Chapter 292: Loan what you Own

The bank ran by the Fonias family in the southern end of the kingdom was seeing a rather lively day today.

Gustavo, the manager of the bank, twirled his handlebar mustache in his hands as his secretary knocked on the door.

"Sir, the owner of the Mein Sohn trading company is here to meet you."

"Mein Sohn?" Gustavo repeated, this was quite the big place and had already borrowed money from him multiple times. It was a shame that he had managed to pay it all back despite Gustavo's best efforts in hindering his business.

"Send him in," said Gustavo. He was in a good mood, if such a person was here then so be it.

The door to his office opened not long after and in came the owner of the Mein Sohn trading company.

"Gustavo! My son!" The old man with greying hair spread his hands wide and entered the place.

"Mister Mein! How long how has it been?" Gustavo stood up from his seat and twirled his mustache. The two of them shared greetings and Gustavo led him to a seat.