Chapter 71: Ghost Buster

"I saw a ghost."

My words seemed to have stunned Maria, Lily and Keith.

The morning after I saw the ghost, we all gathered around the fireplace once more. The rain remained relentless and unstopping and there largely seemed to be no place for any improvement whatsoever.

Well, that was fine.

We could still find a chance to go back. Or even if we were stuck here for a few more days, with the supplies on hand it was still alright. But not for too long.

But before all of that. What mattered was the fact that we might just not be able to go back home.

"What did you do then?" Maria asked. "Are you hurt? Who do I kill?"

Aren't ghosts already dead?

"Big sis Maria scares me sometimes," Lily said, hugging herself. "I can't stand ghosts, young master! Do something about this!"

Who was the servant again?

"What did you do then?" Keith asked. "About the ghost?"

"I tried to punch it, but it was a little to far, so I sent a ball of fire hurtling at it."