Chapter 3


I step out of the shower and take a look at myself in the bathroom mirror. Damp hair hangs limply to my waist. Dark circles ring my gray eyes, and the bruise on my cheekbone is an ugly mottled purple colour. I wince. I can't imagine how the twins managed to keep straight faces. Sighing, I put on another pair of ill fitting clothes from my bag.

The twins gave me me some fresh sheets for the bed and a spare duvet, despite the bed's original sheets clean appearance. Mariam is at the office, and will be back soon. They didn't say anything about the last brother whom I've yet to meet. Lucas.

Just then, there is a knock at the door, and a familiar feminine voice. "Evie, honey. Are you in?"

I fling open the door in excitement. "Mariam!" I find myself engulfed in a crushing hug. The scent of her fruity perfume engulfs me. She lets go of me, but stiffens when her eyes fall to the bruise on my cheek. That damn bruise.

"Who..." she falters and her eyes darken. It's obvious already.

Over the years, I have received many of these wonderful 'gifts.' Mostly on my arms, which I hide with long sleeves, but this time, he completely lost it and hit my face.

I bring her into my room, so we can talk and catchup. While I did see her often like Dad said I would, we never really got a chance to talk. Most of the time, we would have 5 sentence conversations at most before Dad came and took her away.

"So, Evangeline. How have you been?"