
Chapter 49


The school bell rings. Everyone immediately starts packing up their stuff. "Wait, wait." Prof Henley shouts. "Homework." The class groans. "Workbooks, pages 37-50. I'll expect to see a total of 25 notebooks on my table." With that, he turns and struts out of the classroom. Damn.

He really is evil sometimes, but I still enjoy school, more than I ever did before. Why? Because Evangeline is here. Its probably selfish of me, but I feel so elated over the fact that I get to spend more one-on-one time with her than I do at home. Here at school, you can also see a different side to the playful Evie. The smart, gorgeous and confident one. I don't have to fight for her attention with my brothers, and I'm also not as alone.

As usual, I grab Evangeline's bag before she can get it herself. She smiles in that way that makes my heart flutter. Suddenly, a tall girl with a halo of curls around her head bounds up behind my stepsister, squealing excitedly.

"Hi, Evie!" I tense when I notice two guys are making their way towards us as well. "Hey, Carrie, Landon, Oliver." She nods and smiles. It doesn't escape my notice that while it isn't necessarily a fake smile, its definitely not her real one, either.

"Who's this?" Oliver asks, giving me a polite smile. "Guys, this is Asher." She slaps me playfully on the back. "Your boyfriend?" Landon and Carrie ask at the same time. I wish, ha ha. Evangeline's face immediately turns red. "Nope!" She half shouts, half hisses. They chuckle at her expense.

"Anyway, what are you guys doing here? You aren't in this class."

Carrie grins. "We wanted to ask if you'd like to come with us to the mall! My fave café has this new dessert that is absolutely to die for!" Carrie glances at me. "Of course, Asher is welcome to join as well." The two guys nod in agreement.

Evangeline glances at me, as if asking for permission. Like she'd need it from me. "Thank you. We'd be most delighted to partake in your afternoon activities." I answer for the both of us, and cover my mouth. What the hell did I say? The boys snicker, while Evangeline and Carrie giggle inn amusement. "You're so cute," they coo.

As we walk to the mall, the girls walk up front arm in arm, chatting away with enthusiasm about whatever it is that girls talk about. Boys? Fashion? Landon and Oliver are relatively silent. I seriously have no idea what to do. Break the silence and start the conversation? I clear my throat. "Um, Landon and Oliver, right?" Landon nods. "Yeah. You're Asher Crestdale, aren't you?"

I play with the straps on Evie's bag. "I am." Oliver laughs. "So, you have 3 older brothers! What's it like being the baby of the family?" I swallow. Little do they know, I'm not the baby anymore. "It's cool. How do you know Evie?" Their brows raise at my nickname, but they simply respond."we met at track tryouts. Landon and I are on the team."

"What about Carrie?"

"Media Club." Landon grins. "My girlfriend takes amazing photos." I know that look all too well. The lovesick, dreamy one. Oliver looks distracted. I follow his gaze. Jealousy sparks in me. Why is he staring at Evie's ass?

The perv asks suddenly. "Is Evangeline single?" I stiffen immediately. Without thinking, I blurt out. "Yeah. She has a boyfriend." Their brows raise. "Who?"

"Erm-" As if sensing my distress, Evangeline turns and gives me that fucking angelic smile. "Hey guys, we're here." She and Carrie stop to wait for us to catch up. "What we're you talking about there?" Evie asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "Nothing." I feel myself blush. "Okay," she sighs, eyeing me suspiciously. "So, Carrie. Where is it?"