Chapter 257: Shaman Battle

"So, did you think what we should be doing for the faction festival?" Luka's questions hit Albert like an arrow as he tilted his head to the side. The other two of the faction were already making the most of whatever deals they had pulled behind the scenes and were slacking off with all their might.

On top of all the bullshit his homeland pulled, with the new country now a part of them, he also had to deal with this faction shit, his own classes, his own intelligence guild, his own secret army, his own succession war, his own politics from his mother's side, his own guild, and worst of all, Luka.

Now that this factional festival trash was heaped on top of his head, Albert was losing more and more desire to work.

In all honesty, he was still slacking off.

All his work he could complete half asleep.0