
Chapter 31


I startle awake from a nightmare, gasping as I sit up in bed. A few tears trickle down my cheeks.

I wipe them away with a shaking hand. No one will ever see my tears. They mustn't. But no one is here now.

The clock on my bedside reads 2.15am. A soft breeze blows through the window. I kick the blankets off my legs,

I glance toward the window. The light opposite is still on. Does Owen really not sleep at all? Perhaps he really is a cat. I smile to myself.

My nose itches. "Achoo!" I sneeze. That was so random, I snicker to myself as I swing my legs off the bed.

A figure appears at the window. In the fluorescent background light emanating from his room, I catch a glimpse of Owen's blue hair.

The shadow inclines his head slightly. "Evangeline. You're still awake?"

Our windows are close enough that we can have a conversation at that distance.

"Yes." I whisper quietly, though I doubt he can hear it.

"Did you...have a nightmare?" His tone makes it sound like he's all too acquainted with those.

I nod. More tears.

He pauses. "Don't be afraid. Good night, Evangeline."

With that, he turns away, and the lights on the other side go off.

What was that?


"...one part of World War 2...Japanese invaded China, Malaysia, Singapore..."

Mrs Greene's droning is like a fly buzzing in my ears. Asher pokes my face with his pencil. What is it with my stepbrothers targeting my face???

"Evie. Hello?"

I groan and push his hand away. "What is it?" I hiss.

He gives me an amused look. "Pay attention, sweetie."


The bell rings. Fucking finally! I was getting old back there.

Lucas received news that Mariam and Dad are due to arrive home this evening, and the wedding is tomorrow, so almost everyone in the house has been super antsy.

I start collecting our books and shoving them into the respective bags. Asher quirks a brow. "Aren't you quick."

I roll my eyes. I just wanna get out of here. Besides, track starts in half an hour!

Without waiting for him, I grab both our bags and dash out the door. Damn, these are heavy! How do my brothers carry mine and theirs every day?

I bump into someone in the hallway, landing on my ass. Ouch!

"Oopsie, careful there girlie!" I catch a whiff of that cloying rose-vanilla perfume. Jessica.

She pulls me up by the back of my collar, (which I highly do NOT appreciate) grinning like a maniac.

Asher comes up behind me, panting. He narrows his eyes. "Hello, Jessica,"

Jessica giggles obnoxiously. "Ooo, Asher Crestdale! And , where might your older brother be?"

She looks at me with an expectant smile.


"He's right here," Luke deadpans. I turn and grin. "Hi."

Immediately, Jessica's eyes light up, and she practically shoves everyone else out of the way to throw herself at him, smoothing her lacquer-nailed hands over his pecs and rubbing her body against him like he's a scratching post. Horny teens.

I giggle quietly. Is she his girlfriend? Come to think of it, I've never asked any of my stepbrothers whether they have girlfriends or not.

Lucas shoots the twins a 'help me' look as Jessica starts dragging her long red nails over his collarbone. Chris gives me a tight lipped grin. It's the one he always uses when he's uncomfortable. "Look at the time. We've all gotta go."

"Also, PG 13 here!" Max covers my eyes.

With that, Chris swipes the bags off my shoulders and begins steering me toward the cafeteria, while Max and Asher pry Jessica off of Lucas.

I throw a glance back. Jessica stares after Lucas with a desperate, besotted look in her eyes.