A Very Brave Beatle

As the scouting group, comprising of Marts, Vitali, and Ajare, made their way back to liberate the assembler and the raw Base from the crashed Protectorate transporter, the Cleaners began to converge on the streets of outer Cloistergrad, flushing out the changed from house to house. The be-winged among the changed took to the skies, lifting off from makeshift launch pads and rooftops, circling in the snow-painted air. Wings of feather, or leather, and gossamer spans of giant-dragonfly proportions cast haunting shadows on the city below.

'Will you look at that...,’ Marts cried, awe-struck. From the control seat of the speeding sedan, he watched the spectacle of fliers, filling the darkening skies above the dull grey city with an explosion of colour, like the kites and balloons used on military victory parades. 'Man, I wish I was up there with them!’