wolf land

" I don't deserve this. Someone, please...please help me". Daisy said as the wolves who got close to her paused and began to suddenly whimper. A huge thunder stroked and it hit the ground. She had no idea what was going on but her body suddenly froze when a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. She felt a manly breath on her neck . Daisy didn't know what was happening to her. She thought that she saw the wolves turn into human males . Maybe she was just dreaming . Yes, it was definitely all a dream. Nick hadn't left her and neither did she see wolves transform into humans. She tilted her head to see the face of her rescuer . The man who held her had beautiful cheeks bones. She forced to clear her blurry eyes and gasped by his full face reveal. He was too handsome . His blue eyes were just so captivating .

" What is your name ?'. The beautiful man asked her .

" Daisy Seers ". She responded lightly and wasn't sure if he heard her. How could someone look like the sunlight .A beauty that is worth every drool. Daisy panted for a while and lost consciousness while drowning in his mystical gaze . Time had passed and her gaze was filled with pure dark. Her consciousness awoken and she could hear faint voices all around. She didn't know whether to open her eyes or whether to adjust to her ear and listen to exactly what was going on.

" Very disgusting"

"Very ugly".

" What is it?".

"A human"

" Ewwww it smells. But what is it doing here?". Daisy was shocked. Was she the one they were referring to as it. And if what they were saying was all true, did they really mean that it wasn't a dream when she saw those wolves turn into human. No this couldn't be real. Maybe she was drunk. Yes she was definitely drunk . She was still in a coma. It was certain that after staying here for few seconds, she would wake up in a hospital with her mother and brothers beside her. But she clearly also remembered driving away in order not to disgrace her family.

" Nooooo". Daisy shouted while sitting up and opening her eyes. This truly was a fairy land. Really beautiful ladies had surrounded her with the look of disgust on their faces. She had heard them call her ugly which sounded insane. She knew she was the most beautiful in her town so how did she become the ugliest here. Something wasn't right. Oh she figured it out. It was because she currently looked like crap with a thorn dress, messy her and dirty skin. The ladies where so beautiful however which was intimidating . Where exactly was she. Daisy thought as she remembered her cash in the car.

" My car. Where the fuck is my car ". Daisy was trying to ask them but they all went back ,looking scared in disgust. What is wrong with these people ?. She was thinking about her money and all they did was discriminate her due to her current look. She ignored them and climbed off the bed. Whose bed was this?. It was luxurious and who were these ladies also. They just kept getting on her nerves. Daisy rushed outside the room with speed which made the ladies to smirk. Naturally they would chase after her to bring her back else she would be in deep trouble but as for this rat, they even wanted her to be hanged. Daisy quickly moved her feet through a massively gorgeous hall way and couldn't find an exist. Her anger was erupting by every step she took . Her life was already messed up and she knew her toxic nature had returned to its natural state . Back to square one because of that asshole Nick. She wasn't going to ever forgive that son of a bitch . Her eyes caught the sight of a huge door which made a smile to form its way on her lips. It was a bitter smile. Today was supposed to be her wedding day but her life was ruined. Nick was probably laughing somewhere due to this victory . Daisy face turned red with pure hatred by that thought which made her to shout and begin stamping her feet on the ground and clapping her hands bitterly.

" Fuck you asshole. Go to hell ! You, your family and that stupid whore whom you fucked !. AAAAAAAAAH ! Wretched soul. Making me look like a complete fucked up loser on my own wedding day. Niiiiick . I will kill you . Why did i leave home , i should have killed you with that glass bottle for you to bleed . Bitch ass nigga . Ahhhhhhh !!! ". Daisy screamed in frustration and panted with her ached brows.

" Back to square one. All the fucking money i wasted for therapy was for nothing. Because of you i even ensured to get a first class in everything i did, thinking you deserved the best . I don't deserve this . Fuck you". Tears were falling from her eyes . Her heart was severely aching because she didn't even know whom he left her for?. She should have at least killed one of them .Well, she just had to get to her fucking car and leave this messy non human town. She pushed open the door and froze when she saw a lot of people stare at her. They all seemed shocked and it was probably because they heard every word she said. She used her hands to clean her falling tears and sniffed in her running nose which caused them all to gasp.

Daisy stood like a statue, not knowing where to run . The attention was just so massive that she forgot her way out .