
Chapter 36


Harsh sunlight stabs my eyes. My head spins as I drag myself out of bed. Did Chris put me to bed?

My mood today isn't great, as you can see.

I do my business in the bathroom, brush my teeth and glare at my haggard reflection. It's like the night I first arrived here.

The same dark circles, but with the addition of a throbbing that radiates from the back of my head, and the faint outlines of a handprint that displays itself on my cheek like a brand.

The fucking cherry on top of it all are the lovely purple bruises that decorate my neck. I may be able to conceal the mark on my face with makeup, but certainly not this. Who would wear a scarf in the middle of summer?!

I groan in frustration. I really should've kept my guard up.


I shuffle downstairs, dressed head to toe in dark, inconspicuous clothing. I plaster a smile on my face as I try to put I spring in my step.

Asher, Max and Christopher are the only ones in the living room. The moment Christopher sees me, he hurriedly stands, but Max places a hand on his shoulder.

"Hi, guys. Where's Mariam, Lucas and my father?" My voice comes out as a croak. Dammit, it hurts to speak.

Max gestures for me to come sit. "They're all out."

Asher wordlessly hands me a plate with eggs and toast.

Crap. I was supposed to make breakfast.

"I'm sorry-" I start, but Chris holds up a finger.

"Are you gonna tell us what's the hell that was last night?"



Evangeline grips the edge of the plate. "My father...he...got mad. Because I asked him if he needed anything. So he just shouted all those things. Nothing else to it."

She swallows. Obviously, she's lying.

I narrow my eyes. "Did he hit you?"

She shakes her head.

"What about the handprint on your cheek?"

Her eyes widen. She thought I wouldn't see?

"Come here."

Evangeline does so hesitantly. The panic in her eyes is visible. I reach out and caress her cheek. Makeup comes away on my fingertips.

Dark marks that mottle the skin of her neck flash from under her collar.

Max whispers quietly. "And the bruises on you neck...?"

She breaks.