
Chapter 37


The bruises fade after a few days. School resumes once more, but life doesn't feel the same.

Something changed on the wedding day. Since then, there has been so much tension in the air at home, you could cut it with a fucking axe.

No one has uttered a word of what happened that evening. I suppose Mariam and Lucas were informed of it, but said nothing. I expected it from Mariam. As much as she cares for me, she would never go against Dad. Not even for me. I guess she really does love him. Too much.

Lucas. My eldest brother.

He acts cold now.

Shuts himself in his room. Avoids eye contact, speaking, and physical contact. Only speaking to me or his other siblings to tell us he won't be home for dinner again. Even then, his words are clipped. No warmth at all.

Seeing him like this makes my heart ache. I know the rest are worried for him too. What happened to him? I miss the Lucas who would smile and laugh at his brother's antics. The one who would spend hours with us watching silly comedies on television, join in on their banter.

Giggles echo in the corridor. Lucas himself barges in, with Jessica in tow. What's she doing here? She may be my track senior, but I don't necessarily like, or enjoy her company.

Lucas sends a terse nod in my direction, averting his gaze. Jessica stares in my direction with huge, shining eyes as they make themselves comfortable on the couch opposite.

I try to ignore the way my heart clenches as they sit way to close for my liking.

"Ooh, Evangeline! How lovely to see you!"

I nod. "You too."

To my utter shock, she shifts closer to Lucas, who has remained unmoving and emotionless the whole time, and cups his face, pressing her lips to his.

"Luke, did you tell her?"

He shakes his head slowly, gaze blank, pale green eyes transfixed to something far, far away.

I already know the answer.

"We're a couple!" She grins like it's Christmas fucking morning. The words that tumble from her stupid glossy red lips make my chest throb. It's like being stabbed in the heart with a knife, over and over.

In spite of the feeling of being torn up from the inside, I force myself to smile like a freaking moron. "Yay!" I clap my hands excitedly. My voice is wobbly, but I try to conceal it. "I'm so happy for you guys."

Jessica grins like she just took the fucking cake. "Oh, yes, honey! I am too."

I give her a strained smile and rise, taking my book off the chair. "Excuse me. I'll leave you to it."

With that, I turn and walk out the door. I try my best to hold onto my dignity, to keep my chin held high, to pretend like my chest doesn't feel like cracking in two, but I barely make it through my bedroom door before bursting into tears.