Great Power

Emidio just rolled his eyes and chuckled. Crazy lunatic, he thought to himself. Their legs moved further until they reached a familiar place. Daisy watched the huge gate with the statue and swallowed hard. This was the place she almost got attacked. It was also where she first saw Emidio. She widened her gaze at what she saw. Her car!! Daisy didn't wait for him to move forward. She rushed to it and opened the door to surprisingly see everything in intact. Her cash , it was right here. Woah this people really didn't touch her money. She stepped out of the car and walked close to Emidio. Without a warn she just hugged him unexpectedly. Emidio's eyes widened. He didn't know whether to hug her back since he was taken by surprise. He suddenly frowned deeply while just staring into the blank air. His hand formed a fist and by every second that passed by, his frown deepened. Everything was just affecting him and he didn't like it. He was enjoying her hug too much and he hated it. He hated it but he still wanted her to keep going. Emidio's emotions were in trouble as he just stayed still until Daisy let go of him and presented him with the most adorable smile.

"You at first I thought you were a big jerk but I guess I was wrong". Daisy said in a playful tone and chuckled.

"No you weren't. If I was able to reject you successfully, you would have been rotting in that cage by now. Emidio honestly said to her without a smile. Daisy could sense the anger in his voice although she pretended not to and just smiled.

"I still think you are adorable". Daisy once again said and inch closer to give him a surprise peck. Emidio's face turned red which made him to quickly look down. Why was she acting like they were couples. Yes they have kissed and almost made love but it was the mating bond that was controlling them. So why Daisy? Emidio wondered with worry. He had to reject her after her little revenge on the idiot Nick. It was going to be soon anyway and that is what he wanted.

"Atleast we have my car to drive us back to my home". Daisy sighed with relief until she heard a loud laugh coming from Emidio.

"Daisy Seers" Emidio called to her. She watched him with a narrowed gaze and responded.


"I am an Alpha and King" Emidio replied to her with a smirk. Daisy was still confused by what he meant. Emidio just laughed again as his eyes turned purely kinetic. He raised his right hands towards the sky and a huge lightening bolt stroke directly on the ground. Daisy shouted with fear and didn't know when she went behind him to take cover. Her hands were gripping his waist from behind and she closed her eyes as her lips shivered. That was a gaddamn lightening. She wasn't dumb to ignore it. Once again she heard Emidio laugh.

"It's ok. You can look now". Emidio spoke to her.

"uh uh !" Daisy cutely said while shaking her head saying no. She buried her face in his back tightly.

"Trust me" Emidio whispered . Daisy sighed and used her ears to listen and know if there was still the sound of lightening but there was none. She slowly raised her head while still holding his waist. Her eyes went from oo to ooooooo as she just stared at what was beyond his shoulder. She quickly let go of him and rushed to have a better view. Just infront of her was a door; it was surrounded by blue lightening. But how was this even possible. There was no room connected to it . She walked around it and concluded that it was just a door in the middle of the road until Emidio opened it. Daisy almost choked on her saliva. She knew that Emidio had opened it, yet she didn't she the other side she expected. Instead she saw an elegant decor .

"Do you trust me?". Emidio asked her with the previous still lingering around his face. Daisy had no choice ; she nodded her head and went close to him . They both walked through the door successfully. The sight that fully came to her view made her mouth to dissect with too much shock. This was paradise. Mern!!

"Red, black ,yellow. Emidio, is this the heaven of cars?" Daisy stupidly asked him while staring at the many cars in the exquisite garage.

"Heaven of car.... " Emidio bursted out into laughter. What a drama queen she was.