Stop seducing me 2

" I can't help it then. You look delicious" . By the time Daisy realized what she had just said, Emidio had already crushed his lips on hers. Pedro had shock all over his face and so did the maids. The beta had fear within. He knew Emidio was already trapped. He knew Emidio liked Daisy Seers and wanted her for himself only. How was this plan going to work? What kind of catastrophe was all this leading. Regardless of the upcoming pain within love, Pedro still smiled . He was happy that Emidio had the feel to finally possess his own woman. He was extremely glad as he made his way out of the grounds to let them be. The maids followed him by command, leaving the two love birds to kiss.

It wasn't a short kiss and both Daisy and Emidio didn't want it to end. They grabbed each other more tightly as if this was their last kiss . Their heads tilted from left to right as their tongues dived into each others mouth. Daisy lightly bit his lower lip which just turned him much more crazy to yearn for her more. Meanwhile as they kissed, someone walked in anger towards them. Her royal dress swept on the ground as her hair bounced due to the fast rhythm of her walk. She reached closer to them and ached her brows deeply.

"Emidio". She said with her normal lovely tone and hid her angry expression. The kiss between both mates was immediately separated as Emidio and Daisy watched her .

"Mother?" Emidio responded to her with a confused and frustrated look. It wasn't because the kiss had ended but because he was shocked by how he lost control of himself. He was also frustrated because he could see the look in his mother's eyes. The look of I told you so. The very first day he called Daisy Lunatic, his mother had asked him to find quicker ways to reject her because she considered Daisy as the worst because of her initial expose of anger. She also told him that Daisy aimed at getting the thrown which he knew wasn't true. Not only that, she also reminded him of what she went through when his father passed away. Emidio just ached his brows and walked away with anger. The queen looked at Daisy with her now exposed anger.

"You already trapped him into doing your stupid revenge with you. How dare you seduce my son. I will tell you this once again! Emidio doesn't want you. He wants to reject you. The only reason he is attracted to you is because of this curse called mating system!! Stay away from my son witch" Daisy made no statement as the queen spoke. She sighed and smiled.

"Tell your son not to seduce me first with his looks" Daisy responded boldly to the queen.

"What?" The queen said with surprise. Emidio was obviously not seducing this low life human.

"Tell him since you don't want this kind of things to happen. Tell him not to stare at me with his beautiful eyes. Tell him not to inhale and exhale slowly when I'm around because it lifts his perfect chest. Tell him to not always have a serious face because it highlightens his jaw and perfect face to look yummy" Daisy annoyingly said and also walked away. The queens gaze was frozen in shock. How dare this girl say such sinful things about her son right infront of her.


Emidio sat on the bed while waiting for her. At last, he saw her walk in with a frown.

" Whatsup?". Emidio asked her as he watched her hopping herself on the bed beside him.

"Your mom called me a witch!" Daisy frustratedly said while glaring at him.

"If there was a chance to meet this moon goddess of yours, I will give her a hard smack for dragging me into this". Daisy continued speaking as Emidio stared at her.

"And then what?" Emidio asked her. Daisy let out a sigh of frustration.

"She said I should stop seducing you as if I meant to. You know it's not just me?" Daisy asked him while looking into his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Emidio raised his brows at the lunatic beside him. Daisy opened her mouth to talk but closed it back and rather gave a short reply.

"It's nothing. Nevermind ok" Emidio frowned and held her hands. He pulled her so close to smash into his chiseled chest and held her jaw gently to gaze closely into his eyes.

"What?" Emidio asked her again. Daisy closed her eyes but a growl suddenly made her to open it. Emidio's eyes had turned kinetic blue all over just like last time. He was still staring at her and unexpectedly let out a growl again. Fear gripped Daisy's soul and as she tried getting off him, she realized she was stuck. He was holding her down .

"What?" Emidio once again asked her. His growl was mixed in his voice which made it to sound monstrous. Even the wolves were scared whenever he was like this, how much more a human. Daisy took in a deep breath and brought it out to calm herself down. She continued to stare into his eyes as her fear slowly disappeared. Her right hands was free which she used to touch his face.

"You seduce me too. Just like before and now". Daisy said in a whisper while touching the magnificent human beast that held her tightly. Emidio was taken by surprise and all the anger within him disappeared into the thin air. He stared at her with shock and swallowed hard.

"My goodness" Emidio whispered.

"What?" This time it was Daisy's turn to ask.

"What am I going to do with you and your stubbornness?" Emidio asked her and smiled broadly. He felt happy even though he knew he was supposed to be angry. He just couldn't stop himself from feeling joy.