Chapter 293: On the Name of Apollon

Irina and I went into the business in the capital being run by the demons.

The company, a merchant group that specialized in trading with processed magical items was the name of the game for them. Though most of the employees in here were humans, more than a fair share of them were demons too.

"Hey, Miss Irina," I called out as the two of us passed by the security and entered the building.

"What?" She asked.

"Can you try to avoid killing the demons?"

Deep in the enemy territory, we talked about these matters without a care in the world. I was suited up in red that matched my eyes and Irina was donning a pinkish shade of white in a single dress.

"Sure, but why?"



"Thank you."


If things were to go by my plans, then something happening to them was just going to be a loss overall. I had many uses of demons as a whole, getting some brownie points here was going to be useful in making them move to my beck and call.