Chapter 4


Mariam and I talk for a little over an hour, before she departs to grab her bags and head to the airport. Max, Christopher, Asher and I go to the door to send her off. She hugs her sons one by one, and presses a kiss to their cheeks, including mine. All this while, Asher pretends like I'm not there.

"Take care, kids. Say hi to Luke for me." There is a chorus of 'you toos' before the door slams shut. I rub my eyes. It is only four. Still two hours to dinner, so I head upstairs to take a nap.


I am rudely awoken by persistent knocking. "Hey, it's time for dinner," a muffled voice calls from the other side. It sounds like Max, but I could be wrong. Pushing back the covers, I crawl to the end of the bed and open the door, rubbing my eyes. Max looks a little stunned at my appearance. "Uh..." Shoot. I can feel my hair sticking up.

"Thanks. I'll be down in a bit." He nods and walks off. I tug on a sweatshirt to disguise the fact that I'm not wearing a bra, tie my hair back and dash downstairs.

My mouth waters. I smell the pizza before I see it. Power of diffusion, huh. Seated at the counter are Asher, Christopher, and a man with feathery brown hair and a black lip ring whom I presume to be Lucas typing away on his phone. I spot Max in the kitchen, unboxing the pizzas and slicing them.

I make my way toward him and wordlessly grab some plates from the cupboard. I can't quite reach-(to be honest, I actually have to jump a little) but thank goodness this is one of the lower shelves. I'd have absolutely have no chance off getting stuff from up there. He flashes me a half-smile and gestures for me to sit, so I set the plates on the table and hop onto a barstool next to Asher.

"Evangeline, right?" Lucas's smooth baritone sends a shiver down my spine. A good one. He could be in choir. I nod. "Nice to meet you." He gives me a warm smile. "According to Asher's account, we have yet to know more about you." He gives Asher a pointed stare. Max returns from the kitchen and plops into a chair next to Christopher. They boys dig in immediately. Lucas leans over and kindly places a slice on my plate before serving himself.

"Do help yourself," Christopher mumbles through a mouthful of cheese and ham. The words come out garbled. I smile a little. When was the last time I sat with family like this, to have a proper meal? My heart aches a little at the thought. I miss Dad and Mariam. I can't wait to see them again! The boys laugh and carry out their own conversations. I sit and listen. It's nice.

I study each of my stepbrother's faces.

Asher has the same facial structure as Mariam. It is almost like looking at a blonder, female and much younger version of her. Aristocratic nose, cherubic cheeks, slightly downturned eyes and full lips.

The resemblance between the twins is striking. They bear the same angelic, almost girlish features: long-lashed, bright blue eyes, strong nose, and soft pouty lips. The only difference is Christopher's bright, silvery hair and Max's inky locks that shine with blue and purple undertones in the light.

My last brother. He bears no resemblance to the rest. Sea green eyes, feathery brown hair, and honey coloured skin. Perhaps he looks more like his father?