First breakthrough

Ye rushang nodded and hopped on the falcon massive body, and suddenly a thought came to her, a fully grown spiritual falcon, was as big as a mountain, but this one was the size of a small hill.

"You were born not too long ago, weren't you..."

Big black shrugged, was it too small and she had figure out that it was an infant.

"Am I too small."

Big black expression was a pitch black , it was too small that's why she had figure out that it was an infant.

Ye Rushang sighed why did she keep getting infants to train.

"Yes that's right, fully grown spiritual falcon are at the size of a moutain, and you are merely a small hill. A very significant difference only a stupid person will not recognize the difference..."

Big black wanted to cry when it heard, Ye Rushang ruthless words and the desire to get bigger increased substantially.

Landing in a area covered with grass and a stream, a giant nest was situated in the middle.

"We are here, the spiritual Qi is the strongest here and that's why I decided to stay here in this forest."

Ye rushang hopped off big black, carrying the little tiger in her arms, it was still sleeping peacefully without signs of it waking up soon.

Ye rushang sat cross legged after taking Sichuan Flamin and began to cultivate.

She could feel the poison in her body being suppressed by a power force, once the poison had be fully suppressed Ye rushang finally began cultivating.

Four hours later

Ye rushang opened her eyes to a new feeling, True warrior realm stage three,She had actually broken through four realms.

This flamin Sichuan pill actually worked better than she thought.

Ye rushang eyes lit up with glee, but she was still too weak. Ye rushang could only sigh in her heart, if she did not get the eternal frost and detoxify this poison, it would be bad.

The stronger the person becomes the higher the speed of the poison.

"Good job you have reached true realm stage, in under four hours that’s an outstanding record.."

Even a genius would need a day to make a breakthrough, but Ye Rushang did it in four hours and had broken through four realms.

Ye Rushang dusted the dust particles off her body and walked out of the nest.

"It's time we head back to Ye manor, my father will be terribly worried if I'm not back...."

They didn't ride on big black this time, to avoid unwanted disturbance, just then Ye Rushang stepped on something.




It sounded like bones being squished.

"What is this it looks like a human being, Come help me drag her out..."

Ye Rushang and big black dragged out a figure from the mud, it looked like it had been crushed and all the bodily parts had switched places.

"She's still her alive, but her meridian have been crippled. I need a meridian defying pill or also known as heavenly pill. I can refine it myself so that much time will not be wasted."

Ye rushang immediately began refining the pill, it's faster with natural fire. Natural fire are pure and clean. The best thing for refining pills.

Two hours later, Ye Rushang wiped the sweat off her forehead as she brought out one meridian defying pill.

"Here we go one meridian defying pill."

After giving the pill to the girl, Ye rushang waited for some few minutes before she woke up.

"who are you..."

Ye rushang looked at the funny looking girl, with dark green eyes and a small birth mark at the corner of her eyes.

The aura she was giving off wasn't that of a human.

"What are you, you are not a human and I'm guessing you must be a demon. A defected one at that...."

The demon looked at Ye rushang with bewilderment, even her previous master did not know she was a demon.

"It's true and my name is chunhua. You saved my life so i shall become your servant..master..."

Chunhua was a defective demon from the second earth, how she got here was what Ye Rushang wanted to know.

"How did you get here ."

Chunhua shook her head and said slowly.

"Master when I found out that I was a defect, I wanted to runaway but I was knocked unconscious. And when I woke up I was already here."

Ye rushang thought to herself, in her previous life the way to second earth, for very easy. All you had to do was breakthrough to heavenly venerate and the gateway to second earth will automatically open.

But in this life it seems like the gateway was already Locked and hidden, and even breaking through to heavenly venerate the gateway might not appear.

Maybe her grandfather would know more about it, he would be coming out of his ten years in-house cultivation soon.

"Alright from now you your name is Jia Li, and what I want from you is your loyalty nothing more. You're meridians we're crippled before, so you will have to cultivate from the beginning..."