Chapter 3: Banished from the cave

The werewolf repeats what Blang said, 'The Throne Of Vampires And Werewolves?' That sounds strange, you know?

“Yes, it's. When I first heard my dad name the Throne, I found the name odd, but I guess he's right because we're all equal here.”

“So where is the Throne?”

Blang looked into the werewolf's eyes and said she was sorry, but she couldn't tell him. The werewolf asked why? Blang said, because of the hatred those in the cave have for her father when they realized he was building a throne, they might also transfer the hatred to him.

“No Blang! They've already hated me, so if I do something, or I don't, it won't change the hatred they have for me. Please, Blang, tell me maybe we can finish what your father started, and his death won't be in vain.”

“Ohh okay then Cyrus”

“Hey, did you just call me by my name and not jerk?” Cyrus had this happy expression all over his face.

“I can still change my mind if you don't let us get down from this tree and start walking now!” Blang said to Cyrus, and she jumped off the tree, while Cyrus felt so happy and followed her.

Both of them ran into the forest that Blang normally goes to.

[Birds chirping]

[Twigs snapping, leaves rustling] “Only you in this forest? Woah, no wonder you're a strong woman.” Cyrus said to Blang as he was looking around the forest.

“Will shut your mouth and follow me.” Blang looked back at Cyrus and said to him,

“But wait Blang, we've been wandering this forest for a while now and there's nothing. Are you sure the throne is here? Or you're still hiding things from me?” Cyrus stands, holding his waist with his two hands.

“Common Jerk! I'm sure it's around here.” Blang replied Cyrus with a disturbed face.

“What! Does that mean you don't know where it's exactly? Blang! Thought you knew, and look, the sun is going to set soon.”

“Don't worry, Cyrus, we will find it. All I know is, it was abandoned in a ditch with many leaves used to cover it.”

As Blang was saying this and looking around, Cyrus saw exactly what matched Blang's description. And he called her attention to it. Blang rushed quickly to see what Cyrus showed her, and she discovered that it was where the throne was.

She removes all the leaves thanks to Cyrus and they both take out the throne with the power of werewolves in them, because that throne is heavy for just a normal human being to carry.

[The Throne was carved of wood with no trace of the nail joining it together, and it was very smooth]

Cyrus was amazed, and he asked Blang how her father did it? Not everybody can do something like that.

Blang told Cyrus that her mother was the brain behind it and her father wanted to show everyone in the cave that since the blood moon refused to show up, they could make this throne a worshiping small god, and maybe one day the throne will help them bring the blood moon to the sky.

“That sounds funny and crazy, you know?” Cyrus laughed.

“Yeah, it's, and that is what my mother said after my dad told her his plan. And because of what my mother said, my dad has to abandon the throne here and give up.” Blang looks so sad.

“But, if he truly believes in himself, he shouldn't have abandoned it.”

“Yes Cyrus, we are his family, and we see no sense in what he was building or said, so how did you expect others to trust him? Someone they hate, but it's fine, so let's go back to the cave.” Blang turned back and wanted to start going back, but Cyrus stopped her.

“Seriously? Common Blang! Are you saying we come here for nothing?”

“You don't also believe, so we should go.”

“Blang!! Stop, please! I just want to know the story behind it, and you've told me so let's do this together, we will do what your father wanted, and we won't listen to what people will say, okay?”

“Okay… fine!”

Cyrus and Blang smile at each other as they carry the throne and head back to the cave. On getting to the cave, the vampires, and werewolves standing outside the cave were surprised and one of them asked Cyrus what is the meaning of this?

“I'm sorry, I know you warned me this morning to stop, but I can't stop! Because I know this will bring a good sign to us and also strengthen our powers,” Cyrus said without any fear in him while standing in front of them with Blang beside him.

Everyone was using leaves to wrap their nakedness, as they all looked at each other and asked what he was trying to say? Here comes the oldest among the werewolves.

“Explain further to us because no one understands what you mean!” He can barely stand upright.

“As I said in the morning, we need a leader among us! And this throne will help us in choosing one.”

“Cyrus!!!! How dare you play deaf to what your kin elder said to you this morning?!” One of the vampires shouted at Cyrus, then he faced the werewolf old man and told him that Cyrus needed to be banned from this cave or else he might bring them disasters!

The vampire said and walked away, while the old man werewolf asked Cyrus to leave the cave with his stupid chair and never come back! Blang tells the old man to wait, he has no right to say that since there's no leader among them, so nobody is entitled to send anybody away.

“Is that so? Then fine! I am the oldest among all the werewolves, so I'm using that opportunity to send both of you away from this cave and if you ever show your face to us, we will treat you like our enemy!” The old man said to Blang and Cyrus.

“Wait! I am sorry but please, you can send me away but don't do that to Blang. She knows nothing about all these, I will serve the punishment alone! I swear I will go and never come back!” Cyrus tries to defend Blang.

“No Cyrus! You can't say that, and I won't leave you or watch you leave this cave without me coming after you, so if they want to send you away, I'm coming with you! Besides, this cave is no home for me, everyone here hates me because of my parent's decision!” Blang said to Cyrus with actions.

[Exhale, Signs] Now that she decides to defend you, then I guess she's also our enemy. Both of you leave before the sunset." The old werewolf man said, and he leaves, while others dissolve, but Cyrus wasn't cool with Blang's decision to follow him.