Chapter 308: Beginning of Usurpation

A lot of delays went down, but we finally left back. Since running was going to be a hassle, I summoned my shields, sat Irina on it, and dashed through the skies of the country early in the morning.

"This magic carpet of yours sure is convenient."

"What it, please. It's a shield."


We were rushing through the skies at speeds many couldn't fathom, but that mattered little. Not long after, we crossed through the capital and neared the very edges of the country.

And there it was, right in front of us, the grand city of Apollon.

The colored streets made for a sight full of wonder while the uniform yet strange architecture on the stretching heights all over the city made for yet another sight to behold.

I moved over to my mansion first.

The shields dissipated as the two of us hopped down on the grounds of the mansion.

"Hey, kid," Irina called.


"Keep it a secret, alright?"

I waved my hands.

"Find me whenever you want to make more secrets."