
Chapter 51


The keys turn in the lock, and Asher and Evangeline step in. I immediately look up from my phone and rise from the sofa. The flush of happiness on Evangeline's face makes my lips twitch up involuntarily and my chest warm. Asher looks like he's in a good mood, too.

"Hi, Chris!" Evangeline bounces her cute little ass over and wraps me up in a hug. Max and I didn't see her at break today. I grin. "What's got you two so happy?" She steps away to meet my eyes with her twinkling gray ones. "Carrie, Landon, Oliver, Asher and I went to the mall. We ran into Lucas there and had cake." She casts a shy, secretive glance over her shoulder at my little brother who blushes, and rises up on her tiptoes. I lean down and put my ear to her face. "Asher made new friends." Evangeline's warm breath fans over the shell of my ear.

"Ah, welcome back." A man's voice booms from the top of the stairs. We all look up. Tony stands there, beaming at his stepsons. "Oh, hi Tony." We say in unison and plaster a smile on our faces. "Hello, Dad." Evangeline mutters, all traces of her smile vanishing from sight. Tony's face clouds over. It's like seeing the cherry on top to the worst day of your life. "Where were you?" He sneers. "Out whoring with boys from your school?"

Asher gapes. Anger gnaws at me. What's wrong with him? I try to cut in. "Evie and Asher-" his piggy eyes narrow at the nickname. Evangeline keeps her eyes to the floor and scoots away. "Sorry. I'll be back earlier, next time." She turns and dashes upstairs. Tony's demeanour changes instantly, like the last time. In an extremely cheerful voice, he resumes beaming. "Well, Asher. Did you have fun?" Asher nods, swallowing hard. "Yeah," he murmurs. "Went out with some friends."

Tony chuckles heartily. "Gotta get those girls, am I right?" He exclaims with a click of his tongue, an exaggerated wink and finger guns. Jesus Christ, could he be any more obvious that he prefers boys over girls? Asher pales a little and forces a smile. "Uh-huh. I'll go now."

He hurriedly takes his leave. Just as I am about to do the same, Tony calls to me. "Christopher." I cringe inwardly and slowly face him. My cheek muscles ache from the fake smiling and keeping a poker face. Tony waddles down the stairs and claps a hand on my shoulder. Double cringe. "Son," he says in a sugary tone. "You don't know my daughter that well, and you don't know what she's really like. Try to keep an eye on her in school, alright?"

This isn't a reminder for me to look out for Evie in school. Fury courses through me. I want to snap at this horrible man that his daughter is the most resilient, kind, amazing and funny human being I've ever met. That I can't believe he, a biased, toxic hypocrite who hits his daughter was able to create her.

Instead, I seal my lips and nod. He grins. God, I really hate his entire fucking existence.