Chapter 258: Payment

It was a bit after the sage was gone and Noa decided to retire. Two knocks sounded on the door of my room and I opened it up. Thankfully, Dawn and I were just reading the stuff that Noa had forced me to carry around so nothing was wrong.

The door swung open, and standing on the other side were two familiar figures. One young girl with brown hair and another with a deep red.

"Young master, we're here to collect this month's payment."

What payment?

"Cough it up, young master. Or we'll have you pay in other ways."

"You can't do this! Just one more week, please, I'll pay it all."

Didn't matter, I was going to play along.

"Kukuku," Lily scoffed. "It's been months, what guarantee do I have that you will pay me back in a week, huh?"

She came closer and held my hair.

"I oughta take you away and make you pay, with your body."

"Horrible, miss Lily. You take it too far!"

"Nope, it's the normal development?"

"I agree, that's how this stuff goes."