Planning the revenge

"Thank you" Daisy said with a smile . She shook her head with disbelief. Emidio and Pedro were really something else. The way they supported her and made her suddenly act strong was heart touching.

" So he just wanted to touch you huh?" Emidio wrapped his hands around her waist.

"I wonder..." Emidio continued as Daisy just waited, wondering what he was going to say.

"What if I kissed you like this infront of him" Emidio said before slowly kissing her neck. He held her hands and also kissed the ring like a gentleman.

"We need to get you a ring". Daisy face turned red by what he was doing. It made her to feel things inside her bones. All her body just kept shivering. When he does things like this.... It just...

"mm" Daisy let out a surprise moan which made her to turn even more red. She jumped away from Emidio while looking down. The Alpha himself was taken by surprise but he always pretended not to.

"Do it like that when we get there" Emidio smiled and said to her. Daisy sighed in relieve because he didn't think of her as a creep .

"Nick .... I just remembered something. When we use to date, he once said that he liked role play sessions during our honeymoon. You know like me dressing as a maid in a luring maid outfit. That kind of thing" Daisy placed her hand on her jaw while thinking about it. He really said that to her. She clearly remembered how her face had turned red out of embarrassment that day.

"Then we will make his dream come true" Emidio said and looked at Pedro. They both had a sly smile plastered on their faces which scared daisy. She watched them both with fear, wondering what they had in their dark minds.

"Daisy?" Emidio called her name. She looked into his eyes with a narrowed gaze of suspicion.

" Don't worry I won't allow him to see an inch of it. For instance, that dress you are wearing now is seductive yet long. Do you know why? Because you naturally have a luring body. All we have to do is dress you to look luring like this and he will imagine you himself" Emidio said with a frown. He didn't want any man to imagine Daisy's beautiful body in their perverted minds.

"But how will he know about the cosplay romance?". Daisy asked them.

"Now it's your turn to work. Does he have a clothes shop that he particularly goes to. The guy sounds like a jerk who thinks of his looks ". Pedro added up. Daisy stayed mute for a while as she was thinking. She instantly nodded her head after few seconds.

"He goes to a boutique shop near my house every Friday. It's the most famous and I believe they have cosplay dresses". Daisy responded. Emidio nodded and smile.

"Great. Then he just has to see us buying it while my hands roams all over your waist" Daisy's face went from red to a color far more brighter than red. It felt like she was in an erotic movie.