Chapter 23 Birthday (2)

The nice and tidy room that Hu'er has become so cramped up. Hu'er is at the corner where she was given a small space where there is nothing but her fur blankets on her butt. There are furs, different fabrics, threads, gems that look like a button, and other things all over the floor.

Hu'er didn't know what was happening. She was just put in the corner with her blankets and was told to stay put. Then her Daddies and brothers put all those things on the floor. Everyone is out now. She didn't even know if they were going up again with maybe more things to dump here. However, she didn't like how her room looked.

She starts to touch the things near her. The fabrics and fur are so good that she wanted to touch the others. Others look like it was dyed in a different color. She then touched the purple one. 'Now it makes sense. The fur and fabrics should be violet but it was dyed to make it in a different color.'

Hu'er crawled for a bit to see the thread, other fabrics, and balls of wool. There are white, black, red, cream, gray, and brown. The dye smell that she can smell on the other fabrics isn't present in the wool. It means that there is no dye in it. Hu'er likes it.

She then sniffed her dress. There's no smell of dye. The texture isn't as good as wool though. And her dress is orange. 'What kind of fabric is this?'

Someone opened the door and then closed it immediately. Hu'er heard a lock tick. She looks at who it is, to see Jiu Lin looking at her. Jiu Lin came to her holding a rope. Hu'er couldn't help but think dirty. She, after all, had those handsome officials and princes that loved to play and make sure everything was under their control. She wiped her thoughts away and looks down.

Jiu Lin looks at her in confusion. He didn't know if he saw Hu'er looking at her with such desire. But she's just one and her heat will only come when she's a little bit older. 'Maybe, I saw it wrong.'

Shaking his head, he squatted down. "Do you like wool?"

Still can't look at him, she nodded. "What kind of fabric am I wearing?" Jiu Lin suddenly became stiff. "Brother Jiu Lin?"

"I—. It's mine." Hu'er heard him whisper but didn't understand. She can only look at him and wait for an explanation. Jiu Lin's face turns red, "It's my fur."

Her eyes went wide, "Your—. How?"

Jiu Lin calms himself before explaining, "Every fox beastmen shed their fur at the end of Spring. The beastmen will put their fur in one place. We will preserve it until we finally like a female." Jiu Lin blushes again. "I made my furs become a dress."

"You gave it to me," she mutters. "Does shedding fur hurt?" Jiu Lin shook his head.

It went quiet. Jiu Lin could finally use the rope and measured Hu'er. He already decided to use the wools here for her birthday dress.

Suddenly, Hu'er spoke, "I like your fur."

Froze, looks at Hu'er who is smiling. He kept on opening her mouth yet didn't know what to say.

A consecutive knock on the door broke the ice. Jiu Lin stood up and frantically opened the door. Before her Dad could even scold him, he already dashed down.

"What happened to him?" Yun He looks at Hu'er. She's looking at him innocently. Yun He thinks that she has a hand on it. Hu'er looking like that made him know that his suspicion is right.

But she was saved by her Dada who just came up, he is frowning. "I saw your son's nose was bleeding. And still running like that. Check him out. I'll take care of the mess here." Yun He's brow went up. He nodded, giving one last gaze to Hu'er, who was still making an innocent face, and went down to look for Jiu Lin.

Jiu Hu didn't clean up as he said. Instead, he went in front of her and squatted down. He messes her hair up. "Little mischievous, what have you done?"

"Nothing," blinks.

He chuckles. Jiu Hu knows she did something to Jiu Lin but he didn't ask anymore. He told her about what things are in her room and where all of these came from.

The wools came from the Sheep Tribe hoping that when she grew up they could have a chance to let her mate even one sheep beastmen. They just got one female this season. Their population is smaller than the Fox Tribe but their females are few. They often just send out their beastmen to other tribes. And the other tribes will send back a sheep cub whenever their female gives birth to a sheep. It is what they wanted and wished that the fox tribe would do it too if ever they agreed. The Sheep Tribe is still downstairs waiting for their response. They did want to decline the wool but didn't do it immediately when they saw how many they gave.

"Hu'er, I know that you're different from any other females. You're smart and have your own opinion. It's your decision if you want it or not." Jiu Hu gently caresses her hair.

"Want." Jiu Hu looks into her eyes. He sighed and nodded.

"The other fabrics are from your mommy's storage. Do you want that too?" Jiu Hu touched the fabrics.

She pointed at the one she likes, "Only the violet one. The others smell bad."

"You're just like your mommy. She also didn't like it. She always wears clothes made from our fur…" For some reason, Jiu Hu stops and looks at her clothes.

"Did you tease your brother about his fur?" Hu'er just blinks at him. "Did you say you like it?" When he saw how shocked she was, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Eyes wide, "How did Dada know?"

"Your Mommy did the same thing to me. Hu'er, liking a fox beastmen's fur means a lot to us. You—. It means you promise to be his mate." His dada looks so helpless toward her.

Shocked, she still nodded. "Brother is handsome." Anyway, she already decided to get him as a mate the first time she knew that siblings can be her mate.

"Let's not talk about it." Jiu Hu waved his hand and took the fabrics she didn't like to the side.

"Jiu Hu, the Sheep Tribe wants the answer now. They still need to go back before midday. What are you talking about?" Yun He went in.

"Not much, I just told her about the wool. Hu'er agrees. Just accompany Hu'er here. I'll go down to tell them." He still needs to make sure the Sheep Tribe will agree to let them take all the wool as he saw how Hu'er likes it but they can only promise to take one sheep beastman.