
Chapter 44


Days go by. It appears that Lucas has completely forgotten about what he did and blurted out in his drunken state. I guess it's for the best. Anything other than sibling love toward each other is basically forbidden. But his confession made me realise the a fact that I do love him. The rest, too. Not as brothers. It's the truth, one I have to hide.

He eventually patched things up with his brothers. We're now in this awkward position. How do we act in front of other people? What are we, now? I am so confused.

My thoughts dissipate as Daniel claps his hands. "Guys. Starting blocks, now!"

Landon groans at my side. "Jesus. I'm still sore from Monday."

I nod, knowing exactly what he's experiencing. Training can be intense and very tough. I can't deny that. There are benefits, though. Hours of running and strength training till I can barely walk has made me the fittest I've ever been. I've definitely gained some muscle and gotten healthier, which makes me feel happy and confident.

I'd never admit it, but I also enjoy getting to see my other stepbrothers on the field for their practice, (It's kinda like we suffer the tough training together.) seeing as the track circles the football field.

Competition season is coming up, so the sports clubs have really been piling on the pressure. I have aching muscles almost every single day of the week.

We all get in line to sprint. This activity requires us to get paired up. Landon goes with Oliver, giving me an apologetic look. I grin and wave him off. Landon and I usually pair up anyway. A chill runs down my spine when I realise there is no one else to partner up with, besides Jessica. Usually I would simply avoid her during training, but it seems fate has brought us together this time. No avoiding that.

I still remember the resentment and jealousy I felt when Lucas said they were a couple. It may make me a horrible person, but I'm secretly glad that Lucas didn't really love her. He was merely using her as a distraction. A way to try and forget me? No. I can't be so full of myself. Perhaps what he said was merely a slip of the tongue, nonsense he uttered while being intoxicated.

I walk over and offer her a half-smile. I hope the wariness and slight dislike I feel for her isn't showing. Jessica smirks.

"Ooo, racing with a junior! Well give these boys a show, wont we, honey?"


Jessica and I are second last in the line. By the time its our turn, the entire football team has finished practice. They are all sitting in a row along the edge of the field, cheering for the runners as they dash past.

My heart thumps loudly in my chest, i discreetly wipe my palms on the back of the black shorts of the school's PE uniform. The nails of my spikes dig into the track, sticky and melted on the inside from the scorching heat of the sun. Damn. The residue will be a pain to remove once it dries.

One of the eleventh grade seniors who is coordinating the runners grins. I forgot his name. Ellard? Allen? His fast-paced speech sounds slightly garbled with his thick accent. "The track princess versus the junior? Well, this is going to be interesting!"

Oh, yes it is.