Chapter 72: Five Days

Beating Keith was fun. He was strong to fight but still did get beat because he was an idiot.

I woke up safe and sound finally after taking a good rest. The lack of sleep was getting to my head. Damned ghosts. It wasn't like I was scared or anything.

The sound of the rain was still fresh in the air.

I stifled a yawn and picked out some clean clothes before heading downstairs.

Breakfast was being laid out on the dining table in the center of the hallway, right across from the couch. I saw Lily and Maria bringing out the dishes while Keith waited with his arms crossed. He seemed to be in deep thought.

"You considering plastic surgery?" I asked as I walked into the room. Lily saw me and greeted me a good morning while Maria nodded.

"Plastic surgery?" Keith repeated. "No, I just misplaced something yesterday. I wonder where it went."

Keith wasn't paying me any attention, he didn't notice Maria stiffening up at his words.