
Chapter 47

Warning: this chapter contains brief sexual content. (Cause ykyk, horny teen boys ;) )


We are all sprawled out on the twin's massive queen. (Or is it a king? Whatever.) another anime show I'm not familiar with is blaring on the television in their room. Asher pops a can of coke and takes a sip, then makes a face. "Ew. Is this vanilla?"

Max shrugs. "There wasn't anything else." Asher sighs. I motion for him to swap with me, since I know he isn't a fan of sweet stuff. He will have to make do with the original. Asher hands it over, and our fingers brush. Eek. I hurriedly gulp down the coke to distract myself.

Chris smirks as I swallow a mouthful of the drink. "Saliva." Asher scoffs and rolls his eyes, while I smirk deviously and lick my fingertips, sucking them one by one and waving my spit-coated hand in his face. "Yes, salivaaaaa." I drag out the last bit, and Chris recoils. I snicker and finish off the coke, then pad over to the bathroom to wash my hands (with soap, of course), and brush my teeth.

I'm too lazy to go back out to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste from the toilet outside, so I call out. "Can I have one of your spare toothbrushes?" I guess its time to change my old one, anyway. "Second drawer to your left of the cabinet," Max replies, eyes glued to the television screen.

My stupid muddled brain mixes up his command, and I open up the second drawer to my right. I really wish I hadn't. The glossy cover of an adult magazine stares back up at me. The female model on the front is biting her lip, a sexy smile on her face, and her legs spread apart. Wide. I let out a little squeak and trip over my own feet, landing on the bathroom tiles with a thud.

There is a sharp rap on the door. "Evangeline. You okay?" Chris's muffled voice comes through. I hurriedly reply, the pitch of my voice rising several octaves. "Fine! Totally fine! Just don't come in."

There is silence on the other end for a while, before Asher speaks, sounding strained. "Oh. Are you, uh, like on your period or something?" I choke on my spit momentarily, and there is a loud thump, followed by a hiss of pain. Probably one of the twins smacking him for I regain my composure, trying to keep my voice level. "Nope. Don't worry, I'll be out in five."

"Okay." They all chorus from outside. It's kinda cute. I hear them leave, so I rise and quickly shut that godammed drawer, not before catching a glimpse of the woman on the cover, as well as a bottle and little boxes of what I assume are lube and condoms. Don't ask how I know. My father would bring home his silly, slutty flings home all the time.

I quickly finish my business in the toilet, using one of the twin's toothpaste. Wonder whose it is. Just like the porn mag in the drawer. Eek. A shiver runs down my spine. What's wrong with e-porn?

Brushing the thought away, I put my long hair up into a bun with a claw clip from Carrie. It's got glittery silver cat ears. I come out from the bathroom. Asher shifts to the side so I can climb onto the bed in between him and Max. Chris grins. "What was that about?" I shake my head nonchalantly. "I just bumped into the open drawer and fell." I send a pointed look Asher's way. The moron smiles sheepishly and shrugs. "Well."

I turn my attention to the television screen, sinking into the downy pillows. Asher tugs on a strand of hair that come loose from the clip. "It's really long." I nod. I haven't gone for a haircut since I was like, six. Dad only brought me to the salon then because he seemed to be in a jolly mood, which was rare. The whole time I was getting my hair cut, he was flirting with the hairdresser.

I reach up. The wavy ends of Asher's hair curl a little around my fingers. Soft, spun gold. I grin. "You've got nice hair too, bro." His joyful smile drops the slightest, but he quickly turns up the smile wattage. I pretend not to notice there is another, darker emotion hiding in the depths of his pretty eyes.

Not long after, Asher leaves, claiming he's tired and is going to bed. I'm not too sure about that, considering the fact that he's had two cans of coke, plus popcorn. "Not sleepy?" Max asks softly, ghosting his hand over my hair. I removed the clip, so my inky black hair is now starkly splayed out on the white pillows. "Nah. I'll stay here and accompany you guys, if you don't mind."

The show is a little dry and draggy, but I don't mind. I get to spend quality time with the people I love. My family. I steal one of their countless pillows, curling up on the comforter. Seriously. What's the thread count? Chris chuckles. "Nighty-night, Evie. We'll get you back to your room, kay?" I attempt to nod, but my eyelids are heavy. "Goodnight," one of them whispers. The last thing I hear before drifting off to sleep.