
Chapter 45


"On your mark."

I get into position alongside Jessica, index finger and thumb parallel and just behind the white line like Daniel said.

"Get set."

My feet tense against the starting block. Asses in the air. I can feel Jessica eyeing me from the side, but I keep my gaze fixated to the end mark: the bright yellow cone where the other runners watch and wait in silence. Somewhere is the mass of footballers on the sides, I catch a glimpse of Max and Christopher hooting and grinning like idiots.


The shrill whistle can be heard from all over. I launch off the starting block, using the momentum gained to push myself forward, breaking into a sprint. Jessica is, understandably faster, what with her her long, gazelle-like legs and toned physique. Not to mention the years of training she's received before me.

She overtakes me with ease. Dammit. I meet eyes with the twins as I zoom past. Cornflowers. Feeling a sudden burst of energy, I quicken my pace. Faster and faster.

In the end, I finish around two metres past my senior, barely out of breath. The timing is 13.45 seconds to 14.28 seconds.


As I am fumbling wth my laces on the bench after training, two silhouettes loom over me. I look up and allow my facial muscles to twitch into a small smile. "Hi."

Chris grins. "Just 'hi'?" I roll my eyes playfully, continuing the fruitless struggle against my laces. Max sniggers and kneels down in front of me. "What are you...?" He smirks and grabs my hands, placing them in my lap before turning his attention to the tangled ball dangling from my shoes. Heat rises to my cheeks. His hands fully engulf mine, and are soft and warm.

Chris pats me on the shoulder. "You did great today." Max grunts in agreement, his long, pretty fingers deftly undoing the weird knots in my laces. i wonder if he plays piano.

I smile a little, unsure. Max r stands up. I sneak a peek at my shoes. He even did them in neat little bows. Feeling myself blush even more, I look up at both of them and smile. "Thank you."

I make a move to rise as well, but a sharp pain shoots up my calf. My knees buckle, and I plop back down on the bench with a thud. "Ow!"

Chris and Max both reach out at the same time to grab me. "Are you all right?" They ask in unison. It's quite cute. I grin a little, but it quickly morphs into a grimace as my leg begins to throb. "I think I pulled a muscle or something."

"Can you walk?" The twin's eyes are filled with concern. I try standing to walk again, but the pain intensifies, muscles seizing. I grit my teeth and wince. "I don't think so."

Chris gives me a funny look, and nudges his brother. "Uh-then do you want a piggyback ride?" Butterflies stir in my stomach. I don't even know why. "Um, if that's okay with you..."

Max nods and crouches down, back facing me. I hesitantly climb on, wrapping my arms around his neck and my thighs around his waist. He reaches back and hooks his arms under my calves to support my weight. I'm suddenly reminded of the tickling incident on a particular afternoon on a weekend. Chris smirks knowingly and grabs our things. Does he find this funny?

Max starts walking. As we pass through the school gates, the curious gazes of several students linger on us. I simply look away and pretend it doesn't bother me.