
Chapter 46


After my shower, I head downstairs to toss my towel and school uniform in the laundry basket. My leg is still cramping a little.

I hirple down the corridor, taking slow, even steps and keeping most of my weight on my left leg. I reach my destination, cracking open the door. Schitt's Creek is playing on the TV. Asher smiles fondly as I collapse into the seat next to him. "How was track?" I groan and stretch out my limbs, clenching and unclenching my fists. Max chuckles.

"She pulled a muscle and had to get a piggyback on the way home." Lucas snorts. "Ooh!" Chris exclaims suddenly. He leaps off the couch and dashes toward the door. "I'll be right back!" We all exchange confused glances, but continue to watch the show.

Minutes later, Chris returns with a tube of something. He plops down proudly showing it to me. "Here. Use this." I squint at the label. "Aspercreme?" He nods enthusiastically. "You rub it into you leg. Max and I use this on strength training days." He winks and starts unscrewing the cap. "Do you wanna put it on yourself?"

"Oka-" Asher interrupts before I can reply. "Just do it for her, man." Max sniggers-for what, I don't know. Chris blinks, then swallows. "Are you okay?" He nods frantically, seemingly gone silent. He squeezes a dollop of the white, strong smelling cream onto his palm, and rubs them together.

"Which leg?" I raise my besocked right foot. He grins and gestures for me to place it in his lap. I hesitate a little. While I do that all thee time with my brothers, even with him, this feels a little different. More intimate. I instantly drown those thoughts. It's bad enough that I'm in love it's Lucas. I can't fall in love with more people. Especially not my other stepbrothers!

Chris begins rubbing the ointment in with long strokes, applied with even pressure. Its a little weird at first, but the discomfort quickly fades away as the heat from the menthol quickly seeps in. A soft moan of delight escapes my lips. That stupid leg really was killing me.

I clamp a hand over my mouth in horror as I just realised what kind of sound I'd made. Shit! They are all starting at me, dumbfounded, faces gradually turning tomato red.



I endeavour to focus on the task at hand, trying not to let my mind wander. The Aspercreme burns my hands, but I pay it no mind. Evangeline has her eyes closed, seemingly in bliss. From the corner of my eye, I spot my other brothers sneaking peeks, having completely forgotten about the show they were watching. I can relate.

My head jerks up at once when I hear a quiet moan. It's so soft, it could've been mistaken as a sound from the TV, but nope. I know definitely heard that right when all our heads snap in her direction. My face heats. Crap. I'd be lying if I said my dick wasn't twitching in my pants right now.

Evangeline looks even more embarrassed. She quickly retracts her foot from my lap, curling up in a ball and hugging her knees to her chest, cheeks . "S-sorry!"

The door flings open suddenly, and Owen Hale, Lucas's annoying best friend strolls into the room and plops down into the beanbag opposite Asher like he owns the place.

He smirks like the cocky ass he is, and salutes us. "What's up, folks?" Evangeline's eyes widen slightly. Owen's eyes land on her, and a shit-eating grin spreads across his face. "Hey, you."



This guy again. I allow myself a small smile. While its not necessarily fake, it's definitely not my real one either. "Owen Hale, right?" He grins. "Uh huh."

The Cheshire grin quickly morphs into a displeased scowl. Owen turns to punch Lucas on the arm. "That day, y'all were fucking about in the morning and Ora was complaining about the noise!" Lucas rubs the back of his neck, eyes downcast and looking extremely guilty. "Oops. Give our sincere apologies."

Owen snickers. "Nah. She deserved it. The baby has made her super bitchy." I haven't the foggiest idea what he's talking about.

I must be making a pretty weird face, because Asher whispers in my ear. "Owen lives next door with his sister and her wife. They're expecting." I nod. Oookay.

One by one, we all start making ourselves scarce to allow the two friends to talk and stuff. Just before we all file out, Lucas calls to us. "Guys. Mom and Tony will be back tomorrow morning."

Crap. I had totally forgotten about Mariam and Dad! A cold weight drops in my stomach as I remember what happened the last time. Wedding day. I still don't know why I was so shaken. Maybe because this time he was more violent. Or perhaps the fact that there were other people in the house, but no one heard or came. I furtively glance at Chris. What had I expected?

"Cold?" Max asks, draping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me to his side. Goosebumps break out across my skin, sending tingly, electric sparks all over my body and down...um. Gosh. What am I, a horny teenage boy? Surely its my period coming.

"A little." He smiles softly.

"Why don't you and Asher come to our room, and then we can all watch anime till we fall asleep or something." Chris grins excitedly. "Hell yeah!" He pauses for a moment. "I'll go back and get soda and popcorn. You want anything?"

I shake my head, a smile spreading across my face. I am looking forward to this.