Chapter 309: Liege of Demons [Bonus Chapter]

In the large inn that we had temporarily kept the demons in, a loud voice boomed.

"A temporary solution?" One of the demons in the guise of an old human man spoke up. His countenance of maturity made me believe that he was likely the spokesperson for the demons.

Well, that didn't matter.

"I promised you that you will live without hiding your horns, didn't I?"

The people on my side shook at those words.

Glasses, Albert, Keith, Irina, Lethe and oddly enough, Hoya and Anatolia were the only ones here.

Except for Irina and Lethe, all of them seemed surprised to their cores.


Glasses murmured.

Hoya and Anatolia couldn't move after hearing my words.

Slapping his face, Keith broke into a burst of laughter.

"Hilarious. Just fucking hilarious, it's as I expected from you, young master."

I grinned too, the demons were likely confused at this reaction of ours.

"Crazy bastard," Albert said, "You fucking brought in demons? What are you planning?"