Kyle visits a gym in Beijing

***Author's note: I know that my readers must be wondering if I have forgotten about the Dark Lord’s chosen [Da Morte] in the proibida realm. No, I haven’t.***

Location: Proibida Realm.

The elder two-tailed demon weasel that held Da Morte in the Qi Drain prison looked shrivelled. While Da Morte looked as healthy as ever. He even had a smile on his face.

For almost two months, he had been held up in the magic prison. Thanks to his enormous qi potential and the huge volume of qi in his dantian, he was able to hold against the life force-draining skill. The demon weasel was hanging on by a thread.

Da Morte cast a spell by saying, "Inrita illa arte!"

The demon weasel’s face expressed its shock when it heard the human speak under the influence of its spell.