insulting the Alpha

" Lunatic". A deep male voice said and she felt shivers in her body . Everyone shifted their gazes off her and focused it on the voice. Daisy also followed their look towards the voice call and saw a beautiful man sitting on a thrown. He had a face which could never be forgotten . He was her mystery savior and here he was , sitting on a thrown. Was he the leader of these psychotic wolf people?.

" Lunatic " He said again and Daisy came back to her thoughts. Who was he calling a lunatic. She was fucking depressed and he had no right to call her a lunatic. His beauty was making her stay mute since she was still hypnotized by it.

" Daisy Seers !! ". The voice angrily said which made her to jump just like how she did two days ago as her mother shouted her name. Daisy's eyes cleared all its hypnotizes and focused on him in reality.

" Yes ". Daisy responded with a shout . So he knew her name and yet he called her lunatic. How cocky. Prefect guys like this were cocky, assholes, heartbreakers and stupid. She was never going to fall for a perfect guy again. They are deceitful like serpents. The man chuckled by Daisy's reply. No one dared speak disrespectful to him this way .

" Emidio , do not let a peasant disrespect you". A woman who was beside him said. Daisy hadn't even noticed her if she hadn't spoken. Who the fuck was that ?. Daisy thought. So Mr. perfect was called Emidio. Daisy looked into Emidio's eyes as he also kept his gaze directly into hers. The magnetic force of attraction was just so intense which they both disliked.

" I reject you". Emidio said while standing to his feet. Daisy narrowed her gaze at him and stepped back as he walked forward to her. What did he mean by i reject you?. Did she ever accept him in the first place. Something was wrong with this man . Emidio finally reached a centimeter away from her and spoke again.

" I reject you Daisy Seers . I reject you and refuse for you to be my mate ". Emidio said it out loud and everyone gasped. They had no idea that she was his mate. Now they understood why he brought her here. Alpha Emidio Lupo was nicknamed as the prince of heartbreaks. He didn't act shameless with women but he always rejected his mate and Daisy would be added as the seventh mate whom he has rejected. He didn't see a reason to have a Luna and the moon kept cursing him with new mates anytime he rejected and destroyed the bond with one.

" I don't do beastility". Daisy responded to Emidio like she was chewing away a flavor from a gum.

" What ?". The surprised Emidio said with shock. Daisy rolled her eyes . Maybe he didn't understand because he wasn't human.

" I said , i do not do , . It means i prefer a human to sleep with me than a dog ". Daisy flatly said . A thunder clap was heard outside the building. All the people present rushed out with fear and left Emidio alone with the lunatic human mate.

" You slave , how dare you". Emidio held her neck . Fear built up in her as she saw his blue eyes having glint of thunder in it . He began to growl and it even sounded much more massive and louder than the wolves that chased her yesterday evening. Emidio dragged her out to where everyone was and didn't stop there. He moved forward and only tightened his grip on her as she tried freeing herself. He reached a metallic door which got opened immediately by the guards who were bowing . Daisy was pulled into a dark surrounding. She couldn't see anything at all . All that she could see was Emidio's blue bright scrary eyes.