their ruler about the man that dominated the battlefield.


"Heh, I have heard this man is some sort of heretic that the cowardly Sigmarites have cooked up to make them far ahead from the other cults in the rights to rule the Empire below." A tall skinny old man said as he disparaged the claim of the Boyar in front.


This was a High Priest of the Cult of Ulric, even if the religion is of southern origin there are still those able to influence the northern neighbors of the Empire but their influence is rather limited.


The current Tzarina just let this priest into her court as their kingdom is but a young one and many are still reminiscing about the previous Khan Queen who left the Kingdom into the hands of her daughter the current Queen and the first Tzarina.


So support from a large church is something they are in need because they need fight the chaos armies to the north. Without connection the recently united nation of Kislev would not be able to procure resources to stay stable.


But in recent years that pressure was lessened when Mark started trading food into their lands as well as weapons in a cheaper price than those from the merchants of the Empire.


So she did not speak much even when the subjects in front of her bicker as she cannot show any favoritism to the rich merchant noble that repelled the chaos armies up north.


She was a bit suspicious of the rumors as well as she had met Mark one time. She had wanted to meet the rich merchant that was able to buy a large plot of land in her kingdom but did not choose any of the lands that are rich in resources.


But rather chose the frigid edge of her nation up north, yet now that she heard of his prowess as well as how strong his forces are, it made her confused.


If what her subject tells her is true then this Marcelus Johnson has a military strong enough to overpower many countries yet he did not go on a conquest or anything.


His ambitious moves on the business sector would make people think he is a greedy man but his actions as a lord as well as some of his feats on Mousillon that had just recently reached her ears made her think that Mark has another motive.


One good thing about Ice witches is that they are cold and calculating, this became a positive for her as she silently listened to her retainers argue about how to approach this new superpower that now holds the gate to the northern chaos wastes.


"By Tor if you slander our benefactor once more I will promise you I will gut you alive you'll wish have mercy upon you!!" the Boyar looked like an angry red faced Russian as he was ready to pummel the priest in front of him.


"A brute you really are! How dare you threaten a man of god!" the priest was also angry as he seems to not see any reaction from the Tzarina after his many words to rile the people up.


Even some of the nobles present came to his side as they too felt that Mark was unnecessarily too powerful to be left alone.


"Hah! We worship Ursun and Tor! You pansy priest! Are you sure you worship Ulric? I see neither winter nor wolves in you, just a fox whispering in her majesty's ears!" another Kislevite noble who was present in the battle fields with Mark glared in anger as he looked at the skinny priest.


"You dare question my Faith?! This is an insult to me and to my god! Apologize or I will make sure you will suffer the wra-" the priest was fuming as he bickered with the boyars.


"Silence!" then a cold chilling voice echoed in the halls as the Tzarina grew tired of their pointless arguments.






"Now, please explain more of what you saw there in the Keep. I am rather interested in these healers that saved many of Kislev's sons." The Khan Queen said as she had taken note of some parts the boyars told them.


The three mysterious individuals who helped was a total enigma but these healers who were men, women, Halfling and even some Wood elves piqued her a bit.


The boyar nodded as he talked about what he saw with his companions adding on to the information. They talked about how these healers saved many with their unique way of healing.


They had seen some of their brothers saved from being impaled by a marauder's spear. They saw how these healers were able to take the spear head out while their bother was alive and breathing.


They had thought he'd be dead but somehow these healers said that the weapon luckily has not hit any vital spots and they were able to save him.


They saw how they stitched up the gaping hole but somehow that was not enough to save the man yet they did something that turned their understanding towards the world.


They asked if this man has any relative present and luckily there was, a gospodar who was the older brother and the one who brought his brother back from the field.


There they saw how they stuck a needle in the man's arms and transferred his blood to the patient. Many thought they were using dark magic but these healers said that only those of similar bloodlines could give blood to each other without incurring a disease of some kind.


Though many did not understand they let the healers do their jobs. Though it was not apparent but somehow the man survived and was able to wake up two days after with a slight weak voice.


Many other examples like how they saw some soldiers losing their arms but they were able to clean the wound and stop the guy from bleeding out.


Also how they were able to cure a guy poisoned by the plague toad's poison. Many thought that a man would die unless they were treated by a powerful holy magic but these healers did not use any at all.


Yet the soldier was able to recover and even fight again the next day, the people in the hall were shocked hearing such outlandish tales of saving people from the brink of death.


But the boyars and some gospodars were brought in to talk yet all their testimonies were the same. They even brought in the soldier that survived the impalement and showed the stiches on his stomach making many Kislev nobles amazed.


They were also jealous of the soldier saying he'll have a pretty nice scar which he can tell stories about. They were all warriors there and they loved showing off scars earned in battle but none of them can top off a large scar running through a man's stomach and back.


"I see, that will be enough." The Tzarina stopped the boyars from explaining as it was already informative for her making her gain a bit more understanding about Mark.


"Hear my decree, no one shall find trouble with our friend as well as ally who has helped us in many troubles. He brought us food, weapons and even precious commodities that we cannot buy without a hefty price from the empire. So no one, I mean no one find trouble for him and if I hear one of you do so even after knowing my will then they shall face my wrath…" the Tzarina stood up and left without a care for the reactions of those in the great hall.


"Your Majesty…" a young beautiful blonde girl arrived besides the Tzarina as she walked out from the doors of the Great Hall.


"You go and investigate this Duke of Mousillon, how have I never known about who he was before he bought and acquired a large territory on our borders means that there is someone hiding him from us." The Tzarina had a lot of questions but sadly no one can answer her so she tasked the young Ice Witch to go and inquire more about Mark.


"Yes your Majesty…" the young girl nodded as she looked at the stoic face of their queen.


"Be careful, better hide your presence once you arrive and do not antagonize him or those close to him. If you can set up a meeting between him and me, I would really like to have a word with him." The Queen said as she arrived in her chambers leaving the young Ice witch outside.


She was silent at first as she processed the command of the Tzarina but she recovered soon after and nodded to the Ice Guards who stood in front of the Queen's quarters.


As the nation is not yet so old that it is barely three decades old, things like secret police or forces that gather information for the Tzarina is still not yet developed.


So rather than taking action Queen Shoika felt she'd rather have an alliance with this powerful lord no one heard of until now. She had been ruling her Kingdom for over thirty years and even now she was not able to fully centralize the ruling power of the kingdom.


Maybe with a parson like Mark helping her she might be able to make a stabilized home for her people. She sat down in front of a mirror and took of the clothes she wore as she felt the burden of ruling take a toll on her.


She is currently in her sixties but thanks to the Ice Magic within her, aging has slowed down for quite a bit making her look like in her late 30's in physical appearance.


(A/N: I have no idea how old the Tzarina is but she became the ruler of Kislev during IC 1524 after the precious Khan Queen Miska the Slaughterer left her to rule the Kislevites. And right now it is IC 1560s so I just assumed that she was in her 60's in age thinking that maybe she became queen at a very young age.)


She sighed as she thought that maybe it might be great if their God Ursun did bless the bears that fought and Mark is someone that was approved of by their patron God.


Slowly she drifted into her sleep but somehow she found herself standing in an icy field. Yet it was devoid of cold, the Tzarina was confused but her eyes veered into the bright warm light shining at the distance.


She felt drawn to the light somehow as she walked forwards in the Icy Glades, the wind ruffled her hair as she tread the icy world with a thin silk dress.


It wasn't until she was close that she saw the light came from inside a cave. She felt fear, awe as well as trepidation as she walked forward.


She could feel that there as someone dangerous inside the cave and her mind thought that she should leave but somehow she also felt warm and welcomed.


As she go in she was greeted by a large broad back of a very tall man seemingly sitting in front of a light source that called her here.


"Stop that already! The child is here!!" a cheerful voice sounded out as the light source moved and appeared to the side of the hairy giant.


The light was so bright that the Tzarina had to cover her eyes for a bit until the intensity subsided. As she opened her eyes she saw the gigantic face of a bearded man looking aloofly towards her and a shining silhouette that looked warmly at her.


"Hahaha child, we were waiting…" the bright sunny man said as he welcomed Shoika with a warm greeting.


"Dazh, just get on with it." The large bearded man said as his shook. It was then the Tzarina realize that the large man was sitting on a tied up larger man who seemed to be agitated as his mouth was tied up.


"MMMF!! NGMM! MMUMMFF!" the tied up giant squirmed under the bearded man.


"Oh to hell with you Tor! How many times must we tie you up so you won't go to the mortal world too early in the plan!?" the one called Dazh sounded tired as he looked at the large tied up man.


"Hey Ursun, hold him tight will you? Or else this muscle head would try to pick a fight to the young one down there. Oh yeah, child come here." The glowing man said as he looked at Shoika who stood stunned.


'Dazh? Tor? Ursun? Huh?!' the Tzarina's mind was so shocked hearing the names of the three beings in front of her.


"That's right child, it is us. But we will only tell you something short…" Dazh said as his voice turned somber and the light dimmer making Shoika see a vague handsome face with golden glowing eyes and fiery long hair.


"…You are to… seduce a guy and make babies with him, so here's a gift of youth and magic so go strut your stuff girl!" cheerfully said Dazh as he waved his hands and string bluish essence came out from Ursun's back and a golden aura from Dazh got into the confused Tzarina.


"Wha…." The Tzarina was about to ask but she was suddenly pulled back to reality as she stood up in panic in her bed sweating.


"W-was that a divine oracle?" the Tzarina murmured as she recovered from the shock of her dream.


"Huh? My voice sounds weird." Shoika reached out to her throat but she felt her hands making her look down.


"Huh?! What happened to my hands? My skin they are smooth!" the Tzarina seemed delighted at this discovery but when she looked up she saw something she could never believe.



(A/N: Well anyways, I found time now and was so bored I typed until I somehow finished this chapter in daze. This really stunned me, never have I ever went doing one thing for four straight hours.

I had thought that maybe my ADHD turned off for a bit but after getting woke from that work daze I could not for the life of me focus again so hard.

Welp I got in trouble for this because I did this during our laboratories, that Kappa professor of mine thought I was doing my research diligently but when the class was about to be dismissed I was awoken from my state.

He somehow asked me very complicated questions that burned the remaining brain cells of mine making me act like a fool. I got reprimanded but I did not let it get to me.

So I took a piss on his car's gas tank, that bald cap professor always forgets to lock his car since it was parked in front of the teachers longue. But it was so hot earlier no one saw my deeds, except for my accomplices who also took a piss after me.

Mine was revenge, their is just pure boredom. And we don't feel bad since that guy's car is just so old that it breaking down out of nowhere would not lead to us. How else would that guy be carefree when he sometimes leaves his car unlocked.

Cause the thing is a walking trash can, full of rust, and some questionable stains on its seats. Damn that guy even has the gall to flirt with a younger teacher, what a pervert. Anyways rant over and viola a miracle chapter made with my dazed brain that shut down my ADHD for a few hours.)