In the forest, a small group of strong fox beastman is co-existing with three monkey beastmen and two maincoon beastmen. They are running through the forest. Three carts are holding half full of goods. In each of the carts, Five fox beastmen are pulling it forward as fast as they can. Each of the carts have fox beastmen surrounding it running without breaking their formation. In each cart, a monkey is sitting in front. They are completely laying down, resting. While the two maincoon held the front and back formation of the group.
The only exception is one cart at the front, where a weak fox beastman is resting. That fox is Jiu Lin. He was thinking over and over again, trying to figure out why he suddenly fainted.
Since Shun Su and others went back, in order for them to catch up soon, they stopped in a nearby tribe and stayed there for three days. Half of their team, including him, will go out to some nearby tribe to trade with them before coming back on the third day. After that they all started their journey.
They weren't even that far from the tribe they rested when three monkey beastmen stopped them and told them to go back to their tribe. They were holding a stone with a fox carved in it. The trader's leader took it and knew it was the stone tablet of their Tribe leader.
Due to several Tribe waiting to do trades. The Trade leader decided to divide the team into five. One will go back to the tribe with half of all the goods they have. The other half of goods was divided by four to be taken by each team and go to a specific tribe.
When they were done dividing the team, two maincoon finally caught up. At their back were thirty more beastmen that were transformed into small foxes. They mostly consist of hunter's and patrol teams of their tribe. Su Yu, Ke Le and two physician students came.
They gave them an important message. The trader leader, Jia Ting and Jiu Lin must go back to the Tribe. The trader's leader can choose twenty to thirty more beastman to go back and the newly arrived beastmen will exchange them and do the trading instead. They also made everyone avoid going to nearby water sources, any water source. Even though they didn't know why, no one asked and just obeyed.
They immediately divided the team again and went their separate ways. Everything is doing fine. Not until Jiu Lin who was talking to Hei Bai Mao suddenly fainted just as the sun was rising. They stopped for a minute. A physician checked him and couldn't figure out why he fainted. Jiu Lin is healthy and has no complications. They concluded that he was just tired from nonstop travels. They put him on a cart and continue running through the forest.
He just woke up and felt a bit weak so he didn't speak. His strength seems to have been sucked out. That's the only thing he remembers before fainting. Now he can feel his body and move a little. Running with them though, is out of the question. He still can't and won't be able to catch up.
"You're awake." Jiu Lin looks at Jia Ting.
Jia Ting then asked. "What happened? Did you eat something?"
Their physicians looked at him already. No signs of wounds or sickness. However there are herbs that can make them faint, lose strength and can get them sick just by eating, drinking or even just inhaling.
"No." Jiu Lin is sure of that. The food he ate and drank were all safe. It's public rations. Most of them ate and drank it too. Yet he was the only one who fainted.
Jia Ting asked, "Are you sure?" He was not with Jiu Lin's side all the time. He thought that maybe Jiu Lin felt hungry on the way and picked some poisonous berries which are common in the forest.
Jiu Lin weakly sat down, breathing hard. "I'm sure. It… It feels different."
He nodded. "Yes. As if all my strength was drained and taken away." Jiu Lin remembered those feelings made him nervous and worried. Not for himself but for Hu'er and didn't know why he thought it like that.
"Taken away…?" Those words are familiar to Jia Ting. He heard it somewhere but couldn't remember where or what the situation was.
Hei Bai Mao who is just nearby listening, couldn't help but intrude in their conversation. "I think I know what happened. Well, maybe not…" He hesitated to continue.
Both Jia Ting and Jiu Lin looked at him. "You know?"
He hummed, nodding then shaking his head. "Well, I'm not sure. There was this story from our Maincoon Tribe."
"What story?" Jiu Lin asked. Jia Ting realized what Hei Bai Mao was talking about and remembered the tale. Yet he also knew it was impossible. Even if it's true. Their situation should be different.
He didn't stop Hei Bai Mao. Jia Ting also wanted to know if his story that he knew is the same with Hei Bai Mao
Hei Bai Mao pursed his lips before telling them, "Way, way before, maincoon have a special talent, a skill that only maincoon females have. Now it is just a story, Maincoon doesn't have this thing anymore. It's so long ago that we don't even know if it's true, so I can tell it to whoever. It's not a secret anyway.
The female maincoon will always feel weak when they are pregnant. They need safe space, not to be stressed, their body will be sensitive and will become extremely protective towards her belly and cautious to everyone including her mate. In order to protect themselves, they will borrow their mates' strength. Those who got their strength taken away, will faint and feel weak. It's not bad for the female's body or the beastman's body either. It's natural.
I am unsure if it's the same as what happened to you. Does Hu'er have Maincoon's bloodline?"
"No. She shouldn't have."