Her story

She really missed them and tried to push away the sadness within her.

"I really feel like I'm the only unfortunate person in the world". Daisy thought to herself before smiling at Emidio and Pedro.

" You wanna know about my family. Well my mom is a beautiful brown skin fairy. She is so caring and yet very stubborn (chuckles) . I take after her actually so don't get surprised if she whoops my ass when we get there. I have two loving brothers. Jerry and Blake. They are so supportive and protective. You should have seen how happy they were when I was about to get married (sighs). Oh my god, (sobs). They must all be so worried about me". Daisy didn't hide her sadness any more, neither did she stay away from Emidio. Instead she went directly for a hug . Emidio hugged her back and gently comforted her with assuring words.

"Your family seems amazing. Now I really want to see them, especially your mother". Emidio whispered which made Daisy to chuckle.

"I'm sure she will freeze while shouting 'Daisy who is this handsome god' " Daisy responded to him . Her answer took him by surprise but he pretended to be fine.

"Alpha stop smirking!" Pedro's voice suddenly rang inside of Emidio's head. Urgh this dumbass! Emidio glared at him for communicating such an embarrassing moment through the natural wolf connections.

"How about the motherfucker?" Emidio didn't have to say his name. Daisy already knew who he was talking about. She let out an angry breath and cracked her knuckles.

"That bitch is going to hell, and you my sexy Alpha, will trample him so severely. Mmmm I can't wait to see the look on his face when I walk in with you by my side". Daisy had a wicked grin on her face . The dress she wore also highlighted her aura well and for a moment, everyone watching her sensed something dark.

" Daisy Seers" Emidio mentioned her name. She snapped out from her villainess plot and stared at him so innocently.

"You still haven't said anything about Nick yet". Pedro chipped in with a smie to help Emidio continue his statement.

"Oh oh right" Daisy responded as if she had forgotten about it.

"His name is Nick Rostow and before meeting Emidio, I once thought he was the most handsome guy on earth. Hell Pedro is even way more handsome than him. Anyway, I always believed that I was destined for something great. I just could feel it in my guts so I separated myself from everyone. I was termed most beautiful but I kept rejecting every male suitor harshly . ... Don't give me that stare Emidio, I have rejected guys more than you have rejected six girls. Anyway, well, then I... I went out to take fresh air and there he was, Nick Rostow, the talk of the town. I saw him as too gorgeous. My heart beat raised unnaturally and at that moment, I knew that it was love at first sight. Atleast that was what I thought. I said nothing to him that day and just went home. The next day he personally came to my house and asked me out on a date. Alas it was just so romantic. Four years flew by as our relationship became the talk and envy of town. Suddenly, something about Nick changed. He wanted us to be intimate but due to my penned down rules I disagreed until I married. I wasn't rushing him I swear. He knelt down on his own infront of everyone and proposed. It was unexpected but the happiest day of my life. Everything seemed so perfect until that day! He...he (sobs) he told me so clearly how he had no interest in nothing other than defiling me" Daisy paused talking. She was picturing that moment in her head. The moment he laughed when he saw her crying, she knew she was a fool for five years.

" We will crash him". Emidio touched her cheeks and gave it a little squeeze. Pedro took the hint and clapped loudly. Not as an applaud but rather as an encouraging support.

" You just watch as we crash him Seers. He's done for". Pedro said with excitement. Daisy watched them both and smiled boldly.

"Let's crash him!" Daisy shouted and fist punched the air .

"Yeah!!" Emidio shouted as a back up . They all bursted out into laughter and began planning their entry style. Everything was supposed to be perfect to make Nick cry and redeem Daisy's family name.