Chapter 196 Trust Me (2)

Due to the heavy cart that the team is carrying, the time of arrival has been delayed. While everyone was waiting for them to come back, the tribe leader who exchanged with Shun Su to do the trading with the leader of the unknown group of beastmen, named Xiong Wei, came back successfully.

He is now discussing creating carts with all the wood crafters in their tribe.

"So we really need to make it round so the wood can roll and move. Do you think we can use other materials?" The wood crafters all nodded with his question. However they focus all their life on creating things using wood as their primary material.

"I think we can. Someone in our tribe might be able to do that. However, it's much better to focus on creating more carts first before trying other materials." The tod who spoke is an elderly man named Mu Wen. A master of wood crafters, Shun Su studied under him.

The tribe leader spoke, "Indeed, we should create the cart first, and as much as we need. Two-Three carts per vixen and one per tod unmated. If they want more, they can create the carts themselves."

"We can't just give it to them for free." Another tod stated his condition bravely.

The tribe leader shook his head. "It won't be free. They need to help us cut trees and plant trees after. The others can cultivate the trees to make sure it will grow. Others can hunt for the wood crafters and some can cook. Few young tods can help moving things and assisting us."

He stopped and added, "And if they don't want to help out themselves, they can also exchange goods for the cart or make the cart themselves."

"Yes, but what if they don't want to make one or own one?" another wood crafters asked.

Yet the Tribe Leader smiled at him. "They won't have a choice. I will make it a rule that everyone should have a cart, even if it's small."

"Why do we even need to have it all?" Mu Wen looks at the tribe leader. He didn't know why but there is this feeling that the Tribe leader wanted them to prepare for something that might need to use the carts for.

The tribe leader sighed in resignation. "It's for an emergency. If something happens we can let our vixen and young ones ride it as we pull the cart. Or if we need to migrate, our stuff can be brought with us."

"I don't think we will migrate."

He shook his head, "There are a lot of possibilities. Anyway, it's not bad to be prepared at all times."

Mu Wen stood up and clapped his head, making all the wood crafters swallow their words. "Well, let's do that. We can just adjust some things when needed." Then look at the tribe leader, "Ah right. I need to borrow Shun Su. Will that be alright?"

The tribe leader nodded, "Shun Su can come once he is mated."

Shocked but elated with the news he questioned him, "It's his turn now? I thought it would be a bit later?"

"Just change. Shun Su will mate with Hu'er earlier. Should be one of these days. Xin Hua will mate with her in fall and Ke Rin before winter. Or might be earlier. I'm not sure. You can ask Jiu Lin once he is back." He couldn't say the exact date as there are no dates stated.

Mu Wen smilingly nodded. "That's great to know. At least now there will be fewer unmated tods."

Another brave tod butt in their conversation. "How about Hu Gou? There should be another candidate for her right? When will the challenge be?"

Mu Wen scoffed at the Tod who spoke and stood up to go back to his house and prepare the materials that they would need.

That tod suddenly felt embarrassed. However his son is still unmated and have been studying mining just so he can be worth it for Hu'er. As a father he needs to know and help his son.

"Hu Gou and the other candidate will mate in spring. The next challenge might be conducted on the fourth day of spring."

The tod eyes shined. "That's a good day." There's still time for his son to train hard. His son is studying under Jiu Se, Hu'er Dad. His son have his eyes on Hu'er. He knew what mate he lacked and studied hard to become a great miner.

Mu Wen came back with several of his students carrying various tools. "Alright, we should focus on cart making. Stop snooping around."

The tribe leader left the wood crafters to talk to themselves.

If Hu'er is a normal vixen, he might be able to help him. However, she is special, a rare one. There are many who wanted to be Hu'er's mate, only the best tods or connected well with the Tribe can be Hu'er's mate. Luckily Hu Gou is well connected to the Tribe. Their armory came from him, making it hard for Hu'er to be taken away.

He also couldn't tell them about Hu'er's ability, at least not now. They are not yet ready. As long as the preparation is done, then he will announce it. 

He pursed his lips. It is hard to choose tods that will be suitable to mate with Hu'er. He knows that he can't give her more mates or else when the other tribes know about her ability, they will think bad about their Fox Tribe and might rebel, fight and take her away forcefully. He needs to give her the best mate possible. A tod that can't be away from their tribe and protect her, so Hu'er won't be taken away from them. But who?

His thoughts were stopped by a vixen shouting at him. It's Shun Su's mother. Before he can even speak, she already laid all her cards in. She talked nonstop and saw him gawking at her in horror.

"So… Can we cancel the engagement we had with Hu'er and let my son marry my daughter instead?" She looks at him with uncertainty.

"No! Don't!" Shun Su is important to their tribe. Placing him with Hu'er will benefit the tribe and his brother's family. The tribe leader looks at her mates who came to accompany their vixen and sees his brother looking at him helplessly. He calmed himself down. "There is a benefit that Hu'er holds that your family can never get if you dissolve her relationship it be a huge loss," he seriously looked at her.

Yet the vixen puffed her cheeks and reasoned, "And what was that? My little vixen—"

He knew that explaining to her in a vague way won't work and can only use their relationship to stop her from having dangerous thoughts. He interrupted her, "You will know soon. I will not do anything to ruin your family. My brother is your mate. Trust me."

She scoffed yet knows that he won't trick her. "Fine. If it's nothing worth making sure to compensate me."

He chuckles, "Sure."

Tribe leader watched her walk away with her mates. Then he turned back to go inside his home and went to his little tods. His oldest just transformed this whole season. He is young but it is also an advantage. He stared at his young tod playing some puzzles that they got from other tribes. He is smart, the important thing is his son is handsome. He should be able to attract Hu'er's attention. His oldest will be the next tribe leader, which also means another tod can secure Hu'er place in their tribe. He grinned and planned his son's future.