
"What realm were you on, before you were cast out..."

Ye Rushang asked as she stood up ,it was getting darker and they had to hurry back to Ye residence.

"Heavenly emperor...master, It does saddens me that I have to start from the beginning again..."

Jia Li stated, it took her one hundred years to get to that realm, she was once a demon lord.

"I used to be a lord before, one of the 24 demon lords standing beside the demon emperor. But now I've been reduced.."

Ye rushang knew the feeling of being in power, before becoming nothing.

She placed a hand her on Jia Li's shoulder, and smiled.Her smile was so alluring that Jia Li's heart skipped a beat.

"Don't worry Li'er if you follow me, I promise you I'll get you back to your previous status and even higher..."

For the first time in her life, Jia Li felt true happiness, maybe if she followed this lady perhaps her life would take a different turn.

"Li'er will follow master till the end of time, and Li'er will never betray master, and Li'er shall cultivate day and night and protect master from harm."

Ye rushang chuckled and rubbed the little tiger, it's fur was soft and it soothed her nerves.

"Little white it seems we have a new friend joining our crew. Be good and don't offend Li'er or else..."

Little white shivered from Ye rushang menacing gaze. They left the forest, and went to Ye manor, when two guards rushed up to them as anger could be seen in their eyes.

"Eldest young miss, manor master is worried and has been looking for you all day. Please follow us back to the manor..."

Impatience and resentment could be heard as they sneered angrily.

"I shall come home when I feel like,tell father that I have matters that need to be attended."

The first guard scoffed since when did this weak and lazy girl, have matters to attend.

"Eldest young miss it's enough that you're weak, the manor master will be worried since you are too weak to protect yourself..."

Jia Li clenched her fist when she heard the mocking words of the guard, if she was still powerful she would have killed all those who belittled her master.

Ye rushang kept smiling and stroking the little white, not intending to move. A mere guard came to test her patience.

The second guard lost patience and reached out to grab Ye rushang.


The wrist the guard reached out fell to the ground.


The guard clutched his hand in pain, Ye rushang smiled and turned to the other guard.

"You still want to take me home, you're just a mere guard and I'm not sure you have the ability to so. I'm might not be powerful but I'm still the eldest young miss and you have disobeyed the rules..."

The guard fell to his knees, fear written all over his face, he regretted going against this woman .

"Eldest young miss forgive the lowly guard. It was not my intention to upset eldest young miss..."


Ye Rushang raised her sword again, cutting the guard's tongue out. Her lips twisting into a lowly cunning smile.


She did not have mercy on her enemies..


The guard rolled on the ground in pain, his tongue had been cut off.

The noice attracted onlookers, everyone heart were in their throats, when they saw how Ye rushang ruthlessly cut off the guards tongue.

"Those who talk shit don't deserve to be in my presence, but if want to talk you can go on..."

The guard looked at Ye rushang with malice and rushed up her, still thinking that Ye rushang was still the weak and powerless girl.


Ye Rushang raised the sword yet again, directly ending the guard's life.

Ye rushang stood calmly as the guard's head rolled on the floor,this time it was Jia Li who finished the job.

"how dare you attack my master. You are nothing but a lowly guard."

As she crushed the guard's head venting her pent up anger on him, Jia Li turned to the next one when Ye rushang grabbed her shoulder and spoke lightly.

"Enough Li'er I think they got the message, let's head back to the manor I miss my father.."

Jia Li nodded and cleaned her robe, walking past the crowd.They got to Ye manor rather late.

As Ye rushang ordered little white to take Jia Li to her courtyard while she left for her father.

Walking into the study,Ye rushang hugged her father.

"Father did you miss Ru'er, father I've made a breakthrough through to true warrior tier second realm.."

Ye xianchen gasps in shock, he looked at his Ye Rushang with disbelief.

"Ru'er you made a breakthrough in two hours, and jump from four realms. My daughter is a genius.."

The two incense sticks that had burned out signified that Ye xianchen had been looking for Ye Rushang for two hours whereas Ye Rushang had been gone for nearly four hours.

Ye rushang smiled and looked at her father lovingly, he was the best father any son or daughter could as for.

"Father you're very handsome, why didn't you get married again."

Ye xianchen smiled bitterly, ever since his wife left him he could never love anyone except his beloved daughter.

"I don't need anyone except you Ru'er.."

Ye rushang smiled after she had gone to Yuxun sect, she would not be able to see her father anymore.

"Father after I have gone to Yuxun sect, you must protect yourself. I will be back in two years and I will take you with me when I go back..."

Ye xianchen still looked perplexed but he still nodded in agreement, his daughter has been knowledgeable since she woken up. So he had some faith for her.

"Alright Ru'er, I will wait for you."

Ye rushang nodded as she gave her father a warm embrace, she was determined to set things right ,Starting by saving her father.

"Alright father, I will head out tomorrow wish me good luck."