
Chapter 50


Carrie brings us to a quaint little shop on the second floor, the Bluebell. The interior is painted a soft shade of blue, with a checkered tile floor and cute little round tables and chairs dotting the space.

We file into a plush booth seat in the corner, parallel to the cash register, with Asher and I on one end and Carrie, Landon and Oliver on the other. Carrie picks up a menu and hands it to me. "Order whatever. On me!" We spend about ten minutes choosing, which the boys arguing over what too get. Carrie and I share a knowing smile.

The boys have only just met, but seem to be getting along well already. I'm glad to see Asher is mingling more with his classmates. The fact that Landon and Oliver are pretty amicable and easy-going helps too.

Once they have finally settled, Carrie rises to place the orders, but I tut. "I'll go." It's the least I can do since she's paying for all of this. Asher grabs my had. "I can-"

I cut him off with a wink. "Sit your ass down and talk to your new friends." His mouth drops open a little, a flush creeping up his cheeks. I'm tempted to close it for him, but simply grin. "So, one chocolate tiramisu, two berry tarts, a vanilla soufflé and the special black cake thingy." Carrie corrects me with a huff. "You dimwit. It's a charcoal-rose flavoured sponge cake with cream and silver sprinkles!"

''Okay, okay."

I approach the counter, where a young man in a blue shirt and cap stands. Wait. That uniform...the guy raises his head. "Hi, what can I-" his eyes meet mine. A slow smile spreads across his face. "Princess, fancy seeing you here!" I grin in return. "I came with some of my trackies and Asher." His brows shoot up. "Asher? Here?" I nod. "Yeah. I introduced him to them. They seem to get along quite well."

Lucas smiles brightly. I know he's happy for his brother, just as I am. "That's great. What can I get you?" I list off the orders, ticking them off on my fingers. Lucas taps something on the monitor. "Okay. Receipt?" I incline my head. "Silly. I've got to pay first, don't I?" I take out my purse. Carrie can pay me back later.

He laughs. "Princess. I'll pay for you." I blatantly refuse, but he insists. "No." My breath catches as he leans close. His face is really close to mine. The memory of our kiss flashes in my mind. "Don't make my job difficult," he sighs playfully. "I've also got other customers in line, you know." I freeze and glance behind. There are several other students from Peachtree, eyeing us. I immediately dip my head and scuttle off, back to the table, but not before shooting Lucas a dirty look. He gives me a shit-eating grin as if to say, 'haha'. Jerk!

I plop down in my seat. Asher and the rest give me a concerned look. "What took you so long? Did something happen?" I shake my head furiously. "Nope. The cashier was, uh, a little deaf."


The pastries arrive shortly after, served on a platter by Lucas himself. Asher's brows raise when he sees his brother. Lucas shoots us a secretive wink and walks off, whistling. Asher leans close and whispers in my ear. "Now I know why." Gosh! He makes it sound so dirty. I shove his face away. "Shut up and eat."

As we all dig in, Carrie moans. "This is bomb. And was that Lucas Crestdale!?" Landon and Oliver look amazed too. "What's the hype about that?" I mumble through a mouthful of soufflé.

Oliver sighs dramatically. "You'll find out soon enough." I smile and nod. Asher steals a bite of my soufflé. His mouth twists. "This is straight sugar." I shrug. "At least then my mouth will taste sweet." His royal blue eyes drop to my lips for a second, making my core pulse. Fuck, he looks hot. Stop thinking, Evangeline!

"Oh, I forgot." Carrie starts pulling out bills from her pocket. Thank gosh for the distraction, but I stop her. "Nah. It's fine." We go back and forth for a while. Eventually, she finally relents. It's weird, but I don't want to tell her Lucas paid, which would lead to her asking why and them finding out the famed Crestdales are my stepsiblings. Siblings. The word tastes icky in my mouth.