Almost there

The days went by so quickly.

"Just four days more to go" Pedro said to Emidio.

"You know you and Daisy have gotten really close. Are you sure you still want to..." A massive lightening struck downwards beside Pedro before he could even complete his sentence.

"Lunatic and I have a deal. Revenge for Reject. Do not have any other thoughts because I kiss her. It is all part of the plan". Emidio angrily said with a frown on his face. He might be affected by Daisy, but that didn't mean he was giving up on his objective. No mate ! Pedro shifted with fear while staring at the dark lines caused by Emidio's electric attack.

"So that's how it's going to be? Is that why you haven't changed into your wolf form for many years now. Because you know your wolf wants it's mate" Pedro sighed after speaking. He knew how stubborn Emidio was but something about Daisy made him to have strange hopes. He didn't know why but he felt like she was going to be the Luna. Emidio glared at Pedro and just stood up and left. He went to his room and found Daisy reading. She raised her head at him and smiled.

"Come here. I need to hand over something to you" Emidio said while smiling back. This was how it was supposed to be until it was over.

"Sure" Daisy stood and walked towards him. She wondered what this was about but just kept mute and allowed him to hold her hands and take her out. They walked in silence until they reached the gate of the palace.

"Where are we going?" Daisy curiously asked as the guards allowed them both out of the palace and into the town.

"To retrieve something" . Emidio vaguely spoke. Daisy frowned cutely, causing him to chuckle.

"Just tell me Alpha" Daisy pouted her lips and stared at him.

"You look like a baby that just pooped herself. Now stop whining. How will it be a surprise if I tell you?" Emidio intentionally told her. Meanwhile he knew she looked extremely adorable. He wanted to hold her cheeks and squeeze it however he was ensuring to prevent any act that will make him attracted to her more.

"You are a mean wolf" Daisy frowned like a little child and just kept staring around.

The town was actually very beautiful than she expected. Emidio smiled while shaking his head at her. Even as she was so adorable, he knew how sharp and painful her mouth was. All those present the day she walked in and insulted him feared her . After all, they had heard the insult she smashed on Nick. Emidio secretly laughed one more time before focusing on the road.Daisy kept opening every inch of her eye to stare everywhere. She was fascinated by how each and every one of them looked like humans yet weren't one. She watched as wolf cubs played with each other while rolling on the ground.

"aww so adorable" While still admiring them, she remembered how she called Emidio a dog. He really was angry. A small sound of laughter escaped from her mouth. 'If only Emidio knew what I had in mind, he would glare at me' she thought to herself and continued laughing.